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Coronavirus changing the world: Superpowers to districts

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1. UN Secretary general called for Global ceasefire. Every conflict from America and Others or Gal Mudug or Colombia or Cashmere or others

2. United States is offering to reduce its oil production and negotiate with Saudi and Russia to stabilize, but the Russians are in no mood for fast response and the Saudi boy is now in a pickle. Russia is in no hurry and Saudi will go bankrupt and US companies have started going bankrupt.

3. NATO requested for negotiation with Russia, but again Russia is in no hurry. Russia is saying, first NATO remove everything it has close to Russian borders then we talk. Reason: US is talking alone to Russia and some European countries have started talking to Russia alone outside of NATO.
Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia have publicly announced that "Nothing we participate in NATO should be remotely against Russia"

4. Italy after Germany was largest American base, from soldiers to strategic deployment. Now things are fast changing Russian planes, Chinese ships, Russian Soldiers and Medics and Chinese Medics and manufacturers are everywhere in Italy.

5. UAE and 2 other countries have offered Iran open system for Iran to send its obersvers to ensure that nothing is going on in their lands against Iran.

6. NATO countries are getting out of Iraq and Syria East as fast as they can.

7. Pakistan has completely displaced India from the China-Russia side and India is caught in transition. All its weapons is Russian, but all its eggs are now in America. Wrong time, wrong choice. Countries are like Individuals.

Every wannabe country is betting the whole thing blows up, so they can be countries in new order and every wannabe regional power is positioning in the free for all meyhem to come out with real estate. Ethiopia is talking (underground) of positioning itself to come out with sea ports when the dust settles. Abiy is sending such signals to consolidate his Amxara followers. Eritrea and Djibouti are out of this rumour, so it maybe Somalia and parts of Kenya.

So much so fast it looks, but has been visible.

Printing money is now accepted practice all of a sudden and every bank is doing it. Paper money will be as its name.

US is spending 2 Trillion dollars in one week in addition to the 4.8 Trillion budget for the year.

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