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Everything posted by Saxardiid

  1. Originally posted by Xiddig: asalaamu alaykum This letter was roaming around for many years, and I 've seen a copy around 6 years ago. but i doubt its authenticity,,Armaa MARXUUMKA lagu been abuurtay.bye i also doubted its authenticity, and could be been abuur as those who passed this copy to Liberty have vested interest for doing so.
  2. too much alcohol in somalia even before the civil war so don't blame those who escaped from "justice" in the west.
  3. is these people live in reality? pretending all Las'anod's residens support one land or the other. Read what one respected Garaad from Lasanood says. Garaad C/qani “ maamulda somalilnd iyo Puntland kama yeelayno iany dadkeena... Muqdisho 12/1/04 ) waxaa markii ugu horeysa warsaxaafadeed ka soo saaray dagaaladii ku soo noq noqonya magaalda La-as-caanod garaad C/qani ga-raad jaamac oo ka mid ah garaadyada Gobolka Sool magca weyn ku leh. Garaadkan wuxuu sheegay in garaadyada gobolka sool ay la qabaan warsaxaafadeedkiisa ku saabasan in la joojyo colaada laga hurinayo gobolka sool Somaliland iyo Puntlan key ahaataba isagoo sheegay in cuqaasha gobolka sool ay isku racsan yihiin in Gobolka la nabadeeyo, wuxuuna si kulul u canbaareeyay dagaalada ay abaabulayaan soamlilnd iyo Puntlan ee ku kooban gobolka sool gaar ahaan magaalda laascaanood. Warasaxaafadeedka ayaa soo abaxay ka dib markii ciidamo soamlilnd ah oo aad u hubaysan ay soo dageen meesha layiraa Oog oo 70km u jirta Laascaanood halka Ciidamda puntland ay isku urursanayaan gudaha magaalda laascanood. “labada maamul ee soomaaliland iyo puntland ka yeeli mayno inay isku la-ayaan dadkeenada..” ayuu yiri Garaad C/qani wuxuuna intaa ku daray in Beelaha sool ay hurdada ka kacaan Deegaankoodana ay difaacdaan. Mogadisho Times please stop insulting Amin he's only expressing in arts what many people know by heart.
  4. pres Adan is not only stateman but he became the first post colonial president of black africa nation who democratically handedover his office to an other elected president. HE IS TRUE HERO IN AN ANTI HERO NATION.
  5. Originally posted by Sophist: Though I have profound respect for Aamin Caamir, I think he fell over the clif on this picture. A political cartoonist has to know his subjects weel--not impose the hoopla habla he hears in the Somali cafes. Thus Spake I get real sxb. are you disputing that reer lascaanood are divided down the middle by tribal allegiance with pl and political one with sl? the guy is giniues and he is politically aware artist. as they say picture worth 1000 words or something.
  6. Originally posted by Instinct-Poet: Sooyal thanx for sharing the article... Young somali poet.. Seems like some one i'll witness later in life If she continues to write. my pleasure and your contribution is welcomed here. if we encourge our youngisters to reat and write some poems then they have a chance to develop them in their later years.
  7. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Salaan... wuxuu bixiye gabdhihiis oo yar yar oo caruur eh oo waxba ka war qabin. sxb have similar enxiety about whole business because it deals with gabdho yar yar. this issue is very difficult for grown ups and its non starter for gabdho yar yar so Allow sahal amuuraha. this kind of actions may create run aways and Waris type women. i would be very happy if the dad took the initiative and marry woman from the those tribes discriminated by somalis' ignorant culture.
  8. Nur Anarchy , the true freedom Might makes right The econmic benefits of Anarchy in Somalia, The demographical changes casued by anarchy Breeding Anarchy at home, raising little anarchists Agreeing to disagree on all issues Chaos, the ultimate pleasure sxb why you don't add your list of undesirable topics: Anarchy vs. Order somalia:best example of Anarchy how the brain of Anarchist works. top anarchist groups etc. etc.
  9. whenever one talks about arabs why muslims jump and start defending indefenceable? arabs including somalis run away their homeland not because of the west but because of their rulers, trible wars, underdevelopmen, economic stagnation and political slavery. most of what kilroy said was absolutely right and he doesn't need to opologise to anyone. arabs don't tell truth to themselves and they don't like anyone else telling them that too. truth hurts anyway.
