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International Society of Poets+CONFUSION!!!

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Salam :confused:


Hey guys i am facing a delima.Few months ago i posted a poem in the website, just out of bordem and a "what the heck" mood thing.


But since then they have been sending me letters asking me if i would let them include by poem in a coffee book edition, then in some other book, then in a tape. At all these times they have asked me to pay for these things if i wanted to have them.So my natural sense said to ignore them


Which led to beleive they were phony and only after money.


BUT now, they send me this invitation for a convention where i am suppose to be one of 35 poets chosen to win a grand price of 20,000 dollors :eek: , Naturally iam not going its in DC and i am in Toronto :rolleyes: , My point is did any of u poets here come across these people and do u think they are serious.Or are they compelety some whatevers.


Peace and Love ;)

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lool Jawaahir


I sent 7 poems under another name and they sent me 14 letters telling me that i am such a poet and that they wonna publish me. Include my poems in a CD called Sound of Poetry. Lol it is funny isn't it? i did ignored them too..maybe you should reply to them...through letter with your poem on it.


Invation to world poets they sent me that too..they are bluffing


I don't know walaahi but they may include your poem to one of those coffee table books made from the finest of paper


worth a try though

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Thanks a million Jamal, i will take ur word for it. I am certainly going to continue to bluff them. I mean the biggest sign is that they want me to pay $75 for an invitation they sent me !?!.


Peace :D

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