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The War In The North: To Divert Attention From Habashi Atrocities In The South

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Two weeks ago Caddee musse spent a week in Addisababa, and soon after he came back, a delegation of several Reer SL guurto went to Addiss and upon their return to Hargeysa, the so-called border conflict between these two enclaves erupted.....


Is that just a mere coencidence or is there more conspiritorial matter in the heart of all this..??? Has Meles the master anything to do with all this?? The carnage in Mogadishu, the massacre and what an EU Diplomat believes to b a genocide takes a back a seat all of suddne to what? and...Why???


The timing of all this nonesense could never have been more perfectly choreographed to suit the needs and wants of Adeer Meles...Flatten Hamar, Destroy the Lives of innocent babbies and their mothers and displace whole communities while these savages in the North do the dirty work of DIVERTION-WHILE-COMMITTIN-GENOCIDE for the Master...How sad!!!

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