  10. this picture said everything! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: click here for link
  11. A Drunken Man Kills Two People In Gal Kayo At least two people have been killed and three others wounded after an armed man opened fire at a crowded place in Gal kayo town in central Somalia. According to local sources, the armed man has taken alcohol and begun opening fire at his victims. .police forces in the area are trying to detain the drunken man who still at large. The man has shown resistance when police tried to capture him. This incident is rare in Somalia’s society where 100% of the population is Muslim. This incident is rare in Somalia’s society where 100% of the population is Muslim. However, the town has been the seen of armed clashes between local clans which left more than four people dead. click here for link
  12. Originally posted by HornAfrique: That kind of international attention is what we're looking for. horn your obsulutely right we need this kind of int attention that can push the conference forward. lets hope leaders/worlords there take this rare opportunity and find a way to resolve their differences. consciouse installing a brutal pro-American dictator to keep anti-US elements (namely Islamic groups) sxb somalia is a place which too low that no one wants or no use to anyone. if US wanted to install one of her dictators in somalia right now why she didn't do just that long ago. i think we are putting ourselves too much value. so lets hope we get int support and also our people try to work something out. Whatever happens to somali people they never let hurm to islamic groups. these people became part and parcel of somali people and their culture/identity. The US knows and every one knows that. so lets pray to Allah this time something good will come out from this latest conference in kenya.
  13. Aden-Adde: A gentleman of Somalia By: Omar Mohamed The President of a country is the Nation’s moral, not just a political leader. Presidents must do right to achieve good. Aden Abdulle Osman knew that, and decency was his core. I can think of no other Somali Political Leader who could have done a better job. He believed that honesty was government’s polar star. It lit his view that “in Somalia people rule” and “Somalia is a country of laws.” I have never heard one story of President Aden Abdulle Osman uttering or even tolerating a word about tribalism. Aden Abdulle Osman aka Aden-Adde was not a household name when he assumed the Presidency of the new Somali Republic. He’d been a president of the Legislative Assembly since its creation in the United Nations Trust Territory of Somaliland under Italian Administration in the early 1950’s, and the Provincial President of the new Republic from 1960-61. But the more the country saw of him, the more it liked – and smoothly grew into statehood. Many of the political leaders of that era knew him years before he led the Nation. He was his own man, with great self-confidence, and could work with people on all sides of the Somali political spectrum. To this day, some still admire his character. “Aden-Adde meant what he said, and said what he meant.” An old Somali politician told me. As President, Aden-Adde faced a nation obsessed with tribalism. His reply was to follow the Constitution and the Laws of the Land to the word. And amid the nightmare of the 1964 Constitutional Crisis that was most welcome. He knew his rightful actions would be controversial, and he took a lot piling on it. I thought he was right then, and I think history now agrees. He was calm, not arrogant, and he believed he could responsibly fulfill his duties. He was willing to do courageous thing – even though it cost him the Presidency against his former Prime Minister Hon. Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke in the 1967 Presidential Election. On a July afternoon, he left office. He was a unifier, not a divider. Some dubbed Aden-Adde a weak president; others thought of him a sworn tribalist. He didn’t care. He intended to govern as President of all the people. His forte was honor, not rhetoric, showing how civility could light even the dark cave of Somali politics. Today when politics is coarse and ugly, we should remember him as a man who had opponents but never enemies. His life was never attempted during his term in office or after. Even the heinous civil war spared him. I can’t help compare President Aden Abdulle Osman to the list of presidential hopefuls in the Somali Reconciliation Conference at Nairobi, Kenya. He would have shone above all of them: Gentle in manner, strong in deeds. click for link
  14. US wants normalized Somalia DIPLOMATIC PUSH: The US, concerned about terrorism in the lawless African nation, is considering a diplomatic effort to restart stalled talks on resolving strife AFP , WASHINGTON Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 The US is considering a major diplomatic initiative to help create a functional government in lawless Somalia, a senior US State Department official said Friday. The aim would be to restore the war-ravaged country to some form of normality for its impoverished people and rein in terrorist elements, including some affiliated with Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, the official said. Both would boost east African stability and reduce the terrorist threat in the region, the official told reporters on condition of anonymity. The Somalian capital was ironically the scene of one of the biggest US military fiascos of recent times in October 1993. The US Army was fighting in Mogadishu against militiamen loyal to the late warlord Mohamed Farah Aidid when 18 Task Force rangers on two Black Hawk helicopters were killed. Should it proceed, the US push would see significant US financial, logistical and diplomatic assistance funneled into faltering Kenyan-mediated negotiations between Somalia's warring factions, the official said. It could be modeled on US support for peace talks between Sudan's government and southern rebels, also being mediated by Kenya, that appear close to producing a settlement to end 20 years of civil war, the official said. US President George W. Bush's administration, which has placed a high priority on the Sudan peace effort, is studying the feasibility of Washington's involvement in the Somalia talks, the official said. A report on the possibilities is due to be completed within 60 days, the official said. "Kiplagat is a good diplomat