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Arabic Poem

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( هاشم الرÙاعي )


( وصية لاجئ )



أنا يا بني غدا سو٠يطويني الغسق

لم يبق من ظل الحياة سوى رمق

قد أشرق المصباح يوما و احترق

جÙت به اماله حتى اختنق


Ùإذا Ù†Ùضت غبار قبري عن يدك

و مضيت تلتمس الطريق إلى غدك

Ùاذكر وصية والد تحت التراب

سلبوه امال الكهولة و الشباب


كان لنا دار و كان لنا وطن

Ùˆ بذلت ÙÙŠ انقاذه اغلى ثمن

بيدي دÙنت أخيك Ùيه بلا ÙƒÙÙ†


ان كنت يوما قد سكبت الادمعا

Ùلانني حملت Ùقدانهما معا

جرحان ÙÙŠ جنبي ثكل Ùˆ اغتراب

ولد اضيع و بلدة رهن العذاب


سيحدثونك يا بني عن السلام

إياك أن تصغي إلى هذا الكلام

كالطÙÙ„ يخدع بالمنا حتى ينام

لاسلم و لا يجلو عن الوجه الرغام

صدقتهم يوما Ùاوتني الخيام

و غدا طعامي من نوال المحسنين

يلقى الي إلى الجياع الاجئين

Ùسلامهم مكر Ùˆ أمنهم سراب

نشرو الدمار على بلادك و الخراب

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What do you want BOB to say Sxb when you post a "Poem" that he can't even read let alone understand because you know he doesn't write and read Arabic but still you give me no choice but to Sacabka for you :confused: but I trust that you are not taunting me in your peom for if you did then you have broken our Dhagax Dheere Peace Treaty. :( .


Peace, Love & Unity.

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Bob, I have no idea what you’re on about, saaxib!


This is a poem by a Palestinian poet. The title of it is “The Will of a Refugeeâ€. In it, the poet is giving his son a declaration and advice before death. He says (and I’m only translating it quickly to ease your paranoia):


Tomorrow, my son, the twilight will engulf me; nothing remains of life but a drop

The lamp once shone and burned; its wishes and hopes dried out until it suffocated


So, when you clean up the dirt of my grave from your hands; and go feeling your way to your tomorrows


Remember the will (advice) of a father under the sand

One that was dispossessed of the dreams of old age and youth!


We used to have a dwelling and we used to have a home

And I paid for its salvage the greatest of sacrifices

With these hands of mine I buried your brother in it without a “kafan“!



If I cried once then it’s only because I had to bear the loss of both

Two wounds in my side, a dead son and exile!

A wasted boy and a subjugated motherland!


They’ll try to negotiate with you about peace

NEVER listen to their words

Like a child being tricked with promises until he sleeps; NO peace and the shame will not leave your face!


I believed them once and the tents became my home! And the source of my food was the charity of the generous! Oh! How it was thrown down to my fellow hungry refugees and me!

Remember my son that their peace is trickery and their promised safety is an illusion; remember how they spread demolition and destruction in your homeland.




Jilaato, there are others that can read Arabic on this site, dear. Still, that above translation (though it was done in haste and does the poem no justice) should give you and everyone else an idea about the poem.




This poem was written in the 1950s and its quite remarkable how farsighted and aware of his enemies this poet was. His name was Hashim Al Rifaaci (for anyone who might be interested).


Eid Mubarak again. :D

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We used to have a dwelling and we used to have a home

And I paid for its salvage the greatest of sacrifices

With these hands of mine I buried your brother in it without a “kafan“!


If I cried once then it’s only because I had to bear the loss of both

Two wounds in my side, a dead son and exile!

A wasted boy and a subjugated motherland!


Thanks for posting the poem, it was enjoyable read.

It is sad to see a parent refer to their child as wasted yet more sad for a parent to acknowledge their child is wasted [in terms of Islam].

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Bob, I have no idea what you’re on about, saaxib!

I am on Welfare and something else called Binji, what about you Saaxiib? :D:D:D .


now that I read the English version of the poem even though I am not a brat Brit. and understood the moral of the poem I didn't like it but "LOVED IT" and I would like to thank you for sharing it with us by giving you a bag full of Binji so you can have fun with it.


Peace, Love & Unity.

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NGONGE keep the good job, sxb.

Following is one of the classic Arabic poems. It’s the famous قصيدة of al-Farazdaq which he excessively praised Hussien ibn Ali. It was said that this poem is unmatched in its literary beauty and elegance in the commendation-- مدح – category of Arabic literature.

So this is for you and those who enjoy the أدب العربي.



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