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Everything posted by Muslim_Queen

  1. To Winger "its be honest here, some ppl do live on walfare and some ppl dont walaal.. and everyone deserves a chance in life.." I entirely agree with you BUT they should be in Somalia or Saudi Arabia or Iran or Afghanistan where their culture is appreciated. There is no such thing as a refugee but there are a) people who do not get along with their government b) economic migrants Just because we in the western countries HAVE it does not mean we WANT to keep people who do not work and have to be subsidised. No offense meant but why should we? Your problems are not our problems. Picture it this way; if someone knocks on your door and you invite him in and then he wants to sleep there, eat there(and complain because there is bacon and booze in the fridge), demand bus fare, clothes and so on what would you do?
  2. Welcome Beard this is a better site than least there are no multiple/repeated postings.............and people can write and spell in most cases.
  3. Your body is YOURS and if you are insane enough to pierce your body then you must be crazy.What is the advantage.
  4. NUR, really who the hell cares about gays? you do what you prefer.I prefer a blonde guy who looks clean,has a great body and can please me.I do the same for him and we have a GREAT time.Don't knock it unless you have tried it.
  5. So avoid cosmetic surgery if you are "lacking".just remember no matter how much religion you are quoting your man will prefer a beauty(all other things being equal)and he will get a look before comitting himself.You cannot control that.If you are a beauty you will probably be OK.It is no accident that the better looking woman seems to attract the better and/or more successful.For example if you are reasonably well built (attractive to the opposite sex) but have a big Arabic/juish nose why not have it fixed if it MAY enhance your chances.Men like to show off a good looking one and hide the ugly duckling. The trouble is that you take religion too seriously and let it dictate how you eat, what you can do in the bedroom,when you can go to the market etc. The hijab is the least of your problems.
  6. Look people what has religion got to do with this?Come out of the 7th century and live the REAL WORLD.Remember you left someplace to go to the West.There is a popular saying "When in Rome do as the Romans do".Then you will fit in and be welcomed.I think the word I am looking for is "assimilate". And no I am not thinking of the Borg on Star Trek.
  7. dear sistah Of course it is OK to take off the hijab.Not only will it show your beautiful hair but it is a sign that u have ARRIVED.You have now moved out of the 7th century and joined the rest human race.It is a sign that you can start dating and making YOUR decisions totally unfetterd by cultural restrictions.Good luck.
  8. How can you blame the dutch?Facts are that "Asylum Seekers" should go through a simple process. 1) make application in their home country 2) have enough money to cover living/medical expenses for 3 years if they cannot meet these requirements then they can always stay home. Besides who wants them? They live off welfare, they work under the table, their women usually wont be hired by a self respecting organisation etc etc Send them home