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Tea Partiers In Tax Day Protests Try To Explain Why They're Against Obama

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A correspondent for New Left Media ventured out among the tea partiers during their tax day protests in Washington D.C. to interview them about what it is that's fueling their fierce opposition to the government in general and President Obama in particular.


Suffice to say, the answers involve lots of wild-eyed claims about tyranny and socialism. Highlights include a woman gravely warning "Obama is considering banning fishing in America," as well as another dressed in a ball and chain outfit to illustrate how our liberties are being constrained.



It's no surprise to me why many Europeans think Americans are morons...

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These are bunch of uneducated bed-wetting bigots!If you have seen the reports by Southern Poverty Law center you will read that ever since Obama took over the office racists behavior has accelerated. "Not only have these bigots emerged through town-hall shout-downs and ugly demonstrations that depicted Obama as Hitler, but now the number of anti-government militias has nearly quadrupled"


PS : I have very close friend of mine who is dating a white chick. She is basically live-in girlfriend.They both are professional students at the same school.Her parents attended many of these rallies in DC..they are saying they are NOT racist, but deep down they HATE the thought of their daughter dating an intelligent black man....

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I can't believe this reporter can keep straight face while interviewing these people. I don't know if he's a good editor or keeping running into the most crazy ones but his nodding and face expression makes them believe he's in agreement with them. They can't figure that out from his


Reminds me of this headline on Bush election.



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Anyone who thought White America have progressed from the days of Lynching mobs is clearly wrong. They're just closet racists, rotting on the inside with their diseases. Yuk! More and more ****** are up in arms about every issue from Health care reform to minute things like, Cheeros ads ever since a black man was elected. Never mind the f-ing fact that this country is getting more stable and the economy is moving into the right direction and that we're NOT in a recession anymore!

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^Areey ha isku qaban hee the whole race. They got some crazy and good people.

biibol got him elected too.


I don't think tea party are bunch of racists who just hate Obama for being black. Don't get me wrong. They got some crazy, brainwashed racists but the movement itself wants every democrat voted out of office regardless of race, value or policy. It is all about politics. The losing party is using them to get back in power. These people are incited extremely to the point they put party before the country. Thanks to Fox News, they get all the coverage and publicity they need to make loud noise. Their crazy/racist lunatics took over the good

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