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Posts posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Mucaaradka oo dhaq-dhaqaaqyo ka dhan ah Xasan Sheekh ka bilaabay Nairobi – Xog

    Magaalada Nairobi ee waddanka Kenya waxay marwalba ahaan jirtay halka uu ka bilowdo abaabulka ka dhanka ah nidaamka waqtigaasi jira ee Soomaaliya.

    Si gaar ah saddexdii doorasho ee ugu dambeysay ee 2012, 2017 iyo 2022 waxaa isbeddelka laga jiheeyay magaalada Nairobi, halkaasi oo ay badi deegaan ku yihiin siyaasiyiinta xil sugayaasha ah ee Soomaaliya.

    Toddobaadkii hore madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa shir beeleed siyaasadeed uga qeyb-galay Nairobi. Xubno mucaarad ah oo markii hore ka ganbanayay inay Nairobi shaqo ka bilaaban ayaa hadda laga soo xigtay inuu madaxweynaha siiyay fursad ay dibadda uga bilaabi karaan shirar iyo abaabul ka dhan ah nidaamkiisa.

    Sabtidii waxaa Nairobi ku shiray Shariif Sheekh Axmed, Xasan Cali Kheyre, Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur, Dr Cabdinaasir Cabdulle iyo Cabdulqaadir Cosoble Cali. Kulankan oo Shariifka uu dalbaday ayaa ahaa mid uu xubnaha kaga warsiinayay wixii uu kala kulmay madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh markii ay isku arkeen Nairobi.

    Xubnaha kulanka fadhiyay qaar ayaa laga soo xiganaya in uusan madaxweyne Shariif ka qarin in doodda labada nin ku jiray awood qeybsiga siyaasadda, laakiin wixii ugu muhiimsana oo ay ka dooddeen wuxu ku tilmaamay xaalka siyaasadeed ee dalka, si gaar ah; in la iska kaashado amniga, laga heshiiyo dastuurka iyo doorashooyinka, la xaliyo tabashooyinka Puntland, fikir mideysana lagu wajaho culeyska ka imaanaya dhanka Itoobiya.

    Dhamaan arrimahaasi ayay isla fahmi waayeen Xasan Sheekh iyo Shariif Sheekh Axmed.

    Mucaaradka ku kulmay magaalada Nairobi waxay ka sinaayeen in Xasan Sheekh la joojiyo oo aan la aqbali karin halka uu madaxweynaha dalka kusii wado, oo ay qaar sheegeen inay ku dhamaan doonto inuu dalka kala tago.

    Dhinacyada Nairobi ku shiray waxay isku soo hadal qaadeen qaabka loo dhigi karo mucaaradnimada, qaar ayaa soo jeediyay in guud ahaan mucaaradka arrintaan u midoobaan oo xitaa Farmaajo iyo dhinacyo kale lagu soo daro, balse xubnaha qaar ayaa taas ka cago jiiday waxayna soo jeediyeen in qolo walba gaarkeeda ula timaado hal abuur mucaaradnimo oo ay Xasan Sheekh kula dirirto, iyaga oo ka gadoodsan inay Farmaajo ku saf noqdaan.

    Sida aan xogta ku helnay go’aan buuxa lama gaarin, balse waxaa lagu balamay in kulamada lasii wado. Sidoo kale in lala hadlo wakiiladda beesha caalamka oo la dareensiiyo sida aanay Soomaalida iskugu raacsaneyn halka uu Xasan Sheekh wax ku wado ayay diyaarinayaan mucaaradka qaar.

    Waxaa kale oo la filayaa inuu dhawaan magaalada Nairobi yimaado hoggaamiyaha Puntland Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni, kaas oo isna si weyn u diidan hanaanka uu wax ku wado madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh, kadibna kulan weyn oo dhinacyada mucaaradka ah ayaa la filayaa inuu dhaco.

    Madaxweynaha tallada haya ee Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa hadda duri karin in mucaaradkiisa shirar, dooddo iyo diidmaba kusoo bandhigaan dalal shisheeye kadib markii uu isagu dhawaan aqbalay, kana qeyb-galay gogol ay beeshiisu dhigtay magaalada Nairobi.

    Kulamada mucaaradka ayaa imaanaya, iyada oo bisha soo aadan ee May ay madaxweyne Xassan Sheekh u buuxsami doonto laba sano, waxaana caado ahaan jirtay in labada sano ee ugu dambeysa muddo xileedka madaxweyne kasta oo fadhiya Villa Somalia in lagula dhago isteerinka haddii uu isku dayo inuu dalka u jiheeyo dhinac aan heshiis lagu aheyn.


  2. 10 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    These iranian attacks are pointless  the Iron dome of Israel destroyed al of the drones and Missles of Iran.

