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Everything posted by Jaylaani

  1. Originally posted by Maakhir: Mr. Yaasin Kilwe Othman is a native of Sanaag state, a state that I am proud to represent in the Transitional Federal Somali Parliament of Somali Republic currently based in Baidoa, Somalia. Asha Ahmed Abdalla Now that doesn't help his case does it? Like I said he better eat or he will die in prison.
  2. Originally posted by Castro: ^ I'm talking about Berbera-Hargeisa. And yes, overloaded trucks heading to Ethiopia have something to do with it. Check your sources atheer. But I didn't ask that to lay any blame or take any swipes at Somaliland. Furthermore, roads are meant to be traveled on but putting limits on weights make them safer and last longer. Castro, No need to check my resources. I was there 5 months ago. The damages are due to water damages and lack of bridges. Those trucks also travel from Hargeisa to Wajaale. That road has no visible damages because the Italians who built the highway construct water ways underneath. The road between Hargeisa and Berbera has no bridges and there are numerous of flooded rivers with no boundaries during the raining seasons. However, I agree the oversize trucks don't help the condition of the road either.
  3. Financed, Engineered and built by SOMALILANDERS without a single dollar from elsewhere. Now that is determination. The HARGEISA’s second bridge is about to take off as well. The Burco airport is about to be finished too… Next, Somalilanders need to focus on Berbera airport. The run ways are great but there is no terminal. I was very disappointed. That airport need to be invested in. Castro, The road between Burco and Berbera is repaired. There are some water damages in the one between Hargeisa and Berbera. It has nothing to do with the Ethopian trucks. It is due to floods and lack bridges. Tone, You're 100% correct, therer is no raod between Ceergaabo and Burco. That need to be addressed.
  4. He better eat or he will die in prison. After all it's Africa.
  5. These article are on the frot page of the SOL. No need to repost them in a new thread. I just did it to make a point for you. How about this one. Madaafiic Caawa ku dhaceysa Xaafado ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho Arbaco, February 07, 2007(HOL): Caawa Xaaladda Magaalada Muqdisho aad ayay u kacsan tahay, dadka ku noolna aad ayay u cabsanayaan, sababtoo ah waxaa Xaafado ka mid ah Magaalada Muqdisho ku dhacaya Madaafiic waa weyn oo aan la ogeyn meel laga soo ganay. Madfac aad u culus ayaa wuxuu ku dhacay guri ku yaala Xaafadda Al-Baraka ee Magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuuna halkaasi ku dilay haweeney, halka uu dhaawacay haweeney kale iyo gabar ay dhashay oo meel ku wada sheekeysanayay. Waa madfacii labaad oo xaafadda Al-Baraka ku dhaca, wuxuuna todobaadkii hore uu guri ku dhow guriga uu Caawa ku dhacay uu ku dilay labo ruux, waxayna dadka xaafaddaas ku dhacay ay muujinayaan wel wel ku saabsan sida ay xaaladdooda noqon doonto haddii ay sii socoto tuur-tuurista Madaafiicda. Dadka Xaafaddaas ku dhaqan ayaa waxay aaminsan yihiin in madaafiicdaas ay ku soo rideen Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ee magaalada Muqdisho ku sugan, bacdamaa sida ay yiraahdeen uu madfaca uga imaanayo jihooyinka ay ka xigaan Ciidamadaas. Waa Muqdisho iyo Madfac dhacaya xiliga habeenkii!!, Allow Magantaa, ma taqaanid meel ay wax kaaga soo dhacayaan, waxaaba kaaga sii daran magaalada Isbitaallada ku yaala ma ahan kuwo qalab iyo dawo fiican heysta, waxayna ku tiirsan yihiin Hay'ado Samafal oo markii ay ayaan joogaanba u keena wax xoogaa dawo ah, inkastoo ay jiraan Isbitaallo si gaar ah loo leeyahay oo lacag looga qaato dadka dabiibka loo geeyo. Xaafado ka tirsan Degmada Yaaqshiid oo u dhow Hotelka Kaah ayaa waxaa ku dhacay Madaafiic, waxaana jiray warar sheegayay in madaafiicdaas loola dan lahaa Hotelka, inkastoo Milkilaha Hotelka Kaah Ibraahim Macallin Kaah uu beeniyay in ay Hotelkiisa madaafiic ku dhaceen amaba loola dan lahaa. Wixii Warar ah ee ku soo kordha Madaafiicda ku dhaceysa Xaafado ka mid ah Magaalada Muqdisho kala soco Hiiraan Online Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  6. Lol@Common knowledge. How come you didn't answer my questions. BTW, My eyes aren't closed. I know kidz are being murdered everyday in Mogadishu. That is common knowledge my friend. Now who is being blind about the reality on the ground? I know you don't care but try to read article below. Caught in the crossfire - the children of Mogadishu On 28 December 2006, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and Ethiopian troops took over