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Somali Bantu

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As would be the case with other farmers from rural Africa, the Bantu will face a culture and civil society in America that is as foreign to them as any on earth. Although other refugees with similar histories of persecution and marginalization, such as the Hmong from Southeast Asia, have resettled in the United States, no such large group of African immigrants from one minority group has come to the United States.


In addition to obstacles such as illiteracy, lack of English skills, immigrant status, lack of formal education, and no modern-economy job skills, the Bantu will also face the obstacle of discrimination inherent in American society. For these reasons, it is suggested that American resettlement professionals devote sufficient resources to help the Somali Bantu overcome the immense challenges they will face in the United States.


The Bantu have a very strong sense of family and community. This strength can work to overcome some of the challenges they will face in the United States. Resettling extended family and kin groups together could provide the social, spiritual, and physical support that will be needed by the Bantu to more effectively integrate into American society. This is particularly important as Bantu refugees will neither have established family, nor kin support networks waiting to assist them in the United States. Moreover, they have proven time and again that they can adapt to extremely difficult and new situations. With sufficient levels of mentoring and resources, the Bantu can successfully adapt to American society(


My question--- are all the Somali’s who came to the U.S. as a refugee a Bantu?

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U.S is playing a sneaky game by letting in all these somali bantu's


it's trying to make it seem as if the somali bantu's are only ones that are being prosecuted and ill-treated in somalia


potraying ethnic somalis as evil racists with one goal killing all bantu's


the somali bantu's themself also tell this story when their seeking asylum in european countries


evendo our somali bantu brothers and sisters have gone through dark moments like all somalis,that doesn't give them the right to lie and make it seem as if their people are the only ones suffering


because of that fairy tale a lot of ethnic somalis from minority qabills have problems finding a safe haven in other countries because there seen as the evil purpetrators and not as victims


and america's hidden agenda is to invade somalia and therefore they need to take away any sympathy from the general public for somali's

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^^^^its not lies son ...some ethnic somalis are evil racists......Its Evident in somalia....I've seen it with me own eyes last time i went back......disgusting how they look down on THEM.......Somali Jareer's/Bantu's go through serious hardship in somalia......

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