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War is looming!!!!!!!!!!!!

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With the preparation for war by the USA and UK, i think war is now certain whith or without the UN's support!


I just hope these arabs finally get the picture that behind all the smiles, the yanks dont really give a damn about them. Knowing them they would probabaly produce more barrels a day to support the kafur's economy and avoid a sharp rise in oil prices!


What do u guys think?

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I just hope these arabs finally get the picture that behind all the smiles, the yanks dont really give a damn about them. Knowing them they would probabaly produce more barrels a day to support the kafur's economy and avoid a sharp rise in oil prices!

Yea, true...but how do you seriously think the Arabs can respond to this? Oppose America, and they would be next on the growing list of countries America has its eyes on. When Iraq falls, close to half a million Americans will be in the Mideast---and thats large enuff to scare the daylight out of anybody. I resent the Iranis are next. :-(

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