the town of Mogadishu, while the retreating Union of Islamic Courts and their militia left many dangerous weapons in the hands of the public. Since then the security situation in Mogadishu has deteriorated as unknown attackers have carried out hit-and-run attacks on forces loyal to the TFG, and Ethiopian troops have retaliated. Mothers, children and co-workers at the SOS Children's Village Mogadishu are understandably very nervous. In Mogadishu, as always, civilians are the victims trapped in the crossfire. According to Ahmed Ibrahim, National Director of SOS Children's Villages Somalia, "Seven people were killed on 1 February, including three children, when a mortar hit a settlement for internally displaced people in Hodon District in Mogadishu. On 2 February another attack took place in Darmoley, just one kilometre from the SOS Children's Village, where attackers fired mortar bombs at an Ethiopian camp and the Ethiopians fired heavy rockets back. Although SOS mothers, children and co-workers were frightened by the sounds of rockets and bullets passing over the village, no one was injured." Ibrahim reported that in the last two days, there have been fears that fighting between the government forces and unknown attackers may spread to the pasta factory, which houses forces opposing the Transitional Federal Government, neighbouring the children's village. This has caused tension in the village and has affected the movements of co-workers, students of the SOS Hermann Gmeiner School and the SOS Nursing School, and patients who are in need of medical services at the SOS Hospital. Ibrahim continued, "Elders and community leaders have been trying to convince both parties not to engage in any fighting in this heavily populated area." SOS co-worker injured in crossfire Apart from military clashes between these forces, Ibrahim says that reports of disorder and anarchy are common in many parts of Mogadishu. This has affected the free movement of people in and out of their homes. According to Ibrahim, "Political assassinations have been reported on daily basis." In addition, freelance militias have taken control of some areas in Mogadishu, setting up roadblocks in which they demand money from drivers. In one incident last Sunday (4 February), Mrs. Faduma Sheikh, one of the SOS Kindergarten educators, was caught in crossfire and wounded in the shoulder as she was returning home from work. She was taken to the International Red Cross Hospital, where she was treated and is now recovering. Abdimalik Mohammed, assistant administrator at the SOS Hospital, said that staff are running the hospital with few drugs since the ECHO (European Commission Humanitarian Office, which transports drugs from Nairobi) flights to Mogadishu stopped nearly three weeks ago due to disputes over landing fee payments. Talks are underway to solve this problem. Mohammed assured that doctors and nurses are doing their very best under the circumstances. Hope for the future National Director Ibrahim concluded, "The children, mothers and other co-workers are scared and believe things might worsen in the future if steps to foster peace and reconciliation are not taken by all the parties involved in Somalia's politics." He continued: "Under international pressure to reach out to all parties in Somalia, including moderate Islamic groups, powerful clans, and members of civil society, the president agreed to call a broader reconciliation conference. In this regard there is hope that many Mogadishu residents will see the situation improve in the future." [ Any views expressed in this article are those of the writer and not of Reuters. ]
  7. ^^yaa kugu yidhi? Cumaamd iyo awood aanad lahayn baad isa saartaaye horta yaa ke fasaxay inaad nooga waranto waxa baidabo ka dhacaya adigoo miirrrga London ku cuna? The only thing you do is posting articles written by other people. What is your qualification for this job you CLAIMING to have?
  8. Originally posted by Abwaan: Lol........@ E Passport, I watched Mr Gaafoow, giving an interview where he claimed that Somalia is the first country in Africa with E passport. Is this a mobile passport office now? When is he going to set up a stall in Bakara Market as, then I can ring my agent in Mogadishu to get one for me and my ajnebi classmates as well? LOL
  9. The question is why GAROOWE first? Can I obtain these papers in Mogadishu too?
  10. How much is the passport in Garoowe today? This is a new business opportunity for the local document dealers. BTW, why garoowe? What happen to the "capital"? misa waraaqaha reera gooniyaa somastay since all the TFG supporters are from one group of people.
  11. Jaylaani

