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Let us come up with another strategy and save Bakaaraha

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Let us come up with another strategy and save the main market from being destroyed:


When enemy overtakes a country with a history of animosity and hatred, they not only target by killing the intellectual but also they will wipe out all important institutions that are key for the country’s development whether social, economical and political institutions to make sure that the country will be brought to its knees. The purpose is so simple to comprehend they don’t want that country to stand up on its feet once again or at least it takes long time to heal of the marks and wounds left over. The same thing is currently happening in Bakaro the main Somali Market whose expansion had been phenomena to the west despite their isolation of the Somali people from the international markets. By banning all Somali exports that brought in hard currency to the country i.e. livestock and Banana and others.


I really hate commenting on the confusion of the Somali politics however, one thing woke me up with a fright. Somalis had been suffering economic decline since the fall of the last regime almost 16 years ago, meanwhile we lost all infrastructures on which the potential growth and development may have rested on. They had been systematically eliminated after an enemy told the warlords to devastate them, living under extreme illusion of the intentions of the west, they did the havoc according to type and magnitude of the required destructions on all sort of damage they could inflict upon us. Now to make matter worse the country is under occupation believe it or not under the pretext of fight against terror.


In light of the initial stages of the war, the enemy targeted every body regardless of their nature, as reported those suffered the most were the civilian or in other words the none-combatants, so far none of the so-called human rights organization talked about it. Is not it the time to learn from our mistakes? Surely to my point of view, it is the most appropriate time to reflect our action the experience we gained from the hypocrisy of the international community and think about how we can make tangible achievement on the ground at the same time avoiding significant damage being inflicted upon our own people.


If the current problem in Bakaro continues nonstop for another twenty days to come, what will the situation may be like? Once this question is answered then the solution may seem close. This guides the intelligent to strategies in short run of this emergency situation to call of this crisis and find alternative ways to fight against the enemy. I am not suggesting the Somalis should give up but at least think about whether or not they would like to see the market turned into nothing but havoc the majority will say no we don’t want that to happen, then knowing the fact that a number of other heavily fought over aeries had been destroyed from the day the enemy captured Somalia and continues to destroy until they make us economically disable and remain dependant on them hundred year to come.



The struggle should be kept on many fronts, I don’t see the role of the educated perhaps they are mainly preoccupied with their personal activities. Please wake up and talk about by shedding light on the massacre and aggression against the Somali people that are currently being occupied.

Please think and save the thousands of people whose livelihood depend on what they produce out of the business activities in Bakaro. The other similar bleak picture is that if this market is destroyed other markets will take similar suit.


Finally may Allah save the Somalis from the ill-intention of the enemy


Abdirahman Ahmed Mudey


Interntional Islamic university


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