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In memory of Al-Andalus

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A poignant ode about the fallen civilization: here.


While in the same spirit, here's a more heart melting tribute: Alllah the Most Kind (recited by Shaikh Mishari, May Allah bless him. God I love him).


Here's the beautiful lyrics for the second one:


الله ذو اللطائف


Allah, The Most Kind and Gentle



أَغِيبُ وذو اللّطائِف لا يغيبُ وأرجُوهُ رَجاءً لا يَخِيبُ



Although I vanish, the Most Gentle and Kind vanishes not.

Thus, I have hope in Him - hope that fails not.



وأَسْأَلُهُ السَّلامَةَ مِن زَمانٍ بُلِيتُ به نوائبهُ تُشِيبُ


I seek safety with Him from a time

where trials would age this body of mine


وأُنزِلُ حاجتي في كل حالٍ إلى مَن تطمئنُّ به القلوبُ


So, I bring my needs, and I’m ever in poverty

To the One with whom hearts find tranquility


فكم لله مِنْ تَدبِيرِ أَمْرٍ طَوَتْهُ عَنِ المُشَاهَدةِ الغُيوبُ


Numerous are the matters that Allah decrees!

Yet, the unseen realm, is that which none sees


وكم في الغَيْبِ مِن تَيْسِيرِ عُسْرٍ ومِنْ تَفريجِ نائبةٍ تَنُوبُ


His decree eases secretly our difficulties

And by decree does He alleviate our calamities


ومِن كَرَمٍ ومِن لُطْفٍ خَفِيٍّ ومِن فَرَجٍ تَزُولُ بِه الكُرُوبُ


and by His discreet kindness and generosity,

there’s relief - replacing all adversity.


ومَنْ لِي غَيرَ بابِ الله بابٌ ولا مَوْلًى سِواهُ ولا حَبيبُ


Whose door do I have, besides Allah’s door?

I have no other Master nor another whom I so adore!


كريمٌ مُنْعِمٌ بَرٌّ لَطِيفٌ جَمِيلُ الستْرِ للدّاعي مُجيبُ


He is generous, kind and gentle, blessing us ceaselessly,

He answers our prayers and conceals our faults so beautifully,


حَليمٌ لا يُعاجِلُ بالخَطايا رحيمٌ غَيْثُ رَحْمَتِهِ يَصُوبُ


Enduring is He, never hastening to recompense our delinquency

He bestows his mercy like pure rain, gracefully


فيا مَلِكَ المُلوكِ أَقِلْ عِثَارِي فَإنِّي عنْكَ أَنْأَتْنِي الذُّنُوبُ


Therefore, King of kings, please pardon me;

My sins have cast me so far away from thee


وَأَمْرَضَنِي الهَوَى لِهَوانِ حَظِّي وَلَكِنْ لَيسَ غَيْرَكَ لِي طَبِيبُ


My lusts have caused my malady

Yet there’s none but thee to heal me


فَآمِنْ رَوْعَتِي وَاكْبِتْ حَسُودًا فَإِنَّ النَّائِباتِ لها نُيُوبُ


So my Lord, comfort and shield me from eyes burning green.

for when calamities strike they do so with fangs sharp keen.


وَآنِسْنِي بِأَوْلادِي وَأَهْلِي فَقَدْ يَسْتَوْحِشَ الرَّجُلُ الغَرِيبُ


My Lord, fasten me with the joys of children and family

Without them a man is certainly a stranger, poor and lonely


وَلِي شَجَنٌ بِأَطْفالٍ صِغَارٍ أَكادُ إِذا ذَكَرْتُهُمُ أَذُوبُ


Ah, my young children, on their fate I do fret

Worn from worry and grief I am ever upset


ولَكِنِّي نَبَذْتُ زِمَامَ أَمْري لِمَنْ تَدْبِيرُهُ فِينا عَجِيبُ


But to thee the reigns of my life I do surrender

To the One who handles affairs with majestic splendor


هُوَ الرَّحْمنُ حَوْلِي وَاعْتِصَامِي بِهِ وَإِلَيْهِ مُبْتَهِلاً أُتِيبُ


The Most Merciful, my refuge and the pillar on which I lean

In repentance, I call Him with none in between.


