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Islam is coming, Islam is coming

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Castro bro.


I Think Xiin asnwered the question, here I may add.


Just days after 9/11, An article that appeared in the Guardian suggested that Bin Laden has won the war with the west. The writer reasoned the following way:


No matter what the west does about Bin Laden, Bin Laden will come out a winner.


1. If he is killed, he will be a role model for disadvantaged Muslim youth and a hero like Che Guevara fighting Emperialism and dying a Martyr, thus more Bin Ladens will be created by that option.


2. If he stays at large in the mountains of Afghanistan and is never caught, he will fuel more of the same daring attacks across Muslim world


3. If he is caught alive and brought to justice, he will make free advertisement for Islam and win more converts to his cause.


Disclaimer: I do not condone what happened in 9/11, the human lives loss was catastrophically wrong, the aftermath of 9/11 has also seen ten times more civilian deaths visited upon innocent Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq by USA and allies, the culprits must be punished, in my opinion like the Movie Loose Change suggests, there are more questions than answers for what happened in 9/11, my guess is that zealots in the west may have pulled it to discredit Islam, fortunately, it backfired and today, more non-practicing Muslims are practicing again, and more converts are coming to the brotherhood of Islam.



Christianity has beeen tamed long time ago by the Romans who took the Papacy they created from the holy lands to decadent Rome, its no longer a religion of God, its a collection of state modified rituals. This creates a gap in the west in which many intellectuals confused ny the illogical contradiction of Catholicism, seek a faith that naturally answers their questions, and more than ever Islam is providing them with ready answers to most of these westerners, now, the more Islam is on the nightly news, even negatively, the more people are exposed to it, with a little research, some find their answers in islam and hence the benefit of the underdog faith.




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Johnny B   

Putting the Pope's statement in perceptive , i'd like SOL to wrestle with the criticism against Islam in a higher level than the prevelant of somewhat low clibre and sometimes sheer insults towards the persona of the Pope, anything beyond the elegant but reactionary facade ?


Jostling everything (that is considered bad ) said about Islam by anybody (considered not a Muslim) in the readily available category of "bad things said about Islam by bad people" is way too lazy and utmost defaince machanism of sort, actually the one and only available for the lay and semi- laymen, but for the Muslim with the solid theological pillars, this constantly recurring claim from Christianity, namely ,the line of thought that sees Islam as an adultred version of Christianity, goes far deeper than so . it 'almost' poses an identity question.


Challenging Islam theologically the Pope seems to be demostrating that Muhammed(pbuh) borrowed almost every theological pillar of Islam from Christianity except the adultred ones, thus distances himself and his christianity for that matter from the vioilence that is ( allegedly) associated with Islam.

and coupling that with the rational conclusion that , ""Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul" . Maybe just be it'd intresting to see Nur or Xiin splitting semantic hairs, " Jihad", "holy War" with the Pope, instead shrugging the trade-offs . ;)

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Originally posted by J B:

and coupling that with the rational conclusion that , ""Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul" . Maybe just be it'd intresting to see Nur or Xiin splitting semantic hairs, " Jihad", "holy War" with the Pope, instead shrugging the trade-offs .

Atheer JB, either this pope has no knowledge of the history of the church or he just loves dishing out insults. In the name of this "loving" god the pope speaks of, tens of millions have been killed all over the globe. For the pope to say Islam is violent is not only factually (and historically) incorrect, but it is a shameless case of the "pot calling the kettle black."

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In my opinion, the Pope's statement was carefully prepared, it was a pressure gauge, to see the reaction of Muslims, it may have even been a disracting tactic, to make them forget the slaughter that has just happened in Lebanon for which the Pope never suggested that Moses was a war monger and an anti establishment and a rebel.


The Pope was right when he quoted the Christian King who said that Mohammad never brought any thing new (Morals) because, the morals Mohammad preached were also preached by all Prophets before him, but neither the Christians nor the Jews abided by these morals, today, the Churches ordain Homosexuals as Priests who practice an abonimable lewd behaviour that was chasticed for the people of Soddom and Gommorah. Now Catholicism religion, a creation of the Roman conquerors of the holy lands, has taken the religion to make lawfull all sins that Allah made unlawful.


But the Pope was wrong to say that Jihad was used to spread Islam, Jihad was an ordinance Allah ordained Muslims to liberate the world of Injustice, so Muslims liberated many nations in their Jihad, but they never forced anyone to become Muslim by the sword, the sword was only used to remove the powers that were not allowing the public to hear Allah's message.


