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Bakaaraha Burning...!

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Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee dabka caawa ka kacay suuqa Bakaaraha


Caawa fiidkii ayaa mar qura waxaa uu dab ka kacay qeybo ka mid ah suuqa weyn ee Bakaaraha oo ah suuqa ugu weyn Geeska Afrika, iyadoo ilaa haatan aanan si rasmi ah loo ogeyn sababaha dhaliyey dabkaasi, waxeyna wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee ka imaanaya dabkaasi sheegayaa in uu dabka gebi ahaanba baabiíyey suuqii Bacadlaha.



Goobaha uu dabka saameeyey ayaa waxaa ka mid ah qeybta lagu iibiyo Rijniga, qeybta Bacadlaha dharka, & qeybta qudaarta, iyadoo aysan jirin cid xil iska saartay in ay demiso dabkaasi, waxeyna dadku suáalo badan iska weydiinayaan sababaha ay ciidamada dowladda federaalku ugu soo gurman waayeen in ay demiyaan dabkaasi, taasoo aad moodo in ay xoojineyso eedeymo ay dadka qaar ku eedeynayaan dowladda federaalka in ay ka danbeyso daWaxaan idiin balanqaadeynaa insha ALLAAH in aad idinla soo socodsiino hadbka halka uu marayo dabka caawa ka kacay suuqa Bakaaraha.



Xafiiska wararka ee , Muqdisho Soomaliya

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Warar kale oo ku soo kordhay dabka caawa ka kacay suuqa Bakaaraha

Dabkii caawo ka kacay suuqa Bakaaraha, oo markiisii hore ka soo bilowday halkii horay u aheyd Kawaankii suuqa oo ku beegan afaafka hore ee suuqa laga soo galo marka laga imaanaya dhinaca Isgoyska Bakaaraha, ayaa ku sii fiiday qeybaha Rinjiga, Bacadlaha, Khudaarta & Hilibka, wuxuuna dabku sii kulaalayaa qeybta Sarifka Dollarka oo ka mid ah goobaha ay yaalaan hantida ugu badan ee suuqaasi, mana jiraan ilaa haatan wax gurmad ah oo suuqaasi soo gaaray si loola tacaalo dabka sii fidiya, iyadoo ganacsatadu ay ka cabanayaan ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda oo ku sugan hareeraha suuqa isla markaana xabbado ku ridaya baabuurta gurmad ahaanta ugu soo socota suuqa

Ra’isul wasaaraha xukuumada federaalka Cali Max’ed Gedddi oo warbaahinta ka hadlay ayaa ka codsaday ciidamada dowladda in ay waddooyinka u furaan baabuurta dab-damiska ah si ay u helaan waddo ay ka galaan suuqa Bakaaraha, mana jiraan ilaa hadda hal baabuur oo dab damis ah oo soo gaaray suuqa, waxeyna wararku sheegayaan in suuqa ay ka soconayaan bililiqo xoogan oo ay wadaan kooxaha burcada ah, lamana kala garanayo qofka hantidiisa badbaadsanaya & burcadka bililiqo doonka ah.


Waxaan idiin balanqaadeynaa insha ALLAAH in aad idinla soo socodsiino hadbka halka uu marayo dabka caawa ka kacay suuqa Bakaaraha.

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Dab weyn oo ka holcaya suuqa Bakaaraha

Last Updated::2007-10-02 22:02:02


Wararka ka imanaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku warramaya in dab weyn oo abaarihii 7-dii fiidnimo ka kacay bartamaha suuqa Bakaaraha uu ilaa iminka ku sii fidiyo goobo hor leh

Holoca iyo qiiqa dabkan ayaa waxaa lagu soo warramayaa in laga arkayo degaano si weyn uga durugsan suuqa Bakaaraha


Lama oga ilaa iminka sababta dhalisay dabkan ,mana jiro ilaa iminka gurmad xoogleh oo ku aadan daminta dabkan ,mana aha markii u horeysay oo dab noocan oo kale ah uu ka qarxo suuqa Bakaaraha iyada oo isla markiba horay loogu guulaysan jiray in la damiyo dabkan


Waxaa wararku intaa ku darayaan in amaan darro la xiriirta wadooyinka soo gala suuqa Bakaaraha ay keentay In dad badan oo ka qayb qaadan lahaa daminta dabkan ay cabsi darted uga baaqsadeen daminta dabkan


C/hi Caaqil

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Muqdisho: Dab khasaaro xoogan dhaliyay oo caawa ka kacay Suuqa Bakaaraha welina ku sii fidaya

2. Oktober 2007


Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Dab xoogan oo dhaliyay khasaaro hantiyadeed oo la soo goobi Karin ayaa caawa maqribnimadii ka kacay qeybt Bacadlaha ee suuqa Bakaaraha oo ah suuqa ugu weyn ee Koonfurta dalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo dabkaasi uu ku sii fiday qeybta Galeyda, Rijinga iyo qeybta hilib Ariga.


