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2006 e-Nuri Service Of Islam Awards

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The past five years has been an exciting period in history for e-Nuri and associates who are active on these netwaves analysing trends of geo-politico-religious trends, by all measures when it comes to the Service of our great faith, Islam, as I looked into the most impressive individuals, groups, genders and Nomads, who have contributed to the spreading of islam's word worldwide unintentionally, e-Nuri came up with the following draft nominations, and reasons why. Your critique and analyses is highly appreciated before we post the real winners on another thread.


The Award is given to the person or institution that made the most difference to help the message of Islam reach the farthest distance in the shortest time.



The Highest award of Service Of Islam goes to one of the following:


1. George Bush

2. Jyllands-Posten

3. The Somali Hijabi Woman






Depending on the story you believe in for what happened on 9/11, who was behind it and who has benefited most since it happened, one can not help but observe bizaarre events, lies, and non-ending episodes of coverups and gag rules, limiting civil rights of speech (one sided), right to information , fundemental changes that combined speak loudly that : (SUM SING WRONG) The story is about a chinese couple who had a baby delivered at hospital, the baby had wide eyes, curly hairs and dark skins, his parents named him ( SUM SING WRONG)


An article I read after the tragedy of 9/11, by the Guardian Newspaper predicted that BenLaden had won the war before it even started, the writer reasoned:


1. if Benladen is caught and tried publicly , it will be a free advertisement for Islam


2. If he remains at large and never caught, he will be an inspiration to young Muslims worldwide to follow his ways


3. If he is killed, a martyr like Che Guevara who died for the poor and oppressed is created, even more inspirational.


Four years later, let us see what had happened:


1. The world is more dangerous place to live in ( Somalia, Mogadishu Warlords fighting "Terrorist" Islamic Courts )


2. Aghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon are all unstable.


3. Freedom loving people are no longer as free as they used to be, their privacy is no more sanctified, freedom of speech is not allowed since it can cause danger, simply put, 9/11 reshaped the lifestyle of Americans and to a degree some western nations. ( in that sense, those who hate freedom have won the war) One of the jokes I received after the tragedy goes like this ( president Bush has ordered that all Americans help flushing terrorists out of American soil, so as a patriotic duty, the president has asked American women to walk around nude for the weekend going about their business to scare terrorists so they can run for their eyes and life, meanwhile, American men are asked to sit in their porches and enjoy looking at the nude ladies while drinking their favorite beer to show terrorists that American values of freedom are rock solid.



Now, whoever pulled this big trick called 9/11, ( its hard to believe, if Muslims were indeed capapble of doing half of what it took to plan and execute such a gruesome feat, they should be on their way to send a woman to the Cat-Eye Nebulae some 3000 Nur years away, indeed 9/11 has changed a lotta minds, and altered a lotta lives, let us see where we are today in terms of religious stats.



1. The number of new converts (reverts) to Islam has more than quadruppled, Islam is more often being discussed on media (mostly, negative that is) that no day goes by without hearing Islam. Now, a simple calculation tells me that on the average 50% of viewers no longer believe what they hear from news media, which makes them sympathetic to the villain, in this case Islam, they read the omnipresent web content, surfing from site to site, looking for finding the truth for themsellves by getting other versions, some of the viewers succeed in finding an answer to their inquiry, and subsequently convert to Islam.


Against that background, unless you have your own nominations, the e-Nuri Serivice Of Islam award goes to George Bush in the first place, the Danish Newspaper Jyllands-Posten, in the second and the Somali Hijabi ( Veiled) Woman last, wait ! why the Somali Hijabi women ?



And I thought you never ask! ;)





2006 e-Nuri Trend Analyses Services

Neutralize Your Enemy, Treat Him Nice

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Salamun caliyka,




good to see u on sol


(SUM SING WRONG) The story is about a chinese couple who had a baby delivered at hospital, the baby had wide eyes, curly hairs and dark skins, his parents named him ( SUM SING WRONG)


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Shiekh Nurow, gormee baad shucuubta beenta ka deyn. all in all, you Promise and Disappear. I was waiting for that miracle handshake you promised couple of weeks ago and just left without any notification.


on the real sheikh, is this an investment. do you have to subscribe to eNuri to get the results



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My man Sage Nur I beg to differ. In my humble opinion Islam has suffered big time beyond repair because of Bush's neocon policies.


1. Bush has secured permanent basis in the heart of and around Muslim World. In a way he conquerred Muslim lands. The so called independent ones have been neutralized by integrating them into the "allies" bandwagon.


2. Islam has been depicted as evil and nihilistic religion very succesfully.


3. Anti-Islamic authors have become a rare jewel in the academia and think tank circles and have secured unlimited funds to propagate their anti-Islamic agenda.


4. Homeland Security and other intelligence apparatus with huge budget and political leeway have been instructed to spearhead the hunt for the enlightened, liberated, and pious Muslims.


5. Muslims transanction are now monitored and counted as beans one by one. So much so the pious Muslims find very difficult to help poor Somalis build water wells.


6. Islamophopia is now a legitimate political force. Almost all political parties in the West have some sort of Islamophopia in their political party platform.


7. Islam as an idealogy has replaced the communist and the entire Western military and econonimacal power is now reconfigured to its destruction.


8. Ordinary Muslims like students in search of learning in the Western universities are now subjected and put under the microscope.


Now these are the negative consequences from that awfull attack. In my book the negative setbacks outweigh the positive gains.


Ciiloow wayee talo xumaan cudur ka weyneynee nin baa laga sheegay.

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I believe Islamic religion thrives under pressure and hardship.......!


All these problems in a way is a wake up call for Muslims and there is a clear evidence of Muslims going back to their root(that is the Quran and Sunnah) because they feel they have been targeted because of their faith, and to me that is a good sign of Muslim dignity coming back.

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Guhad bro


Walaal iga raalli noqo, waqti yaraan iyo niyad ballaran baa ballan xumo i badday.






This thread dates back to February, the Islamic courts were being targeted for ilimination, and Lebanon was in peace, today, Mogadishu is in peace and unfortunately bombs are raining on Lebanon killing the innocent civilians.


The more these events coniue to happen, the more Islams message reaches audineces around the world.


Your take on who should get the Service of Islam Award




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