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Posts posted by Cabdow

  1. Quiet a few, but don't wanna mention their names! Lest that gives them bigger heads then they already got na'mean smile.gif


    PS; What ya mean Xidigo is your least favorate, she is cool man. What i like about her is she knows how to put some dreamers into their designated spots :D

  2. The master plan of raising my kids will consist of three things Insha'Allah smile.gif


    1) The house that they will be raised in shall be implemented with the Islamic values (not by hadal but by dhaqan)

    2) Take them home for 'Dhaqan Celis' once in a while, so that they don't forget where they came from!

    3) Always make Du'a to Allah to guide them on the right path (after all he is the only one that guides) and hope for the best!


    Btw, A.Z, dab aan jirin baad qoryo u guraneysa adiga, relax sxb! :D

  3. Koolo, my dear, Ilaahay ha noo wada fudeediyo dhamaanteen, meesha lagaa heesto Ilaahay hakaa sii daayo, boqolaal wardi iyo tabaaraka ayaan soo akhrin Inshaa Allaah, faataxa

    Awliyadi hadey faataxa tiri yaa diidi kara, i don't know about the boqol wardi iyo Tabaaraka but Faataxa it's smile.gif


    KK, umuuraha Allaha kuu sahlo!

  4. Aar Maanta maanta maanta waa maalin weyne maanta....Isn't that how the Eid song used to go back then smile.gif


    I like them catz, they somewhat original which is kinda hard to see these days!

  5. sorry dear. It is just that I couldnt help but picture nin madoow oo dheer oo Elavatorka ku soo orday and the poor soul who thought "cave man alert"

    lol@cave man alert....Yur :D

  6. You expect him to make his own food? How selfish is that. He is a man, while married to you, he shouldn't even know how the kitchen looks like. Shame on those women who allow their partner to see the inside if the family kitchen. Shame on you!!!

    Shame on them indeed :D


    Soo dhowoow miz Africanqueen!

  7. @c&h and the rest of those who don't eat suhuur! Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said, “You should have suhuur for it is blessed nourishment.” [Reported by Imaams Bukhaari and Muslim]


    My point- iska raaxeyso, eat what you need and do the weight loss thing AFTER Ramadan. Give this month to Allah

    Hear hear ladies! smile.gif

  8. Originally posted by Geel_jire:

    NG has a great point.


    marriage solved my money problems.


    before marriage I made roughly the same amount .. which was quite a bit .. but somehow it was never enough and I could never figure out where it all went.


    now I send money to both families and we have more expenses but there always seems to be some left over.

    War ninyow nin xaasley ah oo war kheer qaba sheegi adi unbaan ka arkay, ma kaa dhab ba adeer, mise jabka raggu hawada qeebsadaan baad leedahay smile.gif


    Ps. As long some portion of one's earnings is given to Sadaqa, the rest don't really matter how one spends as it will be 'Barakanized' anyways, Or so i think!


    :D @Malika & Indhoos