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The Glass Ceiling phenomena: Social Mobility amongst Somalis

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We live in a supposedly meritocratic society, where opportunities are abundant and people can easily move up the career ladder. Why then do Somalis particularly in the west have problems climbing up the employment ladder and as result often find that their colleagues have better chances of moving up the social ladder more quickly.


Would be interesting to know if any of you have ever been pass off for a promotion, despite your lengthy work experience and qualifications for someone else with less qualifications but more connected to the ‘boss’ or any other glass ceiling obstacle.


Does the glass ceiling phenomena actually exist?


Do you find it an obstacle moving up the career ladder because your black or for any other reason?


Your views are most welcomed please.



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There will always be people who feel more comfortable with their own kind, regardless of this shouldn't/couldn't/w ouldn't be. You just have to work harder than others and not use it as excuse of not progressing.


I personally have not experienced what you say but I have sat in on an interview where a black woman lost the chance for a job she was qualified to do because she was too quiet and a bubbly white woman got it instead,because she 'fit well' with our team.

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I was listening on bbc radio this morning and were talking about social mobility in the UK. And how it's getting harder for children of lower income families to get professional jobs.


Regardless how opportunity may be abundant in the west, it's still harder for someone of color or minority to simply climb up that ladder. Having said that, I think Somalis in the States are much better off than their counter parts in Europe or the UK.

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somalis arent black so we get hated on from both sides... black people wanna say that we're too prissy and think we're better and white people want to treat us like abidoon and nobody likes muslims anyway cuz if you wear the hijab or you take time to pray then you must be a terrorist wishing for the world to crash down! :(

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