إِلهِي أَنْتَ تَعْلَمُ كَيفَ حَالِي فَهَلْ يا سَيِّدِي فَرَجٌ قَرِيبُ


Allah, Of my condition thee did hear

so my Master, I ask, is relief near?


فيا دَيِّانَ يَومِ الدِّينِ فَرِّجْ هُمُوماً فِي الفُؤَادِ لها دَبِيبُ


O Lord of Judgment Day, relieve this anxiety

of stubborn worries that in my heart sink deeply


وَصِلْ حَبْلِي بِحَبْلِ رِضَاكَ وَانْظُرْ إِلَيَّ وَتُبْ عَلَيَّ عَسى أَتُوبُ


And bind me to the rope of thy content, and turn thy Face to me

And accept me so that I may repent and return wholly to thee.


وَرَاعِ حِمَايَتِي وَتَوَلَّ نَصْرِي وَشُدَّ عُرَايَ إِنْ عَرَتِ الخُطُوبُ


My safety and success are in thy Hands

So support my will against life’s difficult demands


وَأَلْهِمنِي لِذِكْرِكَ طُولَ عُمْرِي فَإِنَّ بِذِكْرِكَ الدُّنْيا تَطِيبُ


And with Thy remembrance illuminate my life.

Indeed when recalling thy name sweetness becomes rife


وَقُل عَبْدُ الرَّحِيمِ وَمَنْ يَلِيهِ لَهُم فِي رِيفِ رَأْفَتِنَا نَصِيبُ


And say of me that I am still thy servant

sharing in thy Kindness, drawing near to thee, no longer distant


فَظَنِّي فِيكَ يا سَنَدِي جَمِيلٌ وَمَرْعَى ذَوْدِ آمَالِي خَصِيبُ


My thoughts of thee, my Sustainer, are pleasant

And my hopes in thee, lie in meadows, fertile and fragrant


وَصَلِّ عَلى النَّبِيِّ وآلهِ مَا تَرَنَّمَ فِي الأراكِ العَنْدَلِيبُ


And send prayers and praises upon the Prophet and his family

For whom the nightingales from their branches sing their sweet melody




Translation by:


Yaser Birjas

Shpendim Nadzaku


Final Editing:




Video by:


Ahmad Saleem

Sadaf Tahir


Dedicated to the students of Ilm Summit 2008

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Sis, Al Rundi's poem was incredible;


Everything declines after reaching perfection, therefore let no man be beguiled by the sweetness of a pleasant life.


As you have observed, these are the decrees that are inconstant: he whom a single moment has made happy, has been harmed by many other moments;


And this is the abode that will show pity for no man, nor will any condition remain in its state for it.


Fate irrevocably destroys every ample coat of mail when Mashrifi [1] swords and spears glance off without effect;


It unsheaths each sword only to destroy it even if it be an Ibn Dhi Yazan and the scabbard Ghumdan[2]


Where are the crowned kings of Yemen and where are their jewel-studded diadems and crowns?


Where are [the buildings] Shaddad raised in Iram[3] and where [the empire] the Sassanians ruled in Persia?


Where is the gold Qarun[4] once possessed; where are `Ad and Shaddad and Qahtan?[5]


An irrevocable decree overcame them all so that they passed away and the people came to be as though they had never existed.


The kingdoms and kings that had been came to be like what a sleeper has told about [his] dream vision.


Fate turned against Darius as well as his slayer,[6] and as for Chosroes,[7] no vaulted palace offered him protection.


It is as if no cause had ever made the hard easy to bear, and as if Solomon had never ruled the world.


The misfortunes brought on by Fate are of many different kinds, while Time has causes of joy and of sorrow.


For the accidents [of fortune] there is a consolation that makes them easy to bear, yet there is no consolation for what has befallen Islam.


An event which cannot be endured has overtaken the peninsula; one such that Uhud has collapsed because of it and Thahlan has crumbled![8]


The evil eye has struck [the peninsula][9] in its Islam so that [the land] decreased until whole regions and districts were despoiled of [the faith]


Therefore ask Valencia what is the state of Murcia; and where is Jativa, and where is Jaén?


Where is Cordoba, the home of the sciences, and many a scholar whose rank was once lofty in it?


Where is Seville and the pleasures it contains, as well as its sweet river overflowing and brimming full?