    At least much better than Muuse Muqayil's jaad-addicted militia's ku tuur ka carar from Goojacadde. They couldn't even aim a single target from five kilometres away. Iiraan at least 2,000km ayee ka soo tuurtay and some were successful.

  3. All news that is fit to print except dear Zionist terrorists:


    Amid the internal battle over the New York Times’s coverage of Israel’s war, top editors handed down a set of directives.

    THE NEW YORK TIMES instructed journalists covering Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip to restrict the use of the terms “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing” and to “avoid” using the phrase “occupied territory” when describing Palestinian land, according to a copy of an internal memo obtained by The Intercept.

    The memo also instructs reporters not to use the word Palestine “except in very rare cases” and to steer clear of the term “refugee camps” to describe areas of Gaza historically settled by internally displaced Palestinians, who fled from other parts of Palestine during previous Israeli–Arab wars. The areas are recognized by the United Nations as refugee camps and house hundreds of thousands of registered refugees.

    The memo — written by Times standards editor Susan Wessling, international editor Philip Pan, and their deputies — “offers guidance about some terms and other issues we have grappled with since the start of the conflict in October.”

    While the document is presented as an outline for maintaining objective journalistic principles in reporting on the Gaza war, several Times staffers told The Intercept that some of its contents show evidence of the paper’s deference to Israeli narratives.

    Sii aqriso.

  4. Waa ogaa Xasan iyo dowladiisa damiinka oo Imaaraadka u taliyo meesha afleeris la soo istaagi doonaan. Isqor bilaa liis. Yaabkooda.

    Lix bilood Falastiin la rusheynaaye ka aamusnaa, no baaq whatsoever. Laakiin hadda Imaaraadka ayaa gacma maroojisay.


  5. Surprised The Guardian published this today.

    Why Israel’s attack on Iranian consulate in Syria was a gamechanger

    The large-scale attack by Iran on Israel may have passed with relatively little damage, but it marks a significant transformation in the conflict between the two enemies.

    A war that has long been fought through proxies, assassinations and strikes away from Israeli soil – often in third countries – has spilled into the open.

    While senior Israeli officials have framed this weekend’s Iranian attack as “revealing the true face” of Tehran, the reality is that the proximate cause was Israel’s misjudgment in its strike on an Iranian diplomatic compound in Syria that killed two senior Iranian generals, among others.

    After years in which both sides operated within the framework of a largely undeclared set of “rules”, Israel – as analysts have pointed out – bulldozed through every red line to attack a location that Tehran maintains was tantamount to attacking Iranian soil.

    “Israel went too far in assassinating the Iranian general, probably, in a diplomatic location,” said Yagil Levy, a professor of military sociology at the Open University of Israel.

    “Israel is led by the availability of its weapons systems. And whenever the country or the leadership feels that they have a good intelligence, a good opportunity and available weaponry systems that can do the job, Israel strikes,” he added.

    “Israel doesn’t have a really strategic approach … the attempt to identify the [connections] between specific military actions and expected benefits is not in the repertoire of the Israeli leadership.”

    And while much is made of Israel’s military strategy of deterrence, it is a principle no less strongly internalised in Iran, despite its years of trying to avoid direct confrontation.

    Israeli commentators have framed the failure of the Iranian attack to do much damage as a defeat for Tehran and a victory for Israel, suggesting retaliation is inevitable following the first declared attack on Israeli soil by a foreign state since 1991, when Iraq fired missiles.

    Iran would respond in this way.

    “It came on the back of so many other Israeli attacks that claimed lives in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps and alongside the breach of the Vienna convention in attacking a diplomatic [site].

    “I think Iran’s calculation was that if didn’t respond, Israel will keep trying to push back and degrade the axis of resistance across the region. This was about reinforcing its red lines and some measure of deterrence.”

    The pressing risk now for Israel and the US in the hours and days ahead is that – as six months of war in Gaza and Lebanon have already demonstrated – the contagion of the current conflict continues to spill relentlessly beyond its boundaries.

    Washington had poured diplomatic efforts into preventing escalation in recent months and, despite firm military support for Israel, is certain to be pushing Netanyahu to moderate any Israeli response. But the attack on Damascus – which the US was quick to say it had not been informed about – was a reminder of President Joe Biden’s limited leverage in Israel, despite the country’s reliance on US military support.

    While it was highly significant that Jordan joined the effort to shoot down incoming Iranian munitions, the broadening scope of the conflict presses on lines of fracture, not least in Iraq.

    The decision, almost certainly coordinated between Hezbollah and Tehran, for the Lebanese Shia group not to deploy its huge arsenal of heavy rockets during the Iranian attack also suggests that for now at least there is a small window of opportunity to stop the conflict deepening further still.

    The burning question is whether, as Vakil suggests, Israel will feel content to portray its defence against Iran’s attack as a “success” in and of itself or whether it will risk striking back at Iran and further escalating the war.

