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Deeq A.

Burundian soldier killed in Somalia attack – Al Shabaab

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Deeq A.   

MOGADISHU, Somalia – At least one African Union soldier was killed and two others wounded in an ambush attack on army camp near Mahaday town, some 120 km north of the capital Mogadishu.

The attack took place in Mirtuugo area, triggering fierce fighting between al Shabaab and African Union soldiers, a witness, who asked to be anonymous, said.

He says heavy weaponry could be heard.

Somali armed group al Shabaab says it has killed an African Union soldier from Burundi and wounded two others in the attack through its website.

Shabelle Media could not independently verify the casualty claims.

The African Union mission was unavailable to reach on the phone for comments on the latest attack and claims made by al Shabaab.

al Shabaab, an al Qaeda linked group has been battling African Union troops and the Mogadishu-based-government for more than ten year.

The insurgent group has lost major towns to Somali army and African Union troops, but it still holds large swaths in south of the country.

Earlier this month, the militant group launched a mortar attack on Halane camp housing African Union and UN offices and other foreign diplomatic missions in the capital, Mogadishu.

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