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Writing a cover letter?

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nice1 marx.


ps. gaax nug? you come up with the strangest names. watz the meaning behind that?



@hunguri, I was joking abti. you think amo get married in a swine flu crisis. he he.

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Keep it short! If you write it as long as Mr. Marx has over there, you'll bore the employer to death and thus won't be hired. Just summarize the CV & include what makes you special. Keep it short.


The following is the last paragraph (3 in total) of my own cover letter:


"Attached please find a copy of my resume. I will call the HR department in a few days to see if I may set up an appointment to meet with someone from the --- department. Thank you very much for your consideration."


I think it's always better to do the follow-up yourself than to wait busy people to contact you. Hope this helps.

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The first mistake people make when writing cover letters is having one cover letter for all the jobs they apply! That is a big no no...Cover letters should be job specific, specially with all these high-tech gadgets employers use to select the best suited candidates for the job...If cover letters/resumes come to a computerized pool, it might be set in such a way that it only picks candidates whose cover letters/resumes contain certain words...


It is best to use words/phrases from the job advertisement on your cover letter...Using those same words/phrases emphasize on how your skills/qualification s/experiences/educat ional background match or meet those criteria...Your cover letter should be to short (not too short) and to the point...It should compliment your resume as well...


Proofread, proofread, proofread...Then have someone else proofread it...

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