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I su soo bax maanta Lagu qabtay Fagaaraha Tarbuunka ee Muqdisho ayaa waxaa lagu burbriyay ilaa iyo 100 dhalo oo ay ku jireen Qamriga loo yaqaano DRY GIN oo sida la sheegay laga keenay dalka Itoobiya waa sida ay ku doodeen Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ee Muqdisho.


Guddoomiyaha Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ee Muqdisho Sheekh Shariif ayaa isagu waxaa uu ku doodayaa in Qamrigan laga keenay dalka Itoobiya, waxaa uuna sheegay in Dowladda Itoobiya Siyaasad ka leedahay keenista dalka Soomaaliya Qamriga.


Sii aqriso





Wixii xunka Xaawa (er Itoobiyaa) leh. :D And I don't really trust those so-called "wadaado," I fear waxee soo wadaan more than what the qabqabliyaasha are doing now. I don't even know waxee daadinayaan inay yihiin caano mise wan xitaa. Call it a public relations stunt. Never knew, though, that reer surwaalgaab mastered this art too.

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^^ I dont know about Ethiopia but I bet there are loads of Alcohol and narcotics in Somalia. I hear stories of home grown weed and localy produced alcohol from people hailing from various regions.


I agree with what they did but you know what, I would have supported them even more if they burned down some Qad. That would have sent a wonderful message, because thats the one drug thats killing our country..

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That is what I'm talking about. There are a lot of issues that needs more priorities than this lame publicity, even if they are trying their best.


Only the other week, unarmed family's kids were massacred in their own home by men who belonged the same branch as those surwaalgaab above. (I mean they were wadaado, 100 percent, but killing others for no tangible reason.) And of course, their superiors did nothing.


Horta first and foremost my beef stems from a clanized "Islamic" court. Then they mostly prey and bully only the weak, non-armed kids and others, while it is their "ilmo adeero" who isbaarada laga qaadi la yahay, and what are they doing? Nothing. Oh, yeah, waxee diidayaan in uu dagaal dhaco. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm buying.



PS, awguuriyo on your aroos. Xamar ma aadee, mise xaajiyada via Addis Ababa ayaa laga soo wadaa?

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clanized "Islamic" court.

These ******* hypocrits who are using the religion for their own ends. I have this funny feeling that they even work for the warlords.


Wadaad jana kama galo beeshiisa (or something to that effect)

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