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I'm Sick

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SalAaAam Alyko0om

many years gone n we r still under the same roof(civil war),,

check dis out


Im sick im sick

Im so sick of my people getting gunned down like targets

Every day a mother cries tears of sadness for her child

The one behind the gun is not the enemy,

it is the brother

the Brother living in this country, tha country that holds us down

Ever since the beginning , we are seen as animals even till this day

No matter how many people say that racism is gone,

its not!

we see , breath and feel it every day

In our minds we are taught to hate ourselves, by these, cruel, and heartless beings

No! we are not the animals they claim we are,

we are humans , humans , humans,

On that thought if were human why do we kill our brothers and sisters?

Part of us , they are,

and once again we are taught to hate each other and ourselves I an indirect way,

U say, “Do u see the chains? The chains still are on our wrists!â€

I say, “No, no slavery and racism is over! There are no chains!â€

U say, “Yes, yes, there are, u just cant see them, their so tight can u not feel them!â€

I say “No, no ur crazy!â€

U say “Am I the crazy one? Don’t u forget they still own us! Look at what they make us do, Don’t u see me killing my own!â€

Ohh, I forgot! Im their enemy!

Is being BLACK a curse? Aids, murder, drugs, rape, and homelessness plaque the streets or America.

Will we forever be outcasted! Will we forever not be understood, and confused on what we’re about

Im sick im sick

Im so sick of my people getting gunned down like targets

Every day a mother cries tears of sadness for her child

The one behind the gun is not the enemy,

it is the brother

the Brother living in this country, tha country that holds us down

Ever since the beginning , we are seen as animals even till this day

Im sooo sick!



MYPEOPLE!!! :confused: :confused: :confused:




صدق الله العظيم

"ان الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيرو ما بانÙسهم"

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