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Assallamu allaikum everyone.


This is an open letter to all people who are sincerely concerned with the well being of our future. It's truely hard to say that I am so saddened by all the hate and the happiness of our own people towards our misfortunes. Lets all take a pledge today of being WE. Meaning we have to be proud of who we are and where we are from. We have to educate our peers of consiquences of our actions. To be in a different country does not mean to change to who they are. Instead we can cut on the vices that brought us here. And Improve our virtues that we tend to keep as valuable. The strongness of our community lies on the shoulders of the young generation. Lets all unite and pay attention to the need of the young people. How can I sleep when a child needs an Interpretter to talk to her mom? How can I live in this world when I see a parent telling the other to lie that she is single when applying for welfare? Where is this society's focus on when we tend to divorce due to petty stuff that could have been solved through simultaneous dialogue? How could you feel proud when your son/daughter does not know the history, teaching and the laws of the religion? When was the last time you spent your time with your child(as a friend) and vice versa? How do you reward and understand your child vision and dreams? Where is the sense of fulfilment when your child is 18 yrs and hasnt put his/her head down and prayed? How is your child equiped against misfortunes when you havent taughted them to raise their hands and pray? We all are sinners, but how many recognise the sin and pray for forgiveness? The change starts within self and this is where the real journey begins. The pureness of the soul and body is worth fighting for. I urge you all to take the pledge of seriousness, of love and understanding: And vehemently of seeking knowledge.If you see your drunk brother/sister, please kindly HELP them to stop. If you know of your Marijuana/cigaratte smoking brother/sister please kindly HELP them to quit. Help your drug addicted brother/sister to the rehab. Be mindful and exercise the freedom of our mind by stopping 'Jaat' eating. Its beyong doubt that it does more harm than good. Plus has the maximum rating of breaking up families a proof that has a generation of dispute. This fight must be won by our hands my people. The knowledgable person is worth listening than an Intoxicated person always. Each and everyone one of us has a responsibility as our civility is in grave danger. Sense of responsibility should be divided equally among society. No double standard decisions among wrong doings of sexes should be entertained. The act of fairness, love with an ability of kindness should allowed to bloom. College and high school peers should make their concern heard through the many channels of communications. Please do not quit college and schools. Patience is your last line of defense and make sure you dont lose that. Vigorous campaign towards our students achivement should be endosed by our community elders. Elders should pay enough attention to the youth who would make up the adult population one day. Everyone in the community should have a common ground on sensible issues. Tribalistic comments and attitudes should be abolished. Extending hands toward our unfortunate should be priority. Mental health and physical disability issues should be countered. Unity and prosperity lies on our wealth of knowledge. Lets rekindle our spirits and make our bloodline healthier and mind strong with a vision of stability, happiness and love for our community by us. Take a pledge that you would help 7 people in seven days to help them help themselves.


P.S. You can send your comments and suggestions to my


Thank you~

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