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The story of Dhahir and Abdullahi

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Dhahir, a Somaliland mujahid, is sitting on the floor and eating a few dates. He’s finished another day fasting and is getting ready for a new raid on the enemy forces. He stops eating his dates and makes a silent prayer. He’s beseeching GOD for assistance in defeating the bandits trying to deprive him of his freedom! He remembers the words of the people of his village, remembers the atrocities committed by the wicked forces of the dictatorial regime of the former Somali republic. Remembers often hearing his father, uncles and various strangers talking about those dark days. He remembers his own oath; the one where he swore never to let such things happen to him or his people ever again.


Dhahir is illiterate, ignorant and kind-hearted. Dhahir believes in the sovereignty of Somaliland. He believes in its constitution even though he doesn’t know what it means. He’s an UDUB party supporter despite not knowing what their policies entail. Dhahir is a devout Muslim who fasts during Ramadan and prays everyday. Dhahir is a brave fighter and a principled young man. He’s proud of his tribal lineage, his people’s greatness and their absolute righteousness. Dhahir is an honours graduate from the University of “Waxa La Yidhiâ€.


Another graduate from the aforementioned university is Abdullahi. He’s the same age as Dhahir. He has the same qualities and beliefs as Dhahir (apart from the Somaliland bit of course). Abdullahi is also a devout Muslim, he’s also sitting down to break his fast. After eating a few of his dates, he also made a silent prayer asking for GOD’s assistance in defeating the renegade tribe. Abdullahi, like Dhahir, is planning to kill as many enemy fighters as possible. He knows he’s in the right (like Dhahir) and knows that those in the right always prevail.


Neither Dhahir nor Abdullahi are ever going to amount to anything in life. They’re unlikely to make it to the posts of president, president’s secretary or even cleaner. The most that either would hope for is a ticket out of Somalia into the lands of milk and honey. They both know that’s very unlikely. This is their chance to become heroes!


In just a few hours, both heroes might die. The conflict will stay as it is, the lands will still be disputed and the leaders of each side will exploit even more ignorant and kind-hearted kids like Dhahir and Abdullahi into giving up their lives for a barn piece of land!


I feel sorry for Dhahir. I feel sorry for Abdullahi. Things could have been different for both. They could have found a ticket out of Somalia. One might have made it to Oslo while the other might go to Brussels!


Instead of sitting under a dead tree in some arid land hundreds of miles away, they probably would have been on this site, posting photos of ignorant, illiterate, dead Somali “mujahids†and wishing they were right there with them.



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