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It occurs to me how much all of us want a certain something or someone at times. We commit to all costs concerned just fir plain materialism or satisfaction.


I grew up never knowing what it was like having a father and a mother under one roof. but today I'm man, college student, and most of all a friend and respected athlete and the best part is I brought myself to point.

In this life, we do all we can to impress and we do all we can to be remembered by a certain action. It is often said that for 100 good things we do and one bad thing we commit, we are remembered for that one bad thing. The mentality of man was such that one could not have everything. Sometimes no matter how hard you wish to try, you are just unable to please everyone.


And in this life, we try our best to be the best people while some of us choose to be the people that will do or become anyting as long as it is to their advantage. All our life, we try to create a legacy or even a memory to be remembered, to make or please people. Yet in this life, with birth, we forget there eventually comes death. A famous lawyer in his time, Albert Pike once said, "What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."


We may choose to be selfish in life to create a legacy for the next generation or we can be an example and do things for others. People remember death as not how one died but as how one lived.


In this life, we try too hard to hold on to things that are meant to slip past. We all have different rationales for our existence and we live throughout these very principles. whether or not that should be corrected by influence or not remains ambiguous. But life as it is isnt meant to be for yourself but for something else and that itself is an enigma. I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.


Simplistically, we do not need to know the reason for life or how it is played. We treasure the people we have and we try our best to make everyone happy. Its not the right to life but a way of life.


Anyone can make an influence, it is not the length of life, but the depth of life.



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Thats deep cuzz.


I grew up never knowing what it was like having a father and a mother under one roof. but today I'm man, college student, and most of all a friend and respected athlete and the best part is I brought myself to point.

Congrats and i feel for you farah icon_razz.gif

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