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Everything posted by ScarFace

  1. Nasty hey hey hey, ppl are getting a little carried away. ONE WORD not 2 or three - dats da RULES LUCKY WHATS MAXEX anyways...... darman dont worry dis one is copy right© LOL
  2. KHAYR SISTER HOPE DIS HELPS When Ramadan occurs in the winter people whose jobs require them to work outdoors should wear additional layers of clothing. Being mindful of the fact that they will not be able to drink warm liquids during the day to aid in increasing their body temperature. Caffeine withdrawal is the most common cause of tension headaches. Gradually reduce your caffeine intake two weeks before Ramadan. Have one strong cup of coffee at Sahuur. Other factors associated with headaches include lack of sleep, low blood sugar, and dehydration. We pray that this information will be of some benefit to you during the Holy Month of Ramadan. May Allah accept our fast. Ameen.
  3. LOOOOL sorry bruda (u posted before me so i had to edit ) my bad CLOTHES
  4. bee sis me lost all my TEETH so no more chewing and tru say Shujui-1 women do nag well yu have answered my question shujui-1. anyways abti everyting is jiggy wats been happpening with brUV?????hows life like
  5. Television ppl just drop the next word not Television------>then your word. That way ppl get confused like. EVERYONE join in.....
  6. I just dont get it like where is the mens forum on SOL ere we got the womens talking about their things like AINT the BROTHERS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A PLACE WHERE THEY CAN EXPRESS THEIR COMMENTS AND TINGS......ITS not like the boys aint got problems too looooooooooooooooool nah am serious like this aint right we should have our own sectioon and i dont know IF THIS ISSUE has been raised but if there's a womens section on this website surely there has to be a A MANZ section. Brothers we should have our sections WHERE WE CAN CRY LOL and drop our comments instead of dropping in the WOMENS SECTION..... :mad:
  7. Basically the rule is this: Someone will post a word, then the next poster has to post a word that reminds them of the previous one. For example: Orange Fruit Tree etc etc etc etc GET IT? The good thing about this game is that it increases your post count rapidly! but most of you's dont need that but join in!!!! So the first word of this game is: AFRICA
  8. Count me in i will send yu an e-mail nice things you lot thinkin off horta where you lot based in europe or somalia?
  9. Count me in i will send yu an e-mail nice things you lot thinkin off horta where you lot based in europe or somalia?
  10. Count me in i will send yu an e-mail nice things you lot thinkin off horta where you lot based in europe or somalia?
  11. Count me in i will send yu an e-mail nice things you lot thinkin off horta where you lot based in europe or somalia?
  12. A Woman’s Look in the Mirror (we should all learn from this little story) Age 3: Looks at herself and sees a Queen! Age 8: Looks at herself and sees herself as Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty. Age 15: Looks at herself and sees herself as Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty/Cheerleader, or if she is PMS-ing: sees Fat/Pimples/UGLY (Mom can’t go to school looking like this!) Age 20: Looks at herself and sees “too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly” - but decides she’s going anyway. Age 30: Looks at herself and sees “too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly” - but decides she doesn’t have time to fix it so she’s going anyway. Age 40: Looks at herself and sees “too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly” - but says, “At least I’m clean” and goes anyway. Age 50: Looks at herself and sees “I am” and goes wherever she wants to go. Age 60: Looks at herself and reminds herself of all the people who can’t even see themselves in the mirror anymore. Goes out and conquers the world. Age 70: Looks at herself and sees wisdom, laughter and ability, goes out and enjoys life. Age 80: Doesn’t bother to look. Just puts on a purple scarf and goes Out to have fun with the world. Everyone needs to be told they’re great, so here’s to YOU! To an exceptionally beautiful woman! The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen within her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole. But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she longingly gives, the passion that shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years - only grows! YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, PHENOMENAL WOMAN!!
  13. pick the pretty chick THEN YU CAN GIVE HER COOKIN LESSONS are we talkin about somali women IF so then YOU can have BOTH A SOMALI GAL WHO CAN COOOK AND LOOK PRETTY coz most SOMALI GALS ARE PRETTY EXCEPT FOR THE FAT AND BARUUR factor!!!!!!!!
  14. DAMN GURLS stop complaining simple somalian boi's ----------->wanna BANG any gal whether she's black, WHITE, CHINESE, INDIAN OR SOMALIAN. so gurls stop comin up with the lame topics.....
  15. DAMN GURLS stop complaining simple somalian boi's ----------->wanna BANG any gal whether she's black, WHITE, CHINESE, INDIAN OR SOMALIAN. so gurls stop comin up with the lame topics.....
  16. DAMN GURLS stop complaining simple somalian boi's ----------->wanna BANG any gal whether she's black, WHITE, CHINESE, INDIAN OR SOMALIAN. so gurls stop comin up with the lame topics.....
  17. DAMN GURLS stop complaining simple somalian boi's ----------->wanna BANG any gal whether she's black, WHITE, CHINESE, INDIAN OR SOMALIAN. so gurls stop comin up with the lame topics.....
  18. A+ hahhaa yu got into a some mess bruV yu were'nt meant to mention this. but since it popped up AMEENAH made sure she kept it low.....
  19. ayo somali/somaliland has got problems and we all know dat but wat am sayin is the way dey interpreted dat thