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Posts posted by Cabdow

  1. ^ Aamiinta hala igu daro lol


    C&H, inkastoon odayaal bir-laq ah ku abtirsado, hadana fulay hooyadii ma gablanto horey loo yiri ;)


    Buuxo from Luuq! Malaha luuqa in lagu geeyaad ka jeclaan laheed then the xero icon_razz.gif But seriously, lafdhabarta ummada uma quuro inaan xoolo ku tilmaamo, xaasha smile.gif

  2. may Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah and may he ease the sufferings of all the muslims and may he protect us all from all evil Insha Allah...maybe pardon all our sins both minor and major and may he have mercy on all the dead muslims and last but not least may he pardon the sins of all our beloved parents Insha Allah.

    Aamiin my brother! And may Allah also keep you safe in the ZULU land smile.gif


    Eid Mubarak Ya'all and Kulla Caam Wa antum Bi'Khair!!!

  3. Xerada waa la wadaa galaa aan taaganahay hadaba

    If both paid the expense half, i agree. But, if one paid more then the other, then surely, midbaa laxero gashtay, wouldn't you say :D


    Xerooyinka are modernized these days, they come with automatic doors @Cara smile.gif

  4. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

    Raaliye, of course. That is the 'male version.'


    Raaliyonimo iyo raaliyenimaba labadoodaba qalad laga fahmay. Only dadka fahmo see ugu dhaqmaan the true reer qoyseed ayaa garto. Wax ka reer magaalsana ma arkin, waa dad reerkooda iyo carruurtooda u soo jeedo, kana hormariye dan walba, unlike wiifyaasha kale banaanka fadhi ku dirirka ka ku afleeriyo iyo kuwa kalena aroos ka aroos ku wareego.

    Hodman, there ^^^ you have it!


    Oh btw, rag ma xiro galaan ee iyagaa xiro galiyo dumarka (Again, dont quote me on it, waaa saan maqlay :D )

  5. MMA, I honestly have no idea where he is from, but if he is from Oromo as you and others suggested. Then i guess, our DNA's are not that far apart eh smile.gif


    KK, the way u tiri "Iyaaaaah@Canjeex" ima cajabin eedo icon_razz.gif


    "Some men manipulate her and use her for greed, kill in her name but her name comes from PEACE! So i stand by her pillars, proud. She keeps me grounded, reminds me to be humble, through her are all the anwers to every questions" I is in love with her too smile.gif

  6. Have you lot never given your best Dacwah performance to someone from the opposite sex and who also happened to be beautiful? and the rest you were like 'naga daa kuwas weey madax adag-yihiin' it's not worth the effort.Well I haven't

    ^ :D


    Gaddafi is becoming weired and unpredictable as of late! Laakiin, rag badan oo ilama-adeeradiisa (dhagacasta kale) waa dhaamaa in ragganimo wise, i give him that credit!

  7. Originally posted by hodman:

    ^^^ what does Raaliyo even mean? Is dat another word for doormat?

    Doormat? Noo far from it!


    Raaliyo is actually a behaviour women adopt/show once lasoo xiro galiyo (not all but some) and those "Some" are usually said to be those who end up in a successful marriage! Don't quote me on it, waa saan maqlay smile.gif

  8. Who is in position to enforce Shariah if not them?

    First of all, They are an Opposition party (Mucaarad) and as an Opposition party they have no right to enforce anything on anybody. That's for the Government to decide!




    As i said before i support The Sharia Law, but i do not support Shabab & CO for a reasons that anybody who wants anything good to come out of Somalia could see ( one being killing 'sometimes themselves' and torturing innocent civilians for their own political gains/agenda while hiding behind this beautiful religion is out there for anybody to see sxb) Anyways, hadal iyo dhamaantii, they have shown their true colors adeer whether you like to see it or not!


    Ps. If you believe inay XAQA ku taaganyihiin, would you have supported them if they said they were to come to Waqooyi land to liberate? No need to answer smile.gif

  9. gadafi.jpg



    A group of party girls got more than they bargained for when they were recruited to attend a posh do in Rome on Sunday night.


    Instead of canapés and cocktails, the 200 young women found themselves being encouraged to become Muslims.


    It turned out the host was Libya's leader, Col Muammar Gaddafi, in town for the UN food summit.


    He spoke of the wonders of Islam and assured his guests it was not anti-women, as some critics argue.


    The selection process had been rigorous; the identity of the host, a mystery.


    The girls had to be beautiful, between 18 and 35 - and at least 1.70m tall.


    The dress code was strict: plunging necklines and short miniskirts were most definitely out.


    Two-hundred women passed muster and were bussed to a plush residential corner of the Italian capital.


    Security scanned and shown into an imposing reception room, they were then left waiting, as several complained, without so much as a glass of water.


    An hour later, their host's identity was finally revealed.


    Col Gaddafi proceeded to preach the benefits of Islam, taking particular pains to assure his guests that it was not misogynistic, and encouraging them to convert.


    Two hours later, the women left, looking a touch bemused, 50 euros ($75; £45) better off and clutching a copy of the Koran.




    Dacwooy xaal qaado :D

  10. ^ I don't believe there is a better law for Muslims (inc, Somalis) to be governed, then the Sharia Law! But in my earlier comment, i was actually referring to the "Shabaabs/Hizbul-Islam" behaviours and how they are not in a possition to enforce Sharia Law on to poor civilians, when they themselves are flawed and full of corruptions!