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Of Beetles Angels

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I recently read an inspirational book whose last few passages truly touched me; especially with all that is going on now, and my date with the real world looming. It made me think about the kind of person I want to be, and it reinforced my path of what I want to do with the rest of my life.


Now I want to share it with you. Its simple, but most often it’s the simple things that we forget to do, so take it as a reminder.


It goes something like this:


“Remembering where you come from means holding on to the vision that you are a part of a human community that you can carry with you every day. That community has given us much. Are we not obligated to give it something back?...Too many of us go through life with the covers over our heads. We want to reach out, but we fear to make ourselves vulnerable. And we are also busy. We have appointments to keep; we have things to do. We race through a world of demands. And then we ask ourselves almost helplessly, “What can we do as individuals?â€

Some people say that a butterfly flapping its wings in Japan can cause a hurricane in Louisiana. Any one of us, however small and helpless we may feel, can spark unimaginable changes. Today’s small act of kindness can become tomorrow’s whirlwind of human progress….. The big, sweeping, revolutionary actions are always most noticeable. But quite often, it will be the small things that all of us can do that will have the most impact…..As we start the journey to wherever our dreams may lead, we must remember where we have come from. We must recall our membership in the human community that has nourished us; we must accept the responsibility to keep that community alive. Improving the quality of life for the entire human community is the single greatest task that faces our generation and generations to come.â€


~~Mawi Asgedom- Of Beetles & Angels~~

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