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Johnny B

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^ yes norf, how so please explain .. and which kind of sharia?


sadly its not about who governs her, its much more personal, you can read it here , she's 43, converted in her 20's. She's got to go through all this because she can't marry the man she wants to spend her life with because the courts wont allow it, since ... shock horror ... her man is not a muslim and apparently ... more shock horror ... she is (according to her ID card anyway). Now please attempt to fill in the logic gaps there.


As Ms DD says this isn't about religion and as norf says its about which Law prevails.. but more to the point who retains the authority of power. And Its sadly just another demonstration of how unchecked and unquestionable power absolutely corrupts and nothing to do with islam, so why defend it?

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Should non-Muslims living in Islamic countries not be governed by Sharia?


CG, what do you mean which kind of Sharia?

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^^Saxib, i've given my stance. Time to give yours.


I repeat


Should they (non-Muslims) not be governed by Sharia?

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more to the point, should anyone be ruled under a law which blatantly and unjustly discriminates against them? .. unless you think the the Malay ruling was just

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should anyone be ruled under a law which blatantly and unjustly discriminates against them?



Should they be ruled by and in accordance with the Sharia?




If you disagree state your case,,,,,

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Johnny B   

^Norf , you sure can do better , come on !, give it a try ,


Originally posted by Ms Dhucdhuc & Dheylo:

This isnt about Islam by the way JB. It is about people misusing it. Stop using every obscure story as a stick to beat your former faith.

Ms DD , What do you mean by "your former faith"?


I can see you resorting to the classic cliche of Islam is always right, Muslims are not, and unlike other cliches, sadly, that one is untrue.


You're not necessarily the correct, right , true Muslim in comparison to those Malaysians you accuse of abusing Islam.



GeelJire oucccc..., feeling intimidated to take a stance, are we?



I'm totally sold to your oil money and their thought-bully goons, be it youth groups, brain-wash Satelite TV and "bob" records, The oil sheiks had a thought-draught for so long time so it doesen't come as much of a surprise . ;)

As if it was not enough with the hell-fire threat. :D

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The court upheld the decision to deny her from changing her ID cards details, and consequently she cannot marry. The chief justice said that "she could not expect to convert from one religion to another on a “whim”." -- an almost 20 year old whim, but none the less, a whim in the courts eyes.

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The guy asked you a simple question since the governing law in a Muslim country is Islam should the masses be governed by it.


What is this nonsense about justice or no justice? I live in Britain and I frankly think most of their legal rulings are absurd and unjust; (detaining people for 28 without any charge) does that give me a reason to oppose the law.


Similar in nations governed by Shariah law since they have their rulings and Jurisprudence which I personally think if adhered to properly is the most just rule of law in the world even for non Muslim.

If it is crime for a Muslim to apostate publicly in Malaysia then the women knew of the law before she decided to go public.


The funny thing is as soon people see something they personally don’t like in Islam the finger pointing starts mainly to the “fat rich Arabs”. Apparently these people are the root of all evil ignoring the basic fundamentals of Islam as a faith for all and not for a selected few.

Ps: The Arab leadership of Islam ended with the fall of the Abbasid dynasty almost a thousand year ago

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I wish to correct an earlier statement of mine.


I wish to clarify my answer to JB’s question; Is your religion enforced?


My faith is not enforced by a ruler/govnt or any human being for that matter. Rather, knowing it is ‘the’ truth, it is enforced by Allah (SWT). And my belief is absolute.

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Originally posted by Caano Geel:

The court upheld the decision to deny her from changing her ID cards details, and consequently she cannot marry. The chief justice said that "she could not expect to convert from one religion to another on a “whim”." -- an almost 20 year old whim, but none the less, a whim in the courts eyes.

Is this in accordance with Sharia?

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