Christianity should learn from its bloody history and present complacency too.The Popes own Christians, In Germany, 6 million Jews were burned in furnances, the German war machine kille more than 20 Million in WW2. The Americans have annihilated Hirishima and Nagazaki, and later killed millions in Korea, Vietnam. Today, Christian America is responsible of the deaths in Iraq, Iraq was proven not to have weaopns of mass destruction, neither a connection with Al Qaida, so in effect, these deaths are triggered by USA with false pretext.


America is in" unholy war", it is "liberating" the world, so this unholy war is an effort that a nation deems necessary to impose its vision on other nations, by virtue of its power advantage. NATO and America are thus fighting in Afghanistan an unholy Jihad to impose their vision on Afghans.


eNuri is planning to write an in depth article on Jihad ( All you wanted to know about Jihad but were afraid to ask ), possibly to coincide with Badr Battle Commemoration date in Ramadan inshAllah.



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Hmmmmm! The title got my attention, and actually one of the few long threads that ive read, yet can not pin point what in the world I can take away from it. All talk my people, all talk, nothin, no solutions, no agreeable conclusions. I will get back to this on the second post, because i had an interesting converstaion with some of the brothers, but just make a comment on the topic. It may not make sense or relate to topic according to some of you, but that’s just me. :D ......First May the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah Most Great be upon the Prophet scw, his companions ra, his family, and those who follow until the day of Judgement. Amiin.


Sayidna wa Maulana Muhammad scw said in a Saheeh Bukhari: "The best of my nation is my generation then those who follow them and then those who follow them." Allah has mentioned in the Quran the excellence of the first generations of Islam, and that they are the ones to follow if you want to be saved, and the prophet scw warned the Muslims against innovators and their innovations that will come.


"A people that recite Qur'an will come out of the East, but it will not go past their throats. They will pass through the religion (of Islam) like the arrow passes through its quarry. They will no more come back to the religion than the arrow will come back to its course. Their sign is that they shave (their heads)."


According to the imams, as I am sure many of u heard, I don’t want to argue about it, this group refers to those whom are called wahabi that came from Saudi Arabiya, they fit the description of the Hadith, they brought innovations. We seek in Allahs Refuge. However, what is clear is the further and further the Muslims are away from the first generations, the further and further, they are from haaq and sirtul mustqeem of nabi scw. The Prophet said, "The knots of Islam will be undone one by one until every one of them is undone, and the first one to be undone is the ruling by the Book of Allah (swt) and the last one is the prayer."


According this Hadith, things will get a lot more worse before things get better for the believers, we seek in His refuge from innovation, for our faults, and from the hellfire. Amiin yaa Rab.

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Islam is coming, islam is coming! Even Bush is talking about the Khalifahat


Islam is the religion of Allah Most Great, it will always be here, although the Muslims may suffer and go through periods of weaknesses, Islam is here as it was always. IT is important to point out, the Muslim Ummah have suffered far more then the Muslims today are suffering ie the crusaders, the sacking of Baghdad, the invasion of the Mongols and so on. But Allah is the best of planners, we know for example the Mongols 88% of them, they who filled the oceans with blood of the Muslims, they who burned to the ground symbols of the Islamic Power and Islamic Knowledge, in the end became the same protectors and spreaders of deenul haaq.


Now we got that out of the way, can we get to the juice inshallah? I am suprised no one here asked this question. Anyhow, i had an interesting conversation with couple brothers from Pakistan who just got back from the country, and what is going on in their country is classic example of a clash between the peoples, ideologies of groups, governments, foreign power and its influence, tough times in Pakistan indeed. I wont ramble on, therefore I will ask to take the discussion up notch, and this is what me and the brothers talked about: The Methodology For Implementing Islam? Surely its an obligation upon the muslims, command from Allah and His Messenger to uphold shariah. So how do they do it? This ummah engulfed in Dar-ul-harb, this ummah ruled by tyrant, agent rulers, this ummah astray, happy with harams, sins, this ummah far from deenul islam, this ummah divided into sects, different masjids, and thousands of imams, this ummah that argues about small issues, this ummah with alien unislamic theories, this ummah full of hypocrisy, this ummah full of racism, nationalism, and all isms, this ummah ohh ummah, what methodology shall u follow and how do you get to promised land? As Allah doesn’t change the conditions of people until they first change, so how then can you blame your failures on America or Israel? I await thy answers inshallah.



ps: yo i just noticed this thread is september thread 3 yrs straight.......whoa if i believed in omens if i believed in omens :D


salaamu alaykum

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