
Muuse Biixi's fake election should be rejected by the opposition.

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Every one subscribes to snm principles of somaliland for they are the ones that brought the somaliland back from the Failled cancerous union with Somalia 

hence why three of the 5 president of somaliland were pure snm  and the snm produced two Vice President hassan iisa jama and abdirahman tolwa 

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6 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Every one subscribes to snm principles of somaliland for they are the ones that brought the somaliland back from the Failled cancerous union with Somalia 

hence why three of the 5 president of somaliland were pure snm  and the snm produced two Vice President hassan iisa jama and abdirahman tolwa 

SNM might have been responsible for the civil war that brought down the Somali State, while the state building in Somaliland is accredited to those Presidents and Vice-Presidents that were not part of the SNM. 

You can distort history, while many of those that have lived it are still alive and take credit for their achievements. 

On the other hand historians put the blame and responsibility for the civil war in Somaliland of the 90’s solely with those politicians from the SNM. And many even blame them for the current civil war for that same SNM figures, Mujahid Cali Guray among others. 



''Waar Hooya Belaayo Madax La Qabtay Leedahaye Mijo La Qabto Ma Leh''



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Nonsense  when i say the current Somaliland  is based on the principles of the SNM  the flag is a rotated SNM flag we used in the 1980s  the guurti is the same one we used duirng the SNM. the only thing ina cigaal added was  the constituton the passport and state building of wasaaradaha iyo hubka dhigista and we  respect ina cigaal for doing that . having said that ina cigaal was the president during the habr habar wars he him self is responsible if he used some SNM military men to fight his battle he him self is also respoinsible  for that if u ant see that  i dont know maybe ur blind.

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Xaaji, surely we are not debating history for it has been engraved in the memories of people and pages of documentation.

So I am wondering what is driving this new push for historical revision, what is your intention of equating Somaliland with SNM and propagating SNM principles as some sort of common and shared values?

And why start attempting to revive a clan based ideological that is divisive and exclusionary, three decades after the end of SNM in a time when the country and people are already strongly polarised along political clan lines by the same political clan ideology?

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Nonsense every nation has a history SNM is the history of Somaliland it is the national history of Somaliland. a country  has an identity and SNM is that identity. the same way SPLM is the history of South Sudan and formed the identity of South Sudan. or the EPLF formed the identity of what is today Eritrea. the same with the Rwandan Patriotic Front formed the identity of rwanda. , there is no historic reviosnism snm fought for the Somaliland people to be free

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