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Her Story.

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Crying daily her frustration grew

till it hit a mountains Peek

temptation never expected

restricted for someone so unique

from the first moment I met her

she patronized of a life unorganized

hit with drug abuse and painful life

her addictions never recognized

never with her family or friends

they all abandoned her without a remark

she was always full of temptation

she just couldn't resist or embark

always frustrated and mad at the world

yet she was possessed with a disease

people would gossip behind her back

saying she got Aids just to be a tease

but nobody really knew if or maybe cared

it was the truth so many asked questions

under the impression of depression

they forced her to unleash her aggressions

always coming to places angry or hungry

people would doubt if she'd last the night

then she'd go home to an empty house

cry because of people not asking about her

the sadness was no one really knew her

her feelings weren't her motivations any longer

frustration wasn't the expectation

but everybody could see she needed a vacation

the only thing that's left for her to do

was wish for a better life

with less tears and pain and even with less hate

she deserved a much smoother life and fate

in her lonely life love just doesn't relate

crying daily her frustration grew

till it hit a mountains peek

temptation never expected

restricted for someone so unique.



Peace,Love & Unity.

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So many secrets she keeps

too much stories hidden deep

it could make anybody weep

heavy and shaken is her heart

finding it difficult to breathe

she's in one piece but falling apart

wondering will she ever be complete?

my dear brother come quietly with me

give me one or two moments please

help me and pray for the pain to ease

she is calling out my name in her pleas

she's longing for warmth

she feels uneasy underneath

shaking hands and reach for

some sort of vision and belief

is it so wrong to assume that she is not in need?

where does she keep herself?

but no one seems to know

listen to the whispers that these secrets compose

keeping at a distance,she likes to observe

from one thought to the other, how many concur?

was she ever real to the eyes that adored her?

how does she feel when compared to another?

can you understand what she saying?

will you dare argue her truth?

leave her alone for she does not need you.



Peace,Love & Unity.

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Her Story


Words so unexplainable,

Pain so deep,

Cries underneath,

Secrets she can't keep,

Carefree, care deep,

Careful about who she want to be with,

Inlove, confused, complicated, and mind so abused,

But she refused, to be used, by man that didn't understand a bit--

She was feeling,

Oh no listen,

'cause the rhythm of this goes --like,




Scared to express her feelings,

So stressed, her soul pressed, feeling less,

--as a woman,

Full of hate, wanting to wait -- to observe what direction to take,

Thinking love is a mistake -saying 'it's a fiction'

Seeking for a clear vision,

For what she has been wishin' -- in this world of confusion,

Now all she does is write- with her blue pen on the side- telling her-story--


Her story.

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The wallpaper is torn away like the feelings in her heart

the life she cradles in her arms was fading from the start

the womb contaminated by a poison in the worst way

if the guardian is helpless then of course the curse strays

she opens her legs up for twenty minutes then the men speak

they call her a sl@t and laugh this is how she makes ends meet

the rent money is now available but the bast@rd grabbed it and fled

she chokes on her tears not because of pride because the habits not fed

the life she lives maybe mean, but as soon as the baby screams

she still doesn’t seem to respond to reality this isn’t a crazy dream

beat downs and broken hearts is the world she was given

all she sees is a breathing burden when the girls in her vision

old associates say 'its so sad' words under their breaths the rest say

she exits her duties & gets her JOY from a neighbour she'll pay the next day

she returns home puts the food on top and puts the blade on her flesh

her moods are so savage six months ago she put a knife into her womb

her eyes closed then jabs the blade into the vain

now contemplate if she’s really free from all the pain

she lays back with no sound as her blood stream

her mind reads i don’t love this life but it just seems to love me

a gush of wind from the open door wakes her from her short coma

she looks around the room with a sharp view her thoughts over

she only held one thing sacred, to live and she wasn’t able

in a sorry pose her body froze the baby was missing from the cradle.



Peace,Love & Unity.

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I see the sunshine over the drive

the valley of gods. a plea for a hand

to lift the estate over the cliffside to survive

there's a dream of worthy to rise

so many dead faces,too much chest pride on the inside

she tells me that she living fine but where's her smile?

her pain is so distinctive even though she's in denial

her posture so rigid she's scared to be free

she mourns about what she used to be in her days of ecstasy

she tells herself she doesn't know who she is

she feels different and vulnerable outside

unlike the strength she sees in her mirror

now where's the freedom when she lives on regrets?

and she struggles to lift her child to feed on her breast?

with that heavy cough deep in her chest

she still wears her mom's necklace that she gave her as a gift

she forgets at times that she used to

wait for her to put her in bed and into sleep

not so long ago she was a child in this world

but her tired body would forbid to acknowledge

surrounded by her fake friends that deceive her

kept their arms clean and poisonous out of her blood

though the estate grew like poppy fields thriving with chemical love

she denies and refuses to accept the truth I am preaching

thinking she's too strong to accept fate's teaching

some day she will realize her life was made out of cheating.



Peace,Love & Unity.

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