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But i taught it was all in the title that he wanted to defend him, afterall. And slinging the mud-by brining up the issue-would have been 'kii i caayay, kii ii soo sheegay baa iiga daran, i guess. if that was his intention, he did fine in keeping the 'scandalous accusation' buried.

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Lemme add my 2 cents.If Sangub killed Mohammed Mooge or even had a hand in his killing maanta aduun muu joogeen.I hope that settles that issue.As far as I know Mohammed Mooge waxaa diley reerka Sangub ka dhashey and it was beacause maarkas colaad labada reer kuwaas oo kala ah reerka Mohamed Mooge iyo kuwa reer Sangub oo badiye iyo Itobiya dhexdeed isku heystey and Mohammed Mooge death was really more like him being at the wrong place at the wrong time.Ninkii diley ayaa laga hayaa I had no clue it was Ina Mooge(AUN)Reerka uu ka dhashey if I am not mistaken dagaalkii ka dhashey meesha markaas waxa la yidhi dad farabadan ayaa u dhintey including ninkii baasuukaha ku qarxiyey gaariga Mohamed Mooge.Sangub hargeysa ayuu joogey markaas and anyone ku eedeyey dilka Mohammed Mooge had ample time and resources to snuff the old man out if even it was rumoured he had a hand in that killing.Its only today and with your post that I am even hearing this.


But the killing Sangub lagu heysto is the one of Ina Gacayte.Ahmed Gacayte qof kasta oo fanka Somalida xiiseeya knows that Ahmed Gacayte was laxamiiste par excellence.Half the somali songs you listen to and enjoy today ayuu laxanka saarey Ahmed Gacayte.Riwaayadaha Sangub sida Xooriyo iyo maadeyska aduunkeyadu dadku wey matalayaan iyo qaar kale oo badan Ahmed Gacayte ayaa laxankooda iska lahaa.Unfortunately he was killed in Hargeysa in 1988 when the SNM and ******* forces were slugging it out in Hargeysa.It is said Ahmed Gacayte oo dooxa Hargeysa marayaa ayaa Sangub ku soo baxey isagoo la socda cidaan qaxootigii ********ka wata.That is the killing lagu heysto Sangub.He denies any links but one thing is for certain.Sangub Hargeysa sidey u soo dhaweysey ugu muu hilin.Right after the SNM attacked Hargeysa Sangub isagoo dharka ciidanka labisan ak47 wata ayuu heesahii loo qaadi jirey dawladda Ethiopia of which his own very people ka soo baxsadeen ayuu dad Soomali oo gurigoodi madfac iyo Somali airforce garaceyso ayuu u qaadi jirey.He mobilised maskiinti qaxootiga ahaa ee Waqooyi lagu soo dhaweyeey after the 1977 war to fight against the same very people who welcomed them into their land and homes.


Sangub if we go a little into his background before Hargeysa wuxuu ahaa nin geeljire ah marku hargeysa yimidna wuxuu fanka Somaliyeed ku soo biirey isagoo folk dancer ah weliba ku xeeldheer ciyaarta daantada.He wasnt a playwright nor a poet but the poets and playwrights of that time ayuu ka faideystey and learned the trade and skills to become what he is today.Meesha wax kaa dhigta caasi laguma noqdo.Maantana meesha u tagaan yahay waxey tahay in uu kolba meel u ordo haddi uuna hargeysa godob ka geli laheyn I have no doubt in my mind in uu isagu iskii u tagi lahaa laakinse nin weyn wuxuu faley wuu garanayaa.Inaanta yar ee lagu heysto maanta Minnesota waa inan uu adeer u yahay maaha cid kale and that has nuthing to do with what he has done in the past but its a refelection of how many wrongs he might have done that are finally catching upto him......

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hey... this was drive-bye on camel shooting!! word is that the camel was doing 20 miles an hr.


somali and wajibirnimo ma kala hadaan! some how u can see the bottom line here... oh, we killed him but hey... its was a revenge!!


unless some one is an enemy who is attaching yah... then u cant kill them! only god can give and take a human life... not u or your clan leader!

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Mohamed Moge Singub ayaa dilay meesha kuma qorna! waa is barbardhig kale.

I don't know about his role on Axmed Gacayte( whom i love very much). It is my first day i heard this.

The rest of your story makes perfect sense!

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