[They are] capitals which were the pillars of the land, yet when the pillars are gone, it may no longer endure!


The tap of the white ablution fount weeps in despair, like a passionate lover weeping at the departure of the beloved,


Over dwellings emptied of Islam that were first vacated and are now inhabited by unbelief;


In which the mosques have become churches wherein only bells and crosses may be found.


Even the mihrabs weep though they are solid; even the pulpits mourn though they are wooden!


0 you who remain heedless though you have a warning in Fate: if you are asleep, Fate is always awake!


And you who walk forth cheerfully while your homeland diverts you [from cares], can a homeland beguile any man after [the loss of] Seville?


This misfortune has caused those that preceded it to be forgotten, nor can it ever be forgotten for the length of all time!


0 you who ride lean, thoroughbred steeds which seem like eagles in the racecourse;


And you who carry slender, Indian blades which seem like fires in the darkness caused by the dust cloud [of war],


And you who are living in luxury beyond the sea enjoying life, you who have strength and power in your homelands,


Have you no news of the people of Andalus, for riders have carried forth what men have said [about them]?


How often have the weak, who were being killed and captured while no man stirred, asked our help?


What means this severing of the bonds of Islam on your behalf, when you, 0 worshipers of God, are [our] brethren?


Are there no heroic souls with lofty ambitions; are there no helpers and defenders of righteousness?


0, who will redress the humiliation of a people who were once powerful, a people whose condition injustice and tyrants have changed?


Yesterday they were kings in their own homes, but today they are slaves in the land of the infidel!


Thus, were you to see them perplexed, with no one to guide them, wearing the cloth of shame in its different shades,


And were you to behold their weeping when they are sold, the matter would strike fear into your heart, and sorrow would seize you.


Alas, many a mother and child have been parted as souls and bodies are separated!


And many a maiden fair as the sun when it rises, as though she were rubies and pearls,


Is led off to abomination by a barbarian against her will, while her eye is in tears and her heart is stunned.


The heart melts with sorrow at such [sights], if there is any Islam or belief in that heart! [

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It was indeed incredible, bro. The history of that whole era was fascinating - one that leaves every Muslim tearful about its ugly demise. Nonetheless, it's one Muslim nations stand to learn a great deal from, more relevant today than any other time.


Thanks for the lyrics.

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It was a magical time full of learning and poetry. But most of it was of love and fun rather than the above.


Here is a great one.


