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Ownership of Land!

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This is something I wanted to talk about a long time but I found the time now to raise it! But I want to talk about ownership of land because did you know that there are no real regulations such as laws on land ownership in most countries of the world?


We all know is one of the biggest problems in the world but there is no real laws of what and who owns the lands of this world in most countries!


It is said that 70% of the worlds land mass actually belongs to 5% of the worlds population! In constitutional monarchies like the United Kingdom there are no laws on land ownership, in fact all the land belongs to her 'majesty' the Queen and a few of her friends and no one can reveal who owns what or not because simply the public records of the land ownership are not yet classified and strangely the Queen and her friends are exempt from registring in the land register, how strange as nobody knows what and how much they really own! They're not obtainable!


However when the populance purchases some 'land' usually buying a house, then they have to register their land in the land register but in reality they don't own the land! In fact they're only leasing the land and can be evicted any time with no judicial defence as it all belongs to the 'Queen'!


So if you purchased recently some 'land' in the UK know that you really don't own that piece of land, read the small print I would rather advice!


On the other hand long-standing republics like France and the United States of America who don't have a monarchy (they were deposed off rather violently, remember the french revolution and American independence war Boston tea party), those mentioned countries also don't have laws that govern land ownership, it is very vague to say the least and does not clarify what one really ownes!


There is no real land ownership in the west, in most western democracies land ownership is mostly concentrated in the hands of very few people for example like in Britain the 'Queen' and her friends really own most of the land!


Even the indian ocean is half owned and in the name of that old lady that calls herself 'Queen'!


This is a very interesting topic and I shall add more inshallaah to educate folks about real land ownership and that in fact the majority of land is in the hands of very few men and women (remember 'Queen')!

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Thats interesting. I heard something like that awhile ago but didn't really believe it.


...there is no real laws of what and who owns the lands of this world in most countries!

How can that be? I though the ownership of land is automatically given to the government!


In fact they're only leasing the land and can be evicted any time with no judicial defence as it all belongs to the 'Queen'!

That's just not right! I actually find this hard to believe. How can you get evicted when you legally bought the land? Just doesn't make sense.

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However when the populance purchases some 'land' usually buying a house, then they have to register their land in the land register but in reality they don't own the land! In fact they're only leasing the land and can be evicted any time with no judicial defence as it all belongs to the 'Queen'!

What about the relevant planning laws? Do they not govern what can be built on land with the rights of the owner/neighbour(s) considered? They have a right to voice their concerns, be compensated adequately for the land/building etc.

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In Canada about 90% of the land is Crown Land (the equivalent of Federal Land in the US). This is a land owned by Canadian people on whose behalf the Canadian government manages. Western Canada alone netted over 4 billion dollars in revenues from the sale of Crown lands last year. Most Crown lands are wilderness, National Parks, inhospitable artic lands... when the land is rich in resources governments usually don't "sell" the land, rather lease it or rent it or come up with similar such arrangements. Government gets regular revenue from private companies mining or logging on Crown Lands. That said, private land owernership is reality for most parts of the world and in many countries protected by law. Once you own a land it's yours by law.

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