Che -Guevara

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Posts posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Originally posted by Xarago:

    ^ dadka ha iga dhex bixiin..but then again, isnt talking about the causes part of the process to reconcile? [/QB]

    Xarago....Do you think they really care the causes of the conflict, and even they talk about the causes, this will just stir up more problems. Think about it, if we (all Somalis in the horn) care about the causes of the internal Somali wars, our problems would have been solved long ago. We just live through, and don't ask why?.


    P.S Dadka kaama dhax bixii nayee, it is just that your bashing is sane and healthy. Thats rare in here ;)

  2. SmithnWestern...Well bro, you seem very subdued, but atleast you try to be graceful in defeat. if there is very thing that we could learn from fiasco, it is that we should not be cheerleaders for tyrannts whether be Yeey, the butcher of Hargaysa, or even Hiraale whom HornA labeled as being rightious :confused: .Could that cuz he is from Gedo/


    What I simply want is to pin point the culprit who is responsible for the killing of hundreds in Juba. You cant all of a sudden turn around and say 'well it was worth the try all is forgiven' at the expense of innocent lives.

    Wasn't all forgiven in Sland, afterall Riyaale is the president there.Besides, if any Somali is to be hold accountable, then all must be held accountable, and that would mean everyone in Nairobi will be tried for one crime or another.



    Xarago....Somalis of all regions always play the qabiil card in victory or defeat. Well don't push Smith over the wall since everyone is in reconciling mood. Though this might be hard for you since it is clear that you particularly enjoy bashing planders, and their unfortunate so called leaders.

  3. Originally posted by LIQAYE:

    Brother Che, I had not realised that mogadishu was obsessed with Yusuf, indeed using your litmus test of SOL posts the only people who seem to have been bewitched beyond reason by Yusuf are the puntlanders.

    Thats true for some Planders but for not all, and using the same litmus tests of SOL posts, Iam sure everyday you see Non-Pladers jumping their guns at any reference to Yeey in any post, and at the same time defending the at like C/Qasim, Cadow, Biraale, Sudi, and so forth. Now, this makes wonder what logic do people use to critise one criminal and in the same sentence come the defence of another.


    There are many myth's that have been created and fostered by the long years of war from the raison d'etre of both puntland and somaliland, to the histories that diffrent people adhere to all over somalia.

    Myths or no myths, the reason Pland or Sland (tribal enclaves)exist is simply cuz Mogadisho couldn't get its act together.


    This conviniently hides the fact that these political marauders where never representative of the aspirations of the southern somalis


    That might be so, but don't the people in the south have a voice, and desire some normalcy like their northern brethens, a normacly which I might add is not perfect, but yet better than total choas.


    To ascribe some other pervesity to southern somalis, will only mean that somalis will go there own seperate ways, an undertaking no one wants, but a conclusion that will be drawn if Yusuf attempts to rule multi-cultural, multi-clan somalia like mono-clan puntland

    Iam not ascribing any perversity to my brothers, but Iam stating sad fact . They must demand peace and seek some sort of normalcy, and way to regaining some sense of the lost Somali State. Yusuf will try to run Somalia like monoclan,Lets hope never gets that chance.


    Otali.....Plz ha ii faani nin some Sayid Barre lackey....Get me someone who had nothing with the past regime, and I will support fully.

  4. Originally posted by HornAfrique:

    So in essence what you should ask Che Guevera is:


    Not why Muqdisho is obsessed with Abdulahi Yusuf,
    but why is Abdulahi Yusuf obsessed with Muqdisho.

    Do you really have to ask this question...LoL

    Well here is simple answer, he wants to run the place with iron fist just the last guy before him.He wants to be the boss of all Somalis.


    Now, as for your inquiry about where Iam from, well my family are from Beledweyne and have left Puntland almost 80 years ago, but I guess what matters to Somalis is Qabiil...So Yeah Iam from the Qabiil that occopies Pland, and I make no secret of that fact. It is just that unlike some people I don't wear my Qabiil name as badge of honor, and I certainly don't have the need to mention my qabiil in order engage in debate. There are no prerequisites here to debating.


    So, now that I have answered your question, and satisfied your curiousity about my qabiil origins, can answer my questions , or perhaps you wanna ask another one or start guessing my sub-clan.


