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Returning To Your Psyche's Mental

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Watch me as I return to your psyche’s mental

Flame retardant as the wings of a moth singed

only by our love’s heat; yet remaining calmly

in flight—balanced upon your exhaled breath


Enraptured with your nature and moved by

your true spirit, I am ripped to shreds by the

never ending strength of your love; the jagged

edges reveal columns of volumes of your light


Shield your eyes not from this the radiance that

shines passionately bright and displays your soul

Open up your mind and see what I have in store

I'll embrace your essence as it kisses my own in secret


Hold me near but keep me closest to your heart

Meditate on where you desire to be within me

Fulfill your need to tantalize my want so you can see

Know that it is the kindred soul I own that you crave


Feel me inside you although I remain at a distance

Touch me in many ways to display what we share

Take who I am and absorb me as I take in more of you

Mix my neural predilections with your subliminal self


Come join me as we venture into our virtuoso memories

Recollect sensual visuals of my epic and romantic mentals

Reciprocate a soft stroking of my mind with poetical accord

Do me as I do you with byronic pleasure as only we desire


My long awaited return to your psyche’s mental has arrived….

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