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Everything posted by USSR

  1. USSR

    Male Brain

    Believe me, Sex is not the only thing on our mind! How about her; Breast,Her bottom, Her Mouth(if ya know) Her *%#$#%$@.......well, you figure that one out.......... I definitely think the 1 space for sex could have been replaced with our other Needs
  2. USSR


    Hey ms.Lady........ We meet again! FYI..........every man is WORTH fighting for! Do you know that the World has more Women then MAN?? So I suggest that you let this Girl fight for what Is rightfully hers.
  3. All I hear is BLAH BLAH BLAH.......My Question was Simple! You didn't have to bore me with what the religion says! believe me I KNOW!! But what I want to know is HOW CAN YOU MARRY HIM/HER IF YOU DIDN't Taste what they had to offer????????????? and to MnKID?......... Let me ask you,you arent a virgin but your future wife has to be one?? And where did you loose your virginity?? I dont understand that guys wanna marry a virgin but they keep on having sex with girls.. So there are girls to have sex with and there are girls to marry..Is it like that? Please explain it to me. and PLZ DONT TELL ME YOUR VIRGIN!!
  4. Hey Ms.Lady....... answer this...... How can you eat a 'Food' that you never ate before? This 'Food' Looks delicious but you don't know how it tastes on your mouth?? How can I marry someone I never slept with before? She maybe good looking and all that but how would i know she be good in bed later?? I don't know about the rest of 'em MEN but I want some sample before I decide to marry this person!! any real Man would do the same, those who belive "RELIGION" are just Chicken heads!! what does religion has to do with my sex life?? USSR...........