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The social cost of the Iraqi(and Somali) occupation

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Most of the semi-organized prostitution takes place on the outskirts of the capital, in nightclubs known as casinos — a local euphemism, because no gambling occurs

Inexpensive Iraqi prostitutes have helped to make Syria a popular destination for sex tourists from wealthier countries in the Middle East. In the club’s parking lot, nearly half of the cars had Saudi license plates

For more than three years after the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, Iraqi prostitution in Syria, like any prostitution, was a forbidden topic for Syria’s government. Like drug abuse, the sex trade tends to be referred to in the local news media as acts against public decency. But Dietrun Günther, an official at the United Nations refugee agency’s Damascus office, said the government was finally breaking its silence.



Say whatever you want about the NY Times, but they deliver. No chance in the world that an taboo topic like this could be discussed, let alone tackled, by an secular Arab government.


This is a travesty and the ugly reality of the social consequences of this war, courtesy of Adeeryaal Neocons. What the article doesn't highlight(or intentionally ignores) is the fact that organised gangs of Syrian and Iraqi men are exploiting the refugees and forcing them, one way or another, into working at these clubs. The reporting, which is mostly lurid sensational yellow journalism, makes it sound like as if all these Muslim women are volantarily selling their bodies due to desperation. That maybe the case for some, but not the majority of refugees who are being preyed on by organised criminals. The Ba'thist government ? Looks the other way, long as the masses are kept quiet, plied with sex and alcohol, it's all good.


Yes, it could happen in Somalia. Waxa-la-Yiri gazzete(anecdotal evidence) sheegs that Somali women have and are providing sexual services to the Xabashi enemy. Of course, the dhabo-dhilifs would put a spin on it: "It's not prostitution. It's free enterprise" or "So what ? We gotta keep our guests happy and tend to their needs." Having massacred 2,000 Somali civilians in Moga, doomed half a mil to refugee status, you think they wouldn't pimp their family members. Think again. B.astards would justify anything that would expedite their futile power-quest.


As Gheedi can attest to, there sure is an ongoing overdue reckoning.


Food for thought: Would such terrible exploitation of human misery be allowed to go unchecked and unpunished under an Islamist administration ? Lower your anti-ICU shield for a minute and blurt it out: No, not a snowball's chance in hell, too.

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Desperate times call for desperate measures. When someone cannot feed him or herself, they are forced into begging and/or prostitution and/or petty crime. Human dignity is the first to go in every situation of civil and economic collapse, and there are always vultures and lords of war to benefit.

Would such terrible exploitation of human misery be allowed to go unchecked and unpunished under an Islamist administration ? Lower your anti-ICU shield for a minute and blurt it out: No, not a snowball's chance in hell, too.

Forced prostitution and droves of civilians living under the guns of gangs would not go unchecked and unpunished in any civilized society. Civil laws protect the weak. The ICU, despite its deficiencies and some criminal elements, made a serious attempt to start building Mogadishu. To allow peace to reign and prosperity to surely follow. They brought hope when hope was lost for 16 years. If they were left alone without Ethiopia and America's filthy hands, Yeey and the other dirty, gap-toothed beast would not be decimating the people again.

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