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First-hand account of the Ethiopian atrocity machine

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Brothers/sisters this is a true story walaahi that i would like to share with yall, just one of many atrocities the ethiopians were commiting, are commiting now and will commit in the future so long as they stay in somalia.



It happend on an early Thursday morning in the beginning of 2007 if my memory serves me correct when the Ethiopians who invaded our capital came from Cali kamiin to Towfiiq which is in Yaqshid district for those who know their way around Mugadisho. It was there that i resided with my family, we awoke to heavy gunfire between the Muqaawama(or insugents as they say) who knew they were on that route passing by and the Amxaars who had many tanks and soldiers. It all happened on the intersection of Towfiiq which we were really close to it so we were in danger of shelling and bullets flying everywhere. The place was a chaos with extreme exchange of gunfire and the Amxaars were merciless shelling and bombing with their tanks everything that moved. We got out luckily all of us and went to the outskirts as did all my neighbors. As I was walking near the battle trying to get away from it all, the muqaawama all with cimaadads around their heads, some on their pickup truck mounted with an anti-aircraft and some walking with their AK-47 guns were heading opposite direction of me going to the intersection where the Amxaars were located with their many tanks and weaponry. I could see the determination and calmness in their eyes which was contrasted by the total chaos of the place. One shiekh was leading them reading from a little book which when i glanced at it definitely was a Du'a kitaab which has many supplications in it, they were saying after him some of those supplications maybe they knew they would meet their fate and never return alive. He looked at me and said "Noo soo duceey in ilaahay na garab siiyo" i said i will and kept walking looking back at them wondering what their fate would be.


Moments later i've witnessed something that up till this day I would never forget and would remain in my subconscious for sometime. A boy who i would guess to be around 16 or so who had his whole life to look forward to, was strapped with two bazookas on his back which he barely could carry and an AK-47 on one hand going to where the Amxaars were and hoping to inflict some harm to them. I observed him for a bit and also seeing how alot of older men were running for their lives, and seeing this young kid risking his life and this dunyaa for something he believed in. This gave me chills really and I becamed ashamed of myself.



During late in the evening when the fighting calmed down and the Ethiopians left that area i came to realize that one of my friends which i happened to get to know very well during my stay was brutally murdered by an ethiopian soldier in that morning. It happened like this: My friend was staying at some other guys house near the intersection and they seeked refuge in that home along with their father and siblings. Their childrens's father was well know in that area because he was a businessman and they lived in a good home with a nice car parked in their front. The Amxaars were doing a house to house search and one of them went into this particular home. The father was inside taking a nap and his children and my friend were also inside together when the soldier came in spoke to them in amxaar language pointing to his machine gun asking for any guns in the house. The kids all shaked their heads singling "NO GUN" and the soldier went into all the rooms looking for gun's where he came upon their dad. Again the soldier asked him to give him his gun/AK-47 and here the dad was faced with a crusial test knowing he would loose anyways. If he said yes he would kill him and if he said no he would still kill him knowing the nature of what was taking place outside. He said " NO GUN" and the soldier searched around his room and found the AK-47 under his bed. Without hesitation the ethiopian soldier got a hold of one of his kids and blatantly shot and killed him right there infront of his dad's eyes. He then shot my friend in the head also killing him, and Finally killed the Father.



I have met my friends mom once again in a small town outside Mugadisho briefly, she wasn't herself I remember her to be a lively outgoing person with joy in her eyes but she seemed busy with herself. I can understand her really, she only had two sons, one was 18 and became mentally ill, the other was my friend, a 17 year old who always talked about going to America and dreamed about having a better life, he was the only hope for her as he was running her business for her and being the Man of the House. Unfortunately his life was cut short, all i could say to her was:inaa lilaahi wa'ina ilayhi rajiun

Peerless heroism and savage brutality facing off in Somalia while the world turns a calculating blind eye.


Sabran Ahla Muqdisho, fa'inna mowcidakum al-Jannah, inshallah.

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Bump. Up you go. Stark reminder of the ugly reality we would deign to wish away.


Falaa naamat acyunal jubanaa.

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this no bump welfare eaters but reality today in wish the welfare eaters and cheerleaders are the ones to be shot at the back of the head everyday, instead of those innocent kids and ppl.

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^^ Trust and believe, akh, before this thing is over, there will be a reckoning.

The Amxaars were doing a house to house search and one of them went into this particular home. The father was inside taking a nap and his children and my friend were also inside together when the soldier came in spoke to them in amxaar language pointing to his machine gun asking for any guns in the house. The kids all shaked their heads singling "NO GUN" and the soldier went into all the rooms looking for gun's where he came upon their dad. Again the soldier asked him to give him his gun/AK-47 and here the dad was faced with a crusial test knowing he would loose anyways. If he said yes he would kill him and if he said no he would still kill him knowing the nature of what was taking place outside. He said " NO GUN" and the soldier searched around his room and found the AK-47 under his bed. Without hesitation the ethiopian soldier got a hold of one of his kids and blatantly shot and killed him right there infront of his dad's eyes. He then shot my friend in the head also killing him, and Finally killed the Father.

And they speak of 'peace and stability'. And they speak of dawladnimo. And they speak of qaranimo. And they speak of power-sharing. And they speak of unity.


"Qul hal tarrabsuuna binaa ixdal xusna'yayn, wa naxnu natarabusa bikum an yuseebakum'allahu bi cathaabin min cindihi ow bi aydeena, fa'tarabusoo inaa macakum mutarabisoon."


"Say: "Can you expect for us (any fate) other than one of two glorious things- (Martyrdom or victory)? But we can expect for you either that Allah will send his punishment from Himself, or by our hands. So wait (expectant); we too will wait with you"

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^ Nah, a reckoning for many people in many places, but in your specific case, a reckoning in Garowe. Ain't that swell smile.gif

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Tell ya what, I'll stay delusional, if you will promise that you'll remain a dhabo-dhilif to the bitter end, even when the Tigrays leave.


Shake on it.

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