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You came,saw and conquered

some would say otherwise

but i would say you dominated and ruled

and you took boxing into another level

you reduced too many grown men

into hysterical and sobbing babies

you made too many fathers,husbands

and boyfriends wish they were never born

you have shown us that you don't

neccessarily have to be born

with silver spoon or be a politician

or Harvard and Oxford graduate

to be a powerful individual

all you needed to be was Mike "Iron" Tyson

I took boxing to the heart because

the only time i have ever felt free

and invincible is when i am in that ring

just like you always said Champ

you ruled the world with your iron fists

your fists of fury which many men

all around the world came to fear from

you deserved better than James Dauglas's

fluke of the century bout and

Evander Holyfield's cowardice tactics

Lennox Lewis's halloween party gone wrong

and definitely you deserved better than

William's "Oh No" horror flick.


They say what is in the beginning

will also be in the end...Oooohhh

how i wish you met all these pretenders

in the beginning rather in the end

Last night,i am afraid i witnessed

what i have always wished never to see

which is the day i will finally stop

watching boxing because for me and

everybody that i know are Mike "Iron" Tyson'

fans more than boxing fans..but again

howmany people would disagree with me?


I wish i could pay off your $38 million debt

even when i know you blew your $400 million

with Coke,Booze,Cars,Bling Bling and Honeyz

but isn't that what any red blooded male

a hetro male that is would do with easy money?

I for one certainly would.....

maybe minus the Coke and the Booze

but who ever thought a kid from Brooklyn

would be this much larger than life character?

so put the Coke and the Booze on my tap

after all i am from Garissa and

you can say it's Kenya's own Brooklyn.


I wish i was there the night Miss Washington

accused you of rape so that i could testify

that the undisputed heavy weight champion

of the whole bloody world is no rapist,

Champ,i wish somany things right now

but above all i wish you became a devout Muslim

and learned more about Islam as i am sure

it would have saved you from all the

heartbreaks and misery that you went through

but above all it would have prevented

all the people that wrote poems,books

headlines,movie scripts about you yesterday

from laughing and making fun of you today

like you are a desperate Clown in a Circus show

MIKE "IRON" TYSON...I Salute you and

nomatter what you will always be

my one and only CHAMP.


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