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Who Is The Greatest Military Man Of Somalia?

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Originally posted by osman_nz:

So when history look's back at the greatest military men and based on success mr abdullahi yusuf will definitely be the one who takes the cake.

May I just say LMFAO

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Why do you all criticize without providing an alternative? now i did see an alternative and that being the sayyidka..Now i wasn't talking about greatest military man in all somalia history.


My question was the greatest modern military man after the 1960's till now. You choice must show success rate of your candidate.


Now some people have said that abdullahi yusuf had to rely on onlf. No he didn't rely on them, he was forming a coalition of our clan's regions to attack sland back then all the way into hargeisa.


However that was never fulfilled because he got called up to the top post in somalia presidency. Now why can't he rely on uniting a coalition of D-block. Besides it wasn't even all of them because gedo and jubba brothers weren't included in this coaliton aganinst hargeisa.


Sland guys have awdal ppl, djibouti ppl, plus all the egal's clan. Only Abdullahi sub clan can't take them all on...hence the coaliton of d-block minus gedo n jubba was formed.


So really if u assess it, not all d-block was even included to attack sland. It is strategical excellence not weakness.


As for hamar incursion and payback time for 91, yes he used tigray why not? every other gangster in the south was using outside foreign support.


In wars you must adapt to the battle field strategy, if the enemy is engaging in using foreign support, Abdullahi yusuf can also. Islamic courts were recieving their arms and also foreign arab troops in capturing the south. So the only strategical thing for abdullahi yusuf to do is also use foreign support to win the battle.


So Really Abdullahi Yusuf was using strategy not cowardice...maybe u should blame the crazy southern ulama's who use foreigners in their armies whilst being funded their arms from eritrea and being funded financially from gulf arab states why they resorted to such cowardice before criticising abdullahi yusuf.


Abdullahi yusuf only brought the ethiopians when he saw the enemies in the south were using foreign support tactics first. So sheekadas haa illa imaan aniga.

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Jacaylbaro, a slap is better then having 10 000 of my clan-men 88 in hargeisa and the mass-graves...give me a slap anyday

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