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Global Warming: Who dies first?

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The Eskimos or the Mongols? No no, the Somalis especially those living in Northeastern Kenya are said to the be the first victims. According to an older article published by the Guardian newspaper, 'African nomads', that is, Somali nomads, are 'to be first people wiped out by climate change'. As the terminology goes, these first victims already have the misfortune of being dubbed the 'climate canaries' which are 'the people destined to become the first victims of world climate change'. Read all about it.


For many years now, that part of Kenya has seen longer droughts and shortened rainfall seasons. As the rain season becomes shorter, the resulting environment becomes even more fragile in that the tendency to keep large numbers of livestock only deepens the deterioration of the soil.


While nomads frequently seek an ever disappearing comodity, or pastures, they leave in their trail a deforestion on a scale never seen before. Every nomad family in its destination to greener pastures cut down the few remaining trees for fencing. This is followed by a trek of the camels and the hoves of the cattle that reduces the soil to dust, which creates severe types of soil erosion. Whenever it rains, floodings become frequent due to deforestation and constant soil disturbance.


Soon as the rainy season ends, the whole region becomes a drought zone again. Whether the difficulties these nomads face is due to global warming or not, the lifestyle they lead isn't surely helping. So just as I proposed ealier (in Quit Pastralism, Practice Agriculturalism)under another nickname in this section of the forum, I would like to ask again, is it not the right time to usher in change on how our nomads live, or should we wait until the first million die?

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How do you plan to usher the whole population and at what scale can you help/ offer to them an alternative that would persuade them to leave their current life style and adopt a new one all together.


I don't think anyone would say let the first million die, BUT it is difficult to explain to these people (this is all they have ever known) and convince them of any change however small. If your resources were limitless there are some alternatives that they uses in China, Indian and now Bangladesh

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The battle for life is ever growing and developing so fast while on the other handdisasters are getting more eminent and devastating than ever imagined before, whether it be the Nomads of East Africa or Buffalos of New orleans or even Asio-oriental of Indonesia, its getting serious and happens in all corners of the world. It's a matter of when it happens of your local. What you can do is not prevention or rather plan for it like the Gaalos do, but just be a man of his faith, wait and see as to when you life will be terminated.

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^^THat is similar to sitting in front of a car and waiting and seeing when your life will be terminated via a car knocking you down! Allah gave you a mind/ brain to use, so if they can prevent it or minimize it effect or push it back a few years

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^^Acuudu bilaah push it back few years, ibtisam you can think better than that, I know by all means if my death is to be terminated while Im on the street waiting for a car to knock me down, it will be and will end that way, what happens happens, that way my logic... By no means I said that a possible prevention is to be ruled out, had I said that then I would be opossing the Idea of Doctors and all that they stand for..

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^^Acuudu bilaah push it back few years, ibtisam you can think better than that, I know by all means if my death is to be terminated while Im on the street waiting for a car to knock me down, it will be and will end that way, what happens happens, that way my logic... By no means I said that a possible prevention is to be ruled out, had I said that then I would be opossing the Idea of Doctors and all that they stand for..

What you do not think the effects of globalisation can be pushed back a few years??

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Originally posted by Paragon:

So just as I proposed ealier (in
)under another nickname in this section of the forum, I would like to ask again,
is it not the right time to usher in change on how our nomads live, or should we wait until the first million die?

1. Do you happen to have unoccupied arable land handy?


2. Agriculturalism has its own risks and challenges, and mass starvations of farming communities is not unheard of. Depending on a cash crop for your livelihood can be as precarious an existence as searching for grazing land is for pastoralists.

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These nomads have some where to escape, but actually the first climate refugees will be from the pacific island states.



Global Warming Threatens

Pacific Island States


By Kathy Marks


27 October 2006

The Independent


While rich nations tinker with policies that may shave their carbon dioxide emissions, low-lying South Pacific nations such as Kiribati are sinking beneath the waves.


Kiribati, an archipelago of 33 coral atolls barely 6ft above sea level, is vanishing as global warming sees the oceans rise. Yesterday, its president, Anote Tong, warned Australia and New Zealand - the two developed countries in the region - to prepare for a mass exodus within the next decade.


>> Global Warming Pacific Island states

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Actually, it has been proven by scientists that Nomadism in those regions was the most efficient and sustainable economic modele.


At the same time, nothing prevent us to diversify our economy, apart from corruption and nepotism, whereas it goes without saying that the clan- based, foreign sponsored TFG will only further excacerbate the situation through renewed tribal conflicts and international troops involvement.


Obviously, Shariah implementation offers the only realistic way of preventing corruption, nepotism and the associated clan rivalries, hence its opposition by Somalis ennemies...

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^Silence is never the solution, I'll tell you that for nothing, maybe you can spread the message, raise the issue, and other people will take it up and find some sort of solution.

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Originally posted by Paragon:

The Eskimos or the Mongols? No no, the Somalis especially those living in Northeastern Kenya are said to the be the first victims. According to an older article published by the Guardian newspaper, 'African nomads', that is, Somali nomads, are '
to be first people wiped out by climate change

Salam Aleikum W.W


With all due respect...I stopped believing, wait, let me rephrase that, I stopped wasting my time on reading things that don't do me any good, for example, first we had aliens and they told us alien invasion was imminent and then they came with time travel story and said it was possible, yeah right and now they say Global warming and Somalis would be the first victims?


Everybody has his/her theory but I don't believe one bit of what they say and as an African the last thing I would worry about is the Sun getting couple of degrees warmer...because for all my life I have been enduring hot climates from Kalahari to desert of Sahel and we are still here and you never read nor heard an African soul dying because of the hot temperatures and Allah s.w primed us to deal with it as we live in a hot continent...


so I say Bring it On and let me see if the so-called Global Warming will make me stop from going to play football in mid afternoon let alone killing me. :cool:


The only race that the climate change, global warming or whatever the heck you call it, will affect is WHITE people...can you believe BUSH begging Malawi to take him and his family because they can't stand the heat-wave that hit across the so-called first world? That would be the day right? ;)


I would worry if they said Africa will freeze in the year so and so because we are not equipped to deal with cold climates otherwise Siberia would've been next door to you & me and we would've read somewhere that your great grandfather/mother won several medals in the winter olympics marka walaalyaal don't worry about us we will be fine after all WE ARE SURVIVORS that is why we are called Somalis.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^BOB, war maad ka joogtid? :D Goormee wajeer iyo dadkii lagdheeraa abaarta ku leysey warkooda kuugu dambeeyey? Mise xoolo raac weli ma aadan noqon?


Ibtisam, very well then. I will spread the word on foot. How about if I go and do abit of photo-essaying? Hmm? Good eh?

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