
Ustaad Axmed Naaji passes away

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On 9/5/2023 at 6:08 PM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Waa runtaa. Fanka needs nourishment from a strong central government oo mid walba meesha uu ka soo baxo ku dari jirtay hobollada Waaberi. And others created their own hobollo - Shareero, Durdur, Iftin.

You and your talent kaliya ayaa kaa xigo meesha and zero nepotism like we are unfortunately witnessing today, like xariiftii ordeysay a few weeks ago.

In short 15 years of the beginning of Kacaanka, we were privileged to witness the likes of Faadumo Qaasin Hilowle, Caasho Cabdoow Maleysa (from Baajuuni islands) and Luul Jeylaani of Xamar. Just for the Banaadiri females, not to forget the semi-Banaadiri singers and dancers like Sahra Dawo, Marisa Karboone and Feynuus Sh. Daahir (from Kismaayo). On the male side, we had the heavy hitters of Aweys Khamiis Mabuuse (Shabeellaha Dhexe) Axmed Naaji (from Baydhabo), Shariif Killer, Cabdalla Jeeri and Baastoow. Semi-Banaadiri singers of Sulfa and Shimaali ha iloowin.

And ha sii iloowin jilayaasha sida Iikar Jeesto, Awkoombe, Awkuuku, Shariif Jeeg, Odey Cabdulle, Siyatoom (Uncle Tom)...

That is just for Banaadiri genre. So in the last 33 years, Illyria ha noo sheego hal qof u dhigma dadkaas oo badalo oo dalka ka soo baxo, let alone two or three. Even if one counts qurbojoogta.

Thanks MMA, definitely culture should not be left to clan states, but sought to be promoted on an over arching national level without talents being limited by ‘state’, ‘clan’ borders. That’s what I take from this discussion. 

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Sorry guys, I just missed the early discussion between Carafaat and Illyria. Certainly, the localized out look o the people affects the imaginations of the people .Of course Walaalaha Hargeisa and other localized Somalis had risen to stardom through the nation, but the imaginations of the authors , artists and musicians were always national and Somali Weyn.

There won't C/laahi Qarshe without:

Dadkaa Dhawaaqayaa Dhilkooda Doonaya

Hadday u Dhiidhiyeen Allahayow U dhiib.

Or Qalabaa calankeedu waa cayne,

There won't even love  interesting songs without the vast land of the Somaliweyn like when Hadraawi was lamenting " Beerula in Beled Weyne"

Why we say " Wardheer Dal wanaagsanaydahaye"

Great arists always imagine beyond their village, that is why we hear, " Hobey Afrikkay Hurudooy Cadaw ku heerye Huruudoy"

If you are in Garoowe , Kismaayo or even Hargeisa what is your dream if you remove the dreams of your grandfathers, fathers or our own kids now who know no village but the big blue sky. 

The same goes with the great Banadiri composers and singers. Without that great Somalia, what would they say today? 

Allah Ha u Naxariisto ee Faadumo Qaasin would say, " Xeebtii Xamar Adaan Kaa soo xushee"


What would a Banaadiri say today about Xamar, or Garoowe.

Manage your local affaires, but drop the clan flag. Few weeks ago, I made speech aboyt the decline of the national aspirations. Both the 26 Juun and July 1 celebrations were minor compared to PUntland anniversary. Where in the world did you see people considering their local flags iconic. I don't how the city flag of my town looks like or even the provincial ones. No American would care about the Vermont or Network flag, certainly they would carry the star spangled iconic American flag.

Build your communities, dismantle the corrupt top heavy bureaucracies of the corrupt Somali governments, but the nations is the foundation not the regions. When I was coming to this country, I was coming to Canada, not Toronto or Alberta.



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In the middle of eighties as a young high school graduate, I visited Djibouti. Before I came one of distant maternal cousins asked me to bring some Somali songs and I remember taking with me the great song about " Webigii qaadayow Taan weheshanaaye" sang by Allah ha u naxariiste the blind singer Ahmedey Abubaker.

She was young and liked her, and after she listened she said , " Huuno goormaan arki doonaa webiga Shabeelle iyo Jubba". Don't forget either that in those days Radio Mugadishu was blaring in the airwaves of Djibouti.

Arts are about imaginations, creativity and the events around your town, nation and the wider world. When I finished school and they told me  I was going to Shabeelaha Hoose instead of my old town , I was delighted. 

What would you sing today. 

Naciima Abwaan Qorane is probably one of the few who has imaginations when she created "

Jigjigaay Gudahada mar inaan ku dalxiiso 

Buurahaa gunta dhheerla galabtaa ku dalxiiso.

Folks, me missed our nation.

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Back to Ustaad Ahmed Naaji Allah Ha u Naxariistee.

THese people supposed to die among their people , buried in national cemeteries and their life long history narrated by the public broadcasting. 

C/laahi Qarshe, Hassan Sheikh Muumin, Mohamed Saleebaan, Faadumo Qasin and Ustaad Naaji are all died in exile. What a shame.

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