    “Iran’s retaliation was choreographed and telegraphed,” wrote HA Hellyer, a Middle East expert and senior fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, on X in the immediate aftermath of Iran’s attack.

    “[There was] almost zero chance it was going to inflict damage on Israel with that level of warning. The point was to make a scene, and it did that. Iran’s payoff? Reputational advancement as ‘resistance’ internationally.

    “We need de-escalation, and it’s imperative [Washington] DC convinces Tel Aviv of its determination not to be drawn into an offensive war with Iran. Netanyahu has been expressing his desire for one for a long time, but will hold back if he is sure the US won’t stand alongside.”

  6. Uncle Sam pays them in debt and profited by the giants of American military industrial complex, of course. They in turn fund the corrupt politicians and two-head of same snake war hawk parties. Not a dime from the Zionists.

  7. The two vassal qamiisweyne states - Sacuudiga iyo Urdu - helped Zionists, downing some drones in Urdu airspace. Waa yaab walaahi, they are truly unabashed ultimate puppets.

    No wonder that so-called Jordanian king balaayo iska dhigaaye when Zionists allowed him and his military plane to airdrop little nafaqo-less food in Falastiin.

  8. 1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

    The faith of the Palestinians amazed everybody. Israelis threw everything at them short of nuclear weapons, they are still standing. Some Westerners were astonished at the reactions of Ismail Haniyeh when he heard the deaths of three of his sons and grandchildren.

    Hundreds of thousands also reverted in the last six months to Islam due Reer Falastiin's steadfast iimaan.

  9. Iran’s IRGC seizes ‘Israeli-linked’ ship near Strait of Hormuz

    IRGC forces conducted an operation via helicopter to take control of the commercial vessel, state media reports.

    Tehran, Iran – Iranian armed forces have seized a container ship near the Strait of Hormuz amid rising tensions across the region after a deadly Israeli attack on Iran’s consulate in Syria.

    The ship was commandeered by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the elite force that lost seven members, including two generals, in the Syria strike, Iranian state media reported on Saturday.

    “The ship has now been guided towards the territorial waters of our country,” state-run IRNA reported.

    The vessel was identified as the Portugal-flagged MSC Aries, which reportedly departed from a port in the United Arab Emirates en route to India. It is associated with the London-based Zodiac Maritime, a part of the Zodiac Group run by Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer and his family.

    Footage from the deck of the vessel obtained by The Associated Press news agency on Saturday showed soldiers rappelling down from a helicopter.

    ‌The helicopter appeared to be a Soviet-designed Mil Mi-17, which is operated by the naval forces of the IRGC.

    Zodiac Maritime said in a statement that MSC, an Italian-Swiss shipping group, was responsible for all vessel activities.

    MSC confirmed there were 25 crew members on board the ship, adding in a statement that it is “working closely with the relevant authorities to ensure their wellbeing, and safe return of the vessel”.

    The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) had said a vessel was seized by “regional authorities” 50 nautical miles (92km) northeast of the UAE’s Fujairah in a waterway vital to world trade.

    Another Israeli-linked container ship was attacked and damaged by a drone in the Indian Ocean in late November, which the United States blamed on Iran.

    tion in violation of international law”.

    He called on the European Union and “the free world to immediately declare” the IRGC a “terrorist organization and to sanction Iran now”.


  10. Iran launches dozens of drones at Israel

    US and Israel confirm that an aerial attack on Israeli territory is under way as Jordan and Iraq close their airspace.

    Iran has launched dozens of drones and missiles at Israel, according to Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

    The IRGC said on Saturday that it has released the drones and missiles under the operation “True Promise”, adding that the move is part of the punishment for “Israeli crimes”.

    fence systems around the capital Damascus and major bases in the event of an Israeli strike, army sources told the Reuters news agency.

    Meanwhile, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel announced that they closed their airspace.

    The development comes nearly two weeks after an Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria killed seven IRGC members.

    “Iran launched UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] from its territory towards the territory of the state of Israel,” Israel’s army’s spokesman, Daniel Hagari, said late on Saturday.

    “We are on high alert and readiness,” he added in a televised address, saying the drones would take several hours before reaching Israel’s airspace.

    Israel has been on heightened alert since its strike on Damascus on April 1, even though it did not comment on ta possible attack. Iran pledged revenge and a retaliatory attack had been expected.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday that Israel was prepared for a “direct attack from Iran”.

    Minister of Defence Yoav Gallant said Israel was “closely monitoring a planned attack” against it by Iran and its allies in the region.

    gun an airborne attack against Israel, which is likely to unfold over several hours.

    US National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a statement that President Joe Biden is regularly updated by his national security team and is in constant communication with Israeli officials, US partners and allies.

