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Love is when you slowly realize that your world practically revolves around this person and you decide you like it that way,


Love is when you go to sleep every night and wake up every morning Wishing they were by your side,


Love is when you look into their beautiful eyes and admire how beautiful their eyes are and see nothing but the true love they have for you.


Love is when they could give you a piece of paper for your birthday and it would be the best gift you've ever received.


Love is remembering every little thing they ever said or did for you and they know everything you said and did for them.


Love is time stopping when they have you safely in their arms and then your heart stopping when they whisper how beautiful they think you are.


Love is knowing that they are the most perfect thing on the planet and wondering why they would ever choose you.


Love is thinking from the way they snore to the way they smile is cute and seriously beleiving that.


Love is when you've been going out for one year and two months of the most glorious days and months of your life and already knowing your future childrens names.


Love is realizing every day that you love them more than yesterday and hoping that they love you more tomorrow than they did today.


Love is still trying to do things that impress them even though they've told you a million times they love you just the way you are.


Love is thinking about being with this one person for the rest of your life and completely looking forward to it.


Love is knowing that no matter what happens to you or how hard life gets that the world stops and all is good in their arms.


Love is being grateful to Allah everyday of your life for blessing you with some one so special.


Love is exactly the one i have for you and always will as you are simply my Angel,the one i admire and adore.


Love is officially making you my sweet and loving wife and staying with you for the rest of my days.


I Love You My Sweet Angel. ;)

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