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A Gift of A Journey:

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A Gift of a Journey:


Just the other day, as i was on my way,

It was your windows that glared into mine,

as i gazed into your soul for the first time

To possess such beauty of mankind,

surely means your one of a kind

I wish i could crawl behind your eyes n swim in your sea thoughts,

till i reach the shores of a mind still undiscovered

If only i can find the compass to start this journey and settle on the edge of your heart, that is yearning to be unconvered

With your captivating eyes, you take hold of my being

I rise each morning hoping to see you once more

As the hands of time tick-n-tock, i wait feigning

2 see that strong black rose, id give anything 4

If only you could crawl behind my eyes

You'd see a world with only you n me

As surely as there is death n taxes, my gift to you will be,

a thought of you n me---as we!

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