    We have established Yeey is power hungry pyschopath, the question is what do the boys in Mogadisho want. What do they do other than opposing Yeey everytime there is Somali conference.


    Xoogsade...I couldn't agree more bro. If I had my way all Sayidists would be out whether they were military or civilian. These men all have tyrannical tendencies.

  5. Ok people, I don't usually start topics here, but I felt had to start...Two things kept repeating themselves in these threads, one being the issue of Somaliland, and the second being Yeey.Lets put the former issue aside, and lets disect the latter.


    Yeey in my opinion is psychotic man who would do anything to get what he wants, and history proves this looking back everything he had done. The man would kill his own brother if that would ensure the Somali presidency. We know what he is ,what he wants and frankly he neither denies or make no apologies for anything. Now the question is what does rest of Somalia wants and how does fit into Yeey's world.


    Starting up north, Somaliland has established itself as functioning democracy who feels its past grievances could only be addressed by outright independence from Somalia. Their goals are clear. How does Yeey fit into Sland issue, Well the Sool/Sanaag issue is Sland's main concern, and Yeey is right in the middle of it.


    As for Puntland, the establishment of this region wants unified federal Somalia where they can play an important role, and not take the back seat. They also want to considilate their lands, and resources so that their influence is ensured. They also would love to see one of their own to run the country even it means Yeey. They tolerate Yeey mainly becuase they value peace and stability, but also many believe that he is the right to put down any threats from the south or the north. In their mind, this man is both ruthless and decisive, and this makes the right to lead in this period of uncertainty.


    Now what do Mogadisho, and the rest of the south want, and how Yeey fits into that world. The reality is no one knows what they want, but we do know their shared disdain towards Yeey. Their only goal is to keep Yeey from becoming the president.Now that might be legitimate concern, but what else do they want for people in the south and larger Somali community.What are their goals and aspirations for Somalia. The warlords in mogadisho controlled the city for 14 long years in which they were not able to establish any viable local authority. They couldn't even agree on whether the airport and seaport should be opened. All they did is kill, abuse, and exploit the people , I dare say even more than Barre and Yeey. One thing is clear and this is also my sincere, there will not be peaceful and unified Somalia as long as Mogadisho is unstable and divided. Now one wonders, can the warlords in mogadisho unify the city, or will they continue obsessing about Yeey, a man literally many many miles away from Mogadisho ( the center of any future Somali goverment).

  6. Well, Yeah, I would sit next to a disabled, they are very interesting bunch. Schools and employers here in the States are required to accomodate disabled people. IT IS THE LAW. Those with physical or mild mental retardation can function fine in society, and therefore should have access to everything. Those whoever with severe mental retardation unfortunately either stay with their parents or are institutionilized.

  7. Originally posted by Suldaanka:

    Hargeisa waa Hoyga Fanka Ummadda Somaliyeed.

    LoooooL......Sxb, Iam not disputing what Hargeisa is or isn't.... As for Naaji's songs, you got point. You might not indeed be familiar with his songs, but then again you don't need to be familiar with his songs to figure out what his songs would be about.

  8. ^^^^^....LooL...well maybe he was looking for something to squeeze.


    It is to good see Naaji, We were nieghbors in Bilaajo Carab..Good people, they were always something going in their house. It is to see he is alive and kicking!!


    Just one thing though....About the tone of the interview, I could never imagine Naaji saying a word like Gaadhi....Gaari Yes....LOOOOOOOOL.

    Maybe every person entering Hargeysa is given 30 minute crash course on qaldanized Somali....LOL

    It is good to see Hargeysa is blooming...I hope the same success can be duplicated in other cities specially in the eastern cities like Erigavo.


    Suldaanka....Would you think the Hargeysa will wanna listen to his Wadani songs.

  9. foriegners can't solve Somalia's problems. Only Somalis could ultimately fix their problems.Any foriegn imposed solution might work for the time being ,but it would eventually fail. What Somalia needs is more than a goverment, there has to be a total reformation of the society and its culture. Such reformation could perhaps be initiated when the average Somali realises that he/she needs to put his interests first, and forget tribal lineage. Perhaps every Somali should ask himself/herself WHAT DO I GET OUT OF SUPPORTING MY TRIBE/WARLORD?.......In Reality NOTHING!!!!!!!