Dabkaasi ayaa gebi ahaanba baabi’iyay qeybahaasi iyadoo aysan jirin gurmad xoogan oo halkaasi gaaray hadey ahaan laheyd dhinaca dowladda, maamulka Gobolka Banaadir iyo ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed.


Uurada iyo uu dhaliyay Dabkaasi ayaa la sheegayaa in ay Haweeney ay u geeriyootay waxaana la sheegayaa in qasaaraha uu geysanayo dabkaasi uu sii kordhayo, dadweynaha fara badan ayaa halkaasi isugu tagay kuwaasi oo doonaya iney ka ceynsadaan wixii haraa ah walow aan la geli karin gudaha suuqa oo dabka ku sii fidaya qeybo kale.


Ganacsatada suuqa Bakaaraha ayaa qeyla dhaan baaq ah u jeediyay dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, mana jiraan ilaa iyo hada gurmad deg deg ah oo looga hortegaya dabkaasi xoogan, marka laga reebo dadka hantidooda gubaneyso oo baaldiyo iyo caagag ku dhaaminaya biyaha iyo caro.


Warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya in dabkan uu markiisii hore ka bilowday rasaas caawa maqribkii ay isweydaarsanayeen ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa kacdoonka wada oo ku soo dhacday suuqa Bakaaraha balse cid xaqiijin karta ma jirto marka laga reebo saadaashaas iyo maleynta, mana ahan markii ugu horeysay ee uu dab ceynkan oo kale ah uu ka dhaco suuqaasi iyadoo ilaa afar jeer ay gaareyso inta uu suuqaasi gubto.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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According to my sources, the Bakaaraha Market was shelled by the Ethiopians before it caught fire. Furthermore, fire wasn't the only thing raging but also a battle. My source's information is, however, yet to be substantiated.


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Are there deaths? I think its the stores that are bruning, it started with the paint warehouse and its night time. Thus lets hope no one is injured and that the fire comes under control, insha Allah.

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Paragon...It was no secret that the TFG and it's Ethio backers wanted to level the Bakaaraha to the ground.The next objective to flatten our sections of Xamar "suspected" of aiding the insurgency.

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Still no word of casualty. I hope there are no casualties.


Che; I recall when C/qaybdiid shelled it once before. I heard the casualties were high then. Lets hope the same isn't repeated.

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This burning is merely in its literal sense. Bakaaraha Market's business was already burnt down by the Ethiopian's closure of it. And now if this particular fire(save previous fires) is the work of Ethiopian shelling, then it is no surprise that they've only finished what they started days before. It doesn't take a rocket sciencist to figure out that the Ethiopians really wanted to flatten the Bakaaraha, due to the resistance they have been facing from some its occupants.

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Its a simple, universal excuse to blame the TFG/AU forces for every incident that has anegetive implication. The fact that some claimed there was a fight and the fact that the so called rebels or rememnents of the defeat warlord/clan courts usually shell into populated areas in order to grab headlines, is ignored or played down.


The Bakara market and most of Mogadishu need an overhaul.

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16 minutes ago


MOGADISHU (AFP) - At least one person died and two civilians were injured when a fire broke out in the main market in Mogadishu Tuesday, sparked by fighting between Ethiopian forces and insurgents, witnesses said.



"The fire started when stray bullets from the former defence ministry area hit a paint store inside the market and the fire spread on the wide area in the market," said Mohamed Haji Ali, a storeowner at the market in Bakara.


"My store has been burnt down and nothing is left," he told AFP.


Several witnesses confirmed the fire started after fighting around the ministry area between Ethiopian troops, deployed to support Somalia's interim government, and insurgents hostile to the government.


Police chief Abdi Hassan Qeydid confirmed that the fire had spread across the market, and witnesses said at least one person was killed.


"I've seen one civilian dead and two others wounded by explosion in one of the stores," said Abdullahi Hassan.


Another witness, Osmail Mohamed, said a store of weapons exploded killing one civilian, wounded two others.


Bakara, in southern Mogadishu, is the main market in Somalia, and is on the same site as a weapons store that while now closed, is still stocked.


"We are very worried about the fire that broke out in the only market that Somali people use in general," Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi told national radio.


Government forces backed by Ethiopian troops and African Union peacekeepers have failed to stop the daily bloodshed that has plagued the seaside capital for months.


Somalia has lacked an effective government since dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991, touching off a deadly clan-based power struggle that has defied numerous efforts to restore stability.

Yahoo News



Well, there it is.

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^^^Well what stray bullets from defence ministry, a paint shop, an illegal gun store which one is it.


Thus stray bullets from who? And can it be on purpose if it was not aimed at the target?


No one knows who caused this fire, maybe its those who live on such incidents who benefit most.


The TFG has started to collect taxes and hence will loose revenue if the largets market is burned down.

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