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Diet before pregnancy can affect baby's sex

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Curly tid=369660



I heard this on BBC breakfast this morning and it annoyed me to think that someone funded this research when there so many worthy projects out there. Any person who's got some basic understanding of human biology knows that it's the male's sperm that dictates the sex of the foetus. Women only have X chromosomes, while men have both X and Y and it's dependent on that whether the foetus is XX or XY. Food has no part in this in any rate maybe they should look into the diet of the men who's partners took part in the research during the time running up to conception. I think the researchers didn't differentiate between cause and effect...were these women miscarrying the male foetus because of their poor diets? I don't think so! There was no mention of miscarriages and this article is a complete contradiction in my eyes.


"Although the DNA in sperm determines sex, it seems that in the never ending battle of the sexes mothers can favour the development of one sex of infant rather than another."


How so?


Plus if anyone watched BBC breakfast you should have seen the look on the faces of the presenters when someone emailed in explaining the normal process of sex determination in a embryo. They were asking "female sperms?" looool

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lool ,, wax walba way la iman.


I didn't know the BBC is that ignorant and at least they would have someone from medical background to verify such programs before it is aired to the public.

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women who want a son should eat a generous bowl of cereal for breakfast, munch bananas, use more salt

What about those who have Mcdonald's breakfast and slurpees between meals or those who eat canjeero with koob shaax rinji? I guess that's a nay nay if you want a son. L0L. Gaalo people! Wasting money on istupidh research. There is sex selection technology available for those who are really serious about a preference and want to put their money where their mouth is, so to speak. A child is a blessing, be it a boy or a girl. A safe healthy pregnancy is all that matters and it's not rocket science.

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Waa markii loo yaabi jirey nimankan yiri wax kastaan ka war dooneenaa, waxey tix raacayaan balaaya waa laga wardoonaa, taladu idin ka dhicistey, tawfiiqduna idiin ma hagaagto, turunturooda oo idinkoo turkhaansan tallaabada la gafa, gaalo daba tabriiqsan, ilma galeenkii bey u soo dhigteen hadana!



Allow yaa karbaasha kuwa ka qeeb qaatey cilmul baaris ku sheegan.

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^^ Bisharao lool, kaasi haduusan af soomaali aheyn ma aqaano meeleey salaadu iska qaban la'dahay!


Macallimadii Af Soomaalkaadba aheydee naga daa iska yeel-yeelka

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Is yeel-yeel igama aha, abti. :D


Check this [bolded for emphasis]:


Originally posted by nuune:

Waa markii loo yaabi jirey nimankan yiri wax kastaan ka war dooneenaa, waxey tix raacayaan balaaya waa laga wardoonaa,
taladu idin ka dhicistey
, tawfiiqduna idiin ma hagaagto, turunturooda oo idinkoo
tallaabada la gafa, gaalo daba
, ilma galeenkii bey u soo dhigteen hadana!

Af Somali, ala 'I pulled it out of the air', waaye waxaaga.

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taladu idin ka dhicistey = taladu idin ka hallowdey

idinkoo turkhaansan = idinkoo laqdabo wado

gaalo daba tabriiqsan = gaalo daba dharas leh

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Sue, allow us the platform, please. The forum has committed a terrible suicide, in garamgaram af-Somali; 'wuu dhicisay' as nuune would say :D . There's some kinda childish bickering in almost every thread, the one you would encounter in a playground.


Atleast [in here] we're just giving your thread some 'meat' yknow, bouncing other ideas around, L0L.


nuune: dhartey? :D .



ps: sorry Sue, I'm out. smile.gif

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Without sounding rude...I think you're more interested in ruining perfectly ok threads that don't need 'meat'. I'm trying to have discussions with people who care about the issues titled in the post. Try the troll thread in the general section, after all that's what its there for.


The exits are... here , here and here.

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They were talking about the same study the other night on our local news...My first thought: WTF!!! Wey waasheen gaaladii...


I agree with you 110%, there are more worthy projects/studies that need funding, than 'why the number of boy babies is in decline in the west' study...


Besides, boys are nothing but trouble yaa raba... :D


**Waves @JB & Nuune!!


PS, Nuune yaree hee yaah, take your trolling elsewhere, hadaadan waxba ku contribute gareyneen... :D:D

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Walahi I have hard time believing this kind of stuff without a detailed report the problem with articles are they leave out all the meat assuming the average person wont understand and leave the people who would, to write this off as statistical mumbo jumbo.


usually when you are conducting tests to see what a certain input has what affect on the output you need at least two systems a control system and a test system. by keeping all other variables constant accross all systems involved in the tests and only varying the parameter we are interested in i.e diet (I'm not sure this how tests are done in medical science but im generalizing )


considering there can only be two possible outcomes i.e she gives birth to a boy OR gives birth to a girl and 9 months is a long time there are infinitely many things that they cannot account for which would render their test invalid.


how many pregnant were included in the tests ?

how were they able to ascertain what factors contributed to the sex of the child ?

what was the overall size of the sample space ?

it would be interesting to know what the false positives were


ilaah baa qora ilmaha uurka ku jira lab iyo dhidig midkuu noqon doono seems much easier to me

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This is just another bullshit, only allah swt will give you a son or a daughter.


Alhmadulilaah they are both blessings from allah swt.

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