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Sami Al-Hajj Released from guantanamo

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I'm very happy to be in Sudan, but I'm very sad because of the situation of our brothers who remain in Guantanamo. Conditions in Guantanamo are very, very bad and they get worse by the day," he said from his hospital bed.




"Our human condition, our human dignity was violated, and the American administration went beyond all human values, all moral values, all religious values.




"In Guantanamo ... rats are treated with more humanity. But we have people from more than 50 countries that are completely deprived of all rights and privileges.




"And they will not give them the rights that they give animals," he said.




Al-Hajj complained that "for more than seven years, [inmates] did not get a chance to be brought before a civil court to defend their just case".


Despite holding a legitimate visa to work for Al Jazeera's Arabic channel in Afghanistan, he was handed to the US military in January 2002 and sent to Guantanamo Bay.


Al-Hajj, who is originally from Sudan, was held as an "enemy combatant" without ever facing trial or charges.


Al-Hajj was never prosecuted at Guantanamo so the US did not make public its full allegations against him.




But in a hearing that determined that he was an enemy combatant, US officials alleged that in the 1990s, al-Hajj was an executive assistant at a Qatar-based beverage company that provided support to Muslim fighters in Bosnia and Chechnya.


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"Victors's justice". Kolba waa waxay rabaan uun Justiceku. And Some naive people think the whites are superior than us in morality and justice. Waa tuug kale oo aan humanity dan ka laheyn. At individual level, people across the world are diverse: have good and bad as well. but in terms of governmnets, i hate and never expect any good of Anglo-saxons!!

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I don't mind your name-calling, awoow. But I made significant qualifications when I spoke of Anglo-saxons (if you mind to read it carefully). But you sound like you were lurking for an ambush on me, and you seized on the opportunity when you thought you caught me on your focus! Otherwise, nothing I wrote above warrants such an embittered outcry.

Se weeye awoow; gadhbaa kugu yaale, is daji. waa maxay sal-fudaydku.


Mida kale you sound like a parrot repeating the labels your mentors (the ones you think i insulted) taught you. And as to bitterness, I have every reason to be bitter when my nation is being exterminated by the whims of ignorants with a lot of power-like adeerkaa BUSH.

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Some of the statments he made to AJE today and yesterday are disturbing. Having read Moazzam Begg's Enemy Combatant I'm beginning to think he didnt state as much as he should have in that book.


They are trying to charge people who helped the Bosnian back in the early 90s when they knew full well that many Muslims sent money, clothes etc and some went to fight.

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abti I concur ... dad ka xoolaysan weliyga ma arag waa ugaadh la soo daayay.


how can anybody not be bitter ? what was this brother locked up for ? ..... peasant if you are neutral in the face of what is/was going on for the last few years ... i think you should be reevaluating a few things.

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Some people think it is a measure of thier intellectual profundity to chant after the slogans and labels of the Whites. Who in his right mind would not be bitter and angry otherwise? Wax unbaa loo dhiibi oo markaasay la waalan: you are intolerant,you are this and you are that! You may not know peasant;But those you seem to hold with high esteem might be laughing at your naivity. No one is infuriarating like someone who repeats after others with little or no effort to analyze the dose of mantra's he is fed to spew out! I know I got a bit hard on the brother;but i needed to put up a robust defence for what I think is right!

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^ First, the so called european jihadis that are locked in Gitmo are people with various ethnic groups and are predominantly non white. Secondly, the reason they are getting better treatment than the other folks is because their governments are fighting for their rights behind the scenes while other nationals like pakistanis and Yemenis are handed over by their very governments to the americans in the first place. So if your government is handing you over and not actively following your situation while you are locked then you are prone to be mistreated badly but there is little to suggest that race is a factor in here..



fare enough i am a parrot and you are a bigot :D

let us just stop the name calling right there..

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