    Super Bowl?

    I don't know if that is good or bad I was just making a point.
  12. Jaylaani

    Super Bowl?

    Originally posted by Koyoti 1-8-7: Yeh, only because they've been to every continent and beslaved the people in those continents so that they could work in america....... for nothing. Isn't that what America is all about? Different people from different parts of the world in Plymouth rock? I have seen Somali catz these days that say we’re Somali American. ILAAHAYOW hana cadaabin.
  13. Red, Saaxiib heedhe hadii aad somaliland siyaasad ku nacday maamulkeedaa ma wadankaa la nacaa? Look at Ibraahim Maygaag he has nothing to do with Somaliland politics but he didn't betray the people by joining oppositions. I think Buubaa will only come back to Somaliland with body back. He went too far to accumulate little cash. Hunguri uunbaa halkaa la galay. Laakiin waa nin cilmi leh Unlike these other TFG catz, he knows this shyt ain’t gonna work. Lacagbaa meeshaa loo wada joogaa lagu cunaayo magacii umada Somaliyeed so why not him. ILLAHOW yaa ogaadaa meel u ka so noqduu garan laayahaye..barihoruuso nowon lahaa.
  14. Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^^ Yes you are right. Riyaale's palace even gets shelled on daily basis.Shocking you haven't heard that yet. quote: LOl @ the colours. Cabdaliahi Yey supporters are acting like Mother Teresa. That is the funnies shy walaahi...Look at this caamir kid telling you hubka inay somali isku dishaa la no siiyay. Iyo Rayaala iska ilaalinaya sub calns of Somaliland. (90% of Somaliland troopz ARE NOT Rayaale's clan. 77 was all reer Gedo.... Yaa yidhaa hubka umada somali leehaydba waxaa lagu gubay shacabkii Somaliyeed.
  15. Jaylaani

    Super Bowl?

    It’s the most intelectual and tactic oriented sport. It takes a lot to understand football. Soccer has few rules…off side, handball and few other ones. Football has a playbook as big as your calculus textbook. A quarterback get drafted for 10 million dollars per year and will sit out for two years to learn and memories various plays. That is how challenging and difficult the game of football is. If you play chess than you would have a little idea what football players and coaches go through. North, You know America produces the best athletes in the world. You can't say they can't run...just watch field track in the Olympics. Have you ever seen Michael Jordan play?
  16. ^^Horta maxaad la cabaadaa when some post a news article that doesn't please your eyes?
  17. Jacylbaro, Nin miyaa walaalkii looga sheekayn karaa? Su'aashu waa maya. These guys know nothing about buubaa..laakiin ha u sacabo tumaane daa. Tolow miyaanay ogayn im aanu soo diray anigu on behalf of somaliland. When the dust settle, he will come home just C/Raxmaan tuur did.
  18. If rayaale weren’t the president, this country would have been 10 times better. Rayaale amaan male waa jaahil laakiin the people of Somaliland elected him and he has the rights to govern. At the same time we, the civilians, have the rights to criticize him.
  19. Are the Somali’s genetically backward? Not all Somalis but those who are dwelling on the concept of Somaliweyn for thier own personal gain are really backwards.
  20. Habartu dhali waydo faaxay badsataa. Tanzania iyadiibaa teedi qaadi la...
  21. ^^Lol@************.. Ma sidaasaad Soamliweyn ku doonaysaa saaxiib. [ February 06, 2007, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  22. Rokko, That is right, they're the WORLD champions. America doesn't care the rest of the world. It started when they call their game FOOTBALL...and called football SOCCER.
  23. Jaylaani

    Super Bowl?

    Originally posted by LayZieGirl: LOL@JAY, if not sunday, then it was definely MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL. PS:Did you forgot, sug sug, football aa iisocdo? I never said that to you? I always make room for you boo...but football is fun. I admit it …. Sundays, and Mondays and some times Thursdays.... maybe Saturdays during the playoffs. But don't worry we still get Tuesday and Wednesday and Friday...wait these are NBA nights. I guess we have to maintain certain schedule in order for us to hook up and spend time together.
  24. Jaylaani

    Super Bowl?

    Originally posted by LayZieGirl: quote:My wish is Clots 24..The Bears 17. You were close with that score, I guess all those sundays glued to the TV paid off, hehe. Lol@glued to the TV set on Sundays. LayZie got jokes... I should have gone with the up and under to win big dough in Vegas. That was pathetic. I never have seen anything like it. Lovie Smith didn’t come to win period. The Bears didn’t employ what they do best..run the ball and play hard nose defense. The Colts weren’t better either. Yeah the rain has something to do with it but c’mon give me something to get excited about. You had to rule for Tony Dungy sentimentally for being there for so long but I hate when he brings religion into the equation. Like God didn’t want the other team to win. Stop "I'M CHRISTIAN" BS and play the game.