جــادك الغـيث إذا الغـيث هـمى ~~~ يــازمــــان الــوصل بالأندلس

لــم يــكن وصــلـك إلا حــلـمـــا~~~ في الكـرى أو خلسة المختلس




إذ يقـود الدهر أشتات المنى ~~~ ننقل الخـطـو على مـا ترسم

زمـــراً بين فــرادى وثـنــــا ~~~ مثلما يدعو الحجيج الموسم

والحيا قد جلل الروض سنا ~~~ فـثـغــور الـزهــر فيــه تبسم




وروى النعــمان عـن مــاء السما ~~~ كيف يـروي مـالك عـن أنـس

فـكـســاه الحسـن ثــوباً مـعـلـمــا ~~~ يــزدهي منـه بـأبـهى ملـبس




في ليــالٍ كتمت ســر الهـــوى ~~~ بالـدجى لـولا شـمـوس الغــرر

مــال نجـم الكأس فيها وهـوى ~~~ مستـقـيـم السـير سعــد الأثـــر

وطــرٌ مـا فيه مـن عـيب سوى ~~~ أنـــه مـــر كـلـمــح الــبــصــر


حين لـذ النــوم شيئـاً أو كـمــا ~~~ هـجــم الصبح هجــوم الحرس

غــارت الشهـب بنــا أو ربمــا ~~~ أثــرت فـينــا عـيون الـنرجس




أي شيء لامرئ قد خلصا ~~~ فيكون الروض قـد مُكـِّن فـيـه

تنهب الأزهار فيه الفرصا ~~~ أمـنت مـن مـكـره مــا تتقـيـه

فإذا الماء تناجى والحصا ~~~ وخــلا كـل خـليـل بــأخـــيـــه


تبصر الورد غيوراً برمـا ~~~ يكتسي مـن غـيظـه ما يكتـسي

وتـرى الآس لبيـبـاً فهما ~~~ يســرق السمـع بـــأُذني فــرس





يــاأهيـل الحي مـن وادي الـغـضــا ~~~ وبـقــلــبي مـسـكـن أنتـم بــه

ضاق عن وجهي بكم رحب الفضا ~~~ لا أبـالي شــرقــه مـن غـربـه

فــأعـيدوا عـهـد أنـس قــد مـضـى ~~~ تعـتـقـوا عـبدكــم مـن كـربـه


واتقوا الله وأحيوا مغرماً ~~~ يتلاشى نفساً في نفس

حبس القلب عليكم كرما ~~~ أفترضون عفاء الحبس





وبـقـلـبـي مـنـكـــم مـقــتــرب ~~~ بــأحاديث المـنى وهـــو بعـــيد

قـمــر أطـلـع مـنــه الـمـغــرب ~~~ شـقـوة المضنى به وهـو سعيد

قــد تسـاوى محسن أو مـذنب ~~~ في هـــواه بين وعــد ووعــيـد


أحــور المقـلة معسـول اللمى ~~~ جــال في النفـس مجـال النفـس

سـدد السهـم فـأصمى إذ رمى ~~~ بـفـــؤادي نـبـلـة الـمــفــتــرس





إن يكـن جـار وخـاب الأمـل ~~~ فـفـؤاد الصـب بـالشوق يذوب

فـهــو للـنفـس حـبـيـب أول ~~~ ليس في الحب لمحبوب ذنوب

أمــــره مـعــتـمـل مـمـتـثـل ~~~ في ضـلـوع قـد بـراهـا وقـلوب


حـكـم اللـحـظ بـه واحـتـكـما ~~~ لـم يـراقب في ضعـاف الأنفـس

يـنـصف المظلوم ممن ظـلما ~~~ ويـجـازي الـبر منهـا والمـسي





ما لقلبي كلما هبت صبا ~~~ عـاده عـيد مـن الشوق جديد

جلب الهـم لـه والوصـبا ~~~ فهو للأشجان في جهد جهيد

كان في اللوح له مكتـتبا ~~~ قــولـه : إن عـذابي لـشـديـد


لاعج في أضلعي قد أُضرما ~~~ فهي نار في هشيم اليبس

لم يدع في مهجتي إلا ذمـا ~~~ كـبقاء الصبح بعد الغـلس





سلـمي يــانفـس في حـكـم الـقـضـا ~~~ واعـمري الوقت برجعـى ومتاب

ودعــي ذكــــر زمـــان قـــد مضـى ~~~ بين عـتبى قــد تقـضت وعـتـاب

واصرفي القول إلى المولى الرضى ~~~ مـلهـم التـوفـيق فـي أم الكـتـاب


الـكــريـم المنتهى والمنتمى ~~~ أسـد السرج وبـدر المجـلس

يـنزل النصر عـليـه مـثلـمـا ~~~ ينزل الـوحي بروح الـقـدس





مصطــفى الله سـمي المصطـفى ~~~ الـغــني بـــالله عــن كـل أحـــد

مــن إذا مــا عـقــد العـهــد وفى ~~~ وإذا مــــا فـتـح الخطـب عـقــد

مــن بني قـيـس بن سعـد وكفى ~~~ حيث بيت النصر مرفوع العـمد


حيث بيت النصر محـمي الحـمى ~~~ وجـنى الفـضل زكـي الـمغـرس

والـهــوى ظــل ظـلـيـل خـيـمـــا ~~~ والـنــدى هــب إلى المـغــتـرس





هـاكهـا يـاسـبـط أنصـار الـعلا ~~~ والــذي إن عـثر الـدهر أقـال

غــادة ألـبسهــا الحســن مــلا ~~~ تـبـهـر العـين جـلاء وصقـال

عـارضـت لفـظاً ومعنى وحلى ~~~ قـول مـن أنطقه الحب فـقـال:


(( هـل درى ظبي الحمى أن قـد حمى ~~~ قـلب صـب حـله عـن مكـنس ))

(( فـهــو في حـــر وخـفــق مـثـلـمـــا ~~~ لعـبت ريـح الصـبـا بالقـبس ))

And here it is being sung by a great voice.

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