    There will only be real peace in Somalia when the citizenry start supporting the state, and when they hopefully understand that their interest are better served by helping the state not the tribe.


    P.S Foriegn occupation won't work as no Somali wants to see armed foriegners in their land.

  10. I gotta to buy you nothing.....Hmmmmm well thats striaghtforward, like that in a girl....Well the Silent-One, your advice for us is to focus on the relationship,not so much on the possible expectation from girls to be rewarded with material things for just being in the relationship. This is good. I would have ask you out,but you are way across the Atlantic...Iam sorry back to the subject...LoL....Mass consumption and materialism is the way of life here in the US, so always girls expect something,but I could be wrong.

  11. I thought share these funny stories


    Twins for panda shown sex videos



    Hua Mei needed help in knowing how to breed


    A panda in China who became pregnant after watching sex education videos has given birth to twins.

    Hua Mei was born in the US but moved to China in February.


    Officials said they had determined that one of the twins was a boy, but they could not check the other one because Hua Mei was still cuddling it.


    The news was cause for celebration at the reserve she lives in, because pandas rarely breed in captivity and are endangered in the wild.



    "We are all very excited. The cubs are in good condition," said Li Wei, from the Wolong Panda Conservation Centre in Sichuan, southern China.


    Before she became pregnant, Hua Mei had been shown videos as preparation for a series of "blind dates" because experts feared she had little knowledge of mating after living in captivity.


    Born to two Chinese pandas on loan to San Diego zoo, Hua Mei is the first foreign-born panda to return to China.


    China earlier this year announced the results of a first comprehensive survey of its wild panda population.


    This showed there were an estimated 1,600 of the creatures left in the wild, 40% more than previous figures suggested.


    Correspondents warned that the numbers might reflect the fact that the survey was so thorough, rather than a genuine recovery in numbers.


    A further 161 pandas were reported to be living in captivity.



    Frustrated chimp takes up smoking


    Feili has begun imitating her spectators


    A chimpanzee has taken up smoking and spitting, according to China's Xinhua news agency.

    It is unclear why Feili, 13, has started smoking but her zoo keeper said it was because she was frustrated.


    She has turned from a "gentle girl" into a "shrew", said Liu Bing, director of Zhengzhou zoo, Henan province.


    Mr Liu said Feili's partner at the zoo was 28 years her senior, and was unable "to meet her sexual demands".


    However, she does appear to be quite keen on smoking - and has been known to resort to desperate measures to get what she wants.


    Xinhua reported that Feili became excited when she saw a visitor light up a cigarette, and grew impatient when they showed no sign of giving it to her.


    It quoted one boy visiting the zoo as saying: "Just now a tourist threw a cigarette butt to just outside the cage - she tried to get the butt with a stick."


    Young female chimps upstage males


    Chimps fashion stalks and twigs to get inside termite mounds


    It would seem young female chimpanzees take their studies a little more seriously than their male classmates, a study in the journal Nature has shown.

    Females learn from their mothers how to gather termites much faster than males - who prefer to spend more of their time playing, US scientists say.


    Elizabeth Lonsdorf and colleagues conducted their research on wild chimps in Tanzania's Gombe National Park.


    They say the gender differences are similar to those seen in young humans.


    Girls and boys pick up fine motor skills such as writing at different rates, and the team suggests its research could therefore indicate that sex-based learning differences may have an ancient origin.


    Educationalists trying to develop learning strategies for children could find the work instructive, the scientists believe.


    "This finding is a heads-up to researchers studying the learning of relatively complex skills that they should take sex into account," said Dr Lonsdorf, the director of field conservation at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago.


    Later roles


    In a four-year-long field study, the team observed 14 young chimps and their mothers engaged in the practice of "fishing" termites out of mounds with tools made from vegetation.


    The research found the females learnt the skills earlier, spent more time at it and tended to catch more termites with each try.


    The young males spent a lot of their time playing and swinging around - behaviours the team says may help them in typically male adult activities later in life, such as hunting and struggling for dominance.


    "The availability of animal protein is limited for chimpanzees. They can fish for termites or hunt colobus monkeys," explained Dr Lonsdorf, who caried out the study with Lynn Eberly and Anne Pusey.


    "Mature males often hunt monkeys up in the trees, but females are almost always either pregnant or burdened with a clinging infant.


