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it is that time of the year again when the

so-called big boys of european football are doing their last dress rehearsal for the upcoming season.


the usual suspects are already busy reinforcing and outdoing each other when it comes to the transfer market and it is only Chelsea who seem to be able walking the walk as they have the biggest and the fattest bank balance.


Real Madrid made a great signing in Walter Samuel (Sorry Beste wangu Shuju-1)from AS ROMA as they desperately needed a genuine center half and even though i know one man doesn't make a team but still it will take a fool to bet against Samuel making a big difference in 'Galactico's defense.


Barcelona too made some great signings particularly in Deco from Porto and Guily from Monaco but they lost Davids and Kluivert whom were

very important part of Barca folklore particularly my man Davids as Kluivert was struggling with injury.


in Italy it is Inter who were the busiest (as usual)and they made some fantastic signings especially in Veron who i beleieve has a burning desire to prove a point and then there is Davids who will give Inter what they always seemed to lack which is a genuine ball winner in midfield.

but you can't write the old lady of Italian football off as they are always capable of few surprises of their own and then there is the defending champions AC Milan.


enough here is my list of the teams i believe will win their respective leagues.



between AC and Inter Milan.

Sorry Juve and again my beste's team AS ROMA.



Arsenal or Man Utd.

Sorry Liverpool and Chelsea.



Barca or Real Madrid.

Sorry Valencia.


let me know what you think of my choice.

Peace Out.

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