and has taken a relatively hopeless situation and matured it," the official said, referring to Bethuel Kiplagat, Kenya's special envoy to the peace talks. "I don't know if he has matured enough to where we and somebody else can step in and take it to an end game that is satisfying though," the official said. "That's what the question is." There have been 15 failed bids to negotiate durable peace in Somalia, which has been without a recognized central government since 1991, when dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted. Last September, delegates to the latest round, which began in October 2002, endorsed a transitional federal charter but that was immediately rejected by several key figures, including the head of the current transitional government. Earlier Friday, the regional Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), which has been sponsoring the current round, convened a meeting of Somali political leaders and warlords in Nairobi to try to give the talks a boost. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, whose country now chairs IGAD, urged Somalis to end the "slow genocide" in their country and Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki challenged them to end the "senseless war" in the Horn of Africa nation. Kibaki called on the fractious leader to upgrade a frequently ignored October 2002 truce into a complete ceasefire agreement. That pace has been violated repeatedly, mostly in Somalia's bullet-charred capital of Mogadishu. Kenyan officials have for months warned the international community against ignoring lawlessness in Somalia, saying it poses a threat to the stability of nearby countries and is a "breeding ground" for criminality and terrorism. click here for the artical
  15. Maasha Allah Turning Muslim in Texas There are 400,000 Muslims in Texas alone and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the USA. Since 9/11 there have been more converts to Islam than ever. Eric believes that people are trying to understand Muslims and want to learn about their religion. Yasmine says: ‘America should not be afraid. If it would be better Muslims were the majority. If a child asks me: “Who made this leaf?” I say, “Allah. Allah made everything.”’ click this like for full artical
  16. the hopes are very high so we should pray to Allah some thing very concrate willl come out of it.
  17. UN development and relief organisations have expressed concern at growing tension between the two regions and say any conflict could destabilise talks taking place in Kenya between Somali warlords aimed at bringing peace to Somalia as a whole. waa yaab!
  18. the toppling of despotic regimes in the Middle East should be a war aim this would get more support in arab middle east.
  19. horn how someone can count the whole country anless you count region by region. so could you tell me how 52% no union vote come about please?
  20. by now we learned what humilation and disappointment means. The guests clapped and ululated. too much emotions!
  21. Huuganka This opposition accounted for nearly 52% of the northern region’s voting population, is this indorsing the union then?
  22. U.S. defense sources said the exercise could mark the start of the U.S. military strike against Somalia, regarded as a key base for Al Qaida. military strike is bad and it may hurt the civilians but why don't they just invade the place, because we have terrorists that worse than alqaida. beleive me people will come out of streets and wave them as heroes. Our problem is that we don't own oil or gold so no one thinks we are worth of rescue .
  23. although i disagree some of his analysis and generalisation but i totally agree with him many points. i used to ask myself when oppoligist suggest that the west should respect the arab/muslim countries, why should they do that. because we don't respect ourselves in the first place. We havethousands of asylum seekers from Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen,Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries living happily in this country onsocial security. This shows what their own people think of the Arab regimes, doesn't it?There is not one single British asylum seeker in any Arab country. That saysit all about which country deserves the epithet loathsome. as long as arabs/muslims chant words like "be ruux be dam nafdiika yaa sadam/mubarak and so forth we will be teated like this.
  24. SmithNWest i disagree many history event you mentioned but without anyone independent verifiying the those events we cant agree them so its better to leave the history in this specific instances. Abdullahi is not a saint but I see no Somali leaders alive today that can equal his skill in handling tough situations, where have you seen 1500 armed rebel group with 40 technicals brought back to their homes integrated to the Army without any mass revenge killings or anarchy? The answer is in Puntland 2003 peace between Abdullahi and Gen Cade. i don't disagree this at all, in fact i was delighted to see abdulahi following the footsteps of late mr Egal peace deal with his opponent. i think the reason he did was that he realises that this peace talk in kenya is his last chance for him to try to claim the top job in somalia and didn't want any distruction for his quest. now mr SNW next few days we will keep eye on him and what he does in the peace talk in kenya then we can discuss whether he is the man you reckon or other wise.
  25. Originally posted by SmithNwestern: [QB] Sooyaal LOL, whats the difference between the Cairo and Sodere? Cairo only a/llahi and his uncle left and it was direct order from Ethiopian leadership. god knows if they stayed behind little bit we may by now have a working gov. So Abdullahi walked out on Cairo because his constituancy supported it, if they didnt there would be no Puntland. what you trying to say here is that the old guy is democrat? bal soomaaliyeey maqla! It is funny that the Areas that Abdullahi controls i.e. Puntland have had the most peace in Somalia and have had the largest development of any part of the former republic. please don't treat us like ignorant people. its not the old guy that created the peace and stability in the region they had all that before even abdulahi left his dungeon in Addis He has the right but not the attitude, well you seem like you know him personally do you? maybe i know the guy more than you do and it doesn't need to be very cleaver to figure out that.