    "This makes hunting difficult. But termites are a rich source of protein and fat. Females can fish for termites and watch their offspring at the same time.


    "Adult females spend more time fishing for termites than males do. The young of both sexes seem to pursue activities related to their adult sex roles at a very young age."



  12. Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

    Ayoub-I stand corrected.

    P.S the actual official name of the south is Somali Democratic Republic.

    Ayoub....Now Reread the above quote, and tell me what is so mindbowling about the statement, "Ayoub I stand corrected". N yes the official of south (or Somalia) is Somali Democratic Republic, EMPHASIS on the word "IS", or perhaps you wanna google again to confirm this....LooooL....Geeze, you are turning to be little amusing one.


    N do me a favor don't misconstrue my post again to fit your percieved anomisity by all Somalis towards the northerners.Believe me some of us could care less if Sland leaves or stays.


    Now for the last time, Mr Ayoub, Qudhac, and ilk, we call us Somalis, and we shall call Somalilanders! N enough the semantic horse play.

  13. Qudhac.....Saaxib, where did I say any one name is holier than the other.... Cuqdada iska saar....You have asked us a question whether we are called Somali or Somalian, and I have sincerely asked you to call us Somalis, and I would respectfully call you a Somalilander or any other name that you pull out of the hat.


    N just wondering, which Johny foriegner coined the term "Somali". I always though that it was native word.


    Ayoub-I stand corrected.

    P.S the actual official name of the south is Somali Democratic Republic.

  14. Being at the delivery room is horrifying to say the least. I have no intention being there, and I hope whoever I end up with understands that. When I was in collage, my biology professor showed us video of an actual birth. Thats enough of experience for me.

  15. Qudhac....Saaxib, call yourself Somalilander or whatever, and I would respect that but plz show some courtesy, and call us by right name. We southerners are called Somali. Somali is not just our ethnicity, but our nationality as well.We are not Somalians, Italian Somalilanders, Southern Somalilanders, etc. We are Somali, and our country is Somalia!


    N correction, all somali terrotories colonised by the west were called Somalilands e.g British Somaliland, French Somaliland,etc.

  16. OG-Moti...So you are finally going home. Well ppl have already told all the practical advices, just avoid the following phrases, Agah, War boowe, Ya Xaatiri, Nooh,...LooL.Lately Hargiese Admin have been super sentative and allergic to all things Somali. So, watch your tongue!. Other than that,Sland/its ppl are both beautiful.I spent early child there with my grandparents, and it was really great. So enjoy the trip. N yeah try to prefect your qaldaan accent, unfortunately mine faded away.

    Have safe trip bro.

  17. The speach that scared Sland....loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.....What a joke...LooooooooL

    Guys, stop wasting time with this useless ranting. For God sake, don't ever learn,these so called leaders in these fiefdoms care about no one but themselves. Whether you are Plander or Slander, just THANK GOD that the war didn't happen.

  18. Prostitution, and explosion of AIDS in ethopia does effect the spread of the virus in Djoubite, however ignorance , and lack of AIDS awareness does more damage than the prostitutes in the streets of Djoubite. This is particulary damaging considering the fact young people in Djoubite are very sexually active, perhaps the most sexually active somalis. Education about the dangers of the disease and change in behavior should slow the spread.

  19. Scorpion...Everything is well yaar....I have been away for awhile coz I thought the site shut down for good. Anyway It is good to see yu...I missed the scorpion.

    Back to the subject.....I guess we are in agreement then...I just was wondering if people even the most loyal partners would cheat if the oppurtunity present itself, and they feel that they will not be caught.

  20. Devil's Ad....If you posted this article to bring attention to the situation in your local mosques, and also inspire other sistas, and brothers to re-examine the situation for women in the mosques elsewhere, then please be proactive, and actually do something. Organize women in your town,and form committees that would present your greivences to the mosque trustee. Iam sure most of mosque leaders are reasonable, and would listen to your complaints. Also listen what the mosque leaders have to say as they too have their own greivances. They might have financial constraints, or fears (real or imagined)about Muslims possibly deviating from Islam. Do yourn best to alleviate their fears,and raise funds if they are shortage of funds. Anyway, only through managed organization, education, and genuine discussion one bring about change.