    US National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a statement that President Joe Biden is regularly updated by his national security team and is in constant communication with Israeli officials, US partners and allies.

    ‘A country waiting’

    Earlier on Saturday, Iranian armed forces seized a container ship linked to Israel near the Strait of Hormuz.

    “We know that planes are patrolling in the skies above [Israel], we know that Benjamin Netanyahu is meeting with his war cabinets, his security cabinets this evening,” said Al Jazeera’s Rory Challands, reporting from occupied East Jerusalem.

    “We understand that they are considering shutting down the Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv for the whole country. So this is a country… waiting for those drones to arrive.”

    Challands said that although Haggari did not confirm how long it would take, “it will have to go through several countries’ airspace … They could take about nine hours to arrive”.


  11. 17 hours ago, galbeedi said:

    That was stupid and ugly idea to go and negotiate in a foreign country. Ma Huteel Muqdisho ku yaala ayey waayeen. Odayaashu ma kuwii beeshaa?

    I hope the real issues president HSM traveled was to discuss the so called Wiliam Ruuto proposal for the maritime issues in order for Abiy to get an exit strategy.

    Waxaa ka sii daran munaafuqnima Xasan wuxuu cambaareyn weyn u jeediyey beel ka mid ah beelaha Soomaaliyeed oo shir ku qabsaday Nayroobi oo baaq ka soo saaray dowladiisa. Sanadkii 2022 ayee ahayd, beesha Sanbalooshe ayeena ahayd.

  12. Safarada Xasan Socdaal ee dalxiiska ah:

    Imaaraadka - 10/06/2022

    Turkiga - 03/07/2022

    Eritareeya - 10/07/2022

    Kiinya - 15/07/2022

    Jabuuti - 16/07/2022

    Masar - 24/07/2022

    Ugaandha - 08/08/2022

    Tansaaniya - 15/08/2022

    Kiinya (2nd time) - 12/09/2022

    Mareykanka - 15/09/2022

    Ingiriiska - 18/09/2022 (rushed back from Mareykanka for the islaantii aaskeeda)

    Mareykanka (2nd time) - 20/09/2022 (back to Mareykanka for Qaramada Midoobay sessions)

    Itoobiya - 28/09/2022

    Ugaandha (2nd time) - 08/10/2022

    Jabuuti (2nd time) - 22/10/2022

    Suudaan - 01/11/2022

    Aljeeriya - 02/11/2022

    Masar (2nd time) - 06/11/2022

    Eritareeya (2nd time) - 10/11/2022

    Jabuuti (3rd time) - 08/12/2022

    Sacuudiga - 09/12/2022

    Mareykanka (3rd time) - 12/12/2022

    Talyaaniga - 08/02/2023

    Imaaraadka (2nd time) - 22/02/2023

    Qadar - 04/03/2023

    Eritareeya (3rd time) - 13/03/2023

    Jabuuti (4th time) - 15/03/2023

    Ugaandha (3rd time) - 18/03/2023

    Itoobiya (2nd time) - 14/04/2023

    Ugaandha (4th time) - 27/04/2023

    Qadar (3rd time) - 17/05/2023

    Sacuudiga (2nd time) - 18/05/2023

    Imaaraadka (3rd known time) - 21/05/2023

    Turkiga (2nd time) - 02/06/2023

    Jabuuti (5th time) - 11/06/2023

    Mareykanka (4th time) - 20/06/2023

    Talyaaniga (2nd time) - 23/07/2023

    Jabuuti (6th time) - 22/09/2023

    Eritareeya (4th time) - 08/10/2023

    Biljam - 24/10/2023

    Imaaraadka (4th known time) - 30/10/2023

    Sacuudiga (3rd time) - 09/11/2023

    Burundi (1st time) - 15/11/2023

    Ingiriiska (2nd time) - 19/11/2023

    Tansaaniya (2nd time) - 23/11/2023

    Imaaraadka (5th time) - 30/11/2023

    Jabuuti (7th time) - 08/12/2023

    Mareykanka (5th time) - 10/12/2023

    Ugaandha (5th time) - 15/12/2023

    Kuweyd (1st time) - 19/12/2023

    Jabuuti (8th official time) - 28/12/2023

    Eritareeya (5th time) - 08/01/2024

    Ugaandha (6th time) - 17/01/2024

    Masar (3rd time) - 19/01/2024

    Qadar (4th time) - 22/01/2024

    Talyaaniga (3rd time) - 28/01/2024

    Imaaraadka (6th time) - 31/01/2024

    Itoobiya (3rd time) - 16/02/2024

    Kiinya - (3rd time) - 28/02/2024

    Turkiga (3rd time) - 01/03/2024

    Eritareeya (6th time) - 17/03/2024

    Sacuudiga (4th time) - 02/04/2024

    Kiinya (4th time) - 11/04/2024


    Updated list.