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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:


As somalis, its our obligation to come forward and speak about the issues that face us, and then accept it for what it is. Only then can we truly recover.

I totally agree with you particularly on this point. Well said sis smile.gif

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Pssssssst, Psssssssst, what happened to the Italics? Maxaa qalaa? Lo', Geel, Rah, what?


somali or kenyati(farah brown comes to mind)

LOOOOOOL...Ar intuu ka baxay labadaan bari?


Ok who pushed your buttons like this? Maanta detailed explanation aaba gashee...


Teeda kalena, it is one thing to come forward and speak about the 'negative' issues facing us, but another to belittle our people when one talks about those issues...We, Somalis, have issues/problems just like any other community...However, what is really amazing is the fact that I have yet to see anyone come forward and speak of any suggestions and/or solutions...If one has the courage to come forward and point out the problem, where is the solution? Who will come forward and speak about how we can better ourselves?


We are always so quick to point out xumaatadeena...What a shame!!! :mad:

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Gosh you really have some issues. I really don’t know why you are doing this, the guy is expressing himself. He is talking about his people (Somalis) and his country (Somalia) that need him most. In my opinion, when somebody criticizes someone it should be based on truth and not because you don’t like them or you simply want to hurt somebody’s feelings. I am saying this because; these issues that Mr marcsmith confronts are prominent in our community. The truth is this. Here we are at the beginning of 2008. Yet in poor country, drug addicted people, gangs and Lack of education etc. Our people are constantly suffering. They are suffering from war, abuse, injustice, natural disaster, starvation, mental health pandemic, and stress. Somalia continues to lose face and credit in the world no doubt. It's heartbreaking to witness what is happening to our society.


The problems that we are facing are inherently becoming complex each day. This has eventually led us to think and behave in a more complex manner. There is a widespread desire across the community for more to be done to tackle these issues. We should all do something useful, Instead of criticizing everyone and complaining about everything.


Ps: If you wish to make a positive contribution to your community and you have some time to do it, start volunteering today!

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I agree with new Sol friend idea at Youtube but sorry to say Direct critizing might not hopefully result in Recovering--but again it depends Misions/reasons Mr mack had beyond his talk.


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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:

First off, I don't recall going head to head with you in a discussion. Except that thread about the ethiopian man who was trying to find out the whereabouts of his live-in somali girlfriend, and as I recall, we have exchanged few jabs you and I, but other than that, we have not come across anything that would classify as "constantly missing your points" as you put it.(you would have to make a point inorder for me to miss it, right?)

My bad..Mistook you for Serenity (niap ni eht ssa)



Originally posted by LayZieGirl:

As for the question of who makes a decision about rotten folks, anyone who feels strongly about the future of our nation, as it depends on its people.


The hopefuls, the believers.

Aren't you assuming we all have the same hopes and beliefs and definition of success?


Originally posted by LayZieGirl:

What I do not agree with anyone, young or old, blind or deaf, indha yar or indian, somali or kenyati(farah brown comes to mind), baptist or jew is that we shouldn't silence free speech.


As individuals, we have the right to express our views, our frustration anytime we please.


As somalis, its our obligation to come forward and speak about the issues that face us, and then accept it for what it is. Only then can we truly recover.


I truly believe that when I rant about issues that are dear to me, I am actually speaking on behalf of atleast one other person if not more.


That believe means much more to me than anything you have to say, Underdog.

I'm all for Freedom of speech and freedom of expression. no argument from me on that one. apologies if your felt I was trying to infringe on your right to rant.


And as for the rest of your post, I still think we can't just highlight all the negative things... Chavs and marfishes and all. All on the one side of the Somali coin.


I'm saying we should be able to talk about the successes, the young people working hard to make a difference. (Not Marc, he seems too judgmental and has apparently never seen anything good in our community).


The young Somalis will replicate what they see and hear. And with the positive success stories hidden away, all they have to listen to and see is the riff raff that's oh so loud and ever-present.


So don't feel offended when I ask you what you bring to table, see it a challenge to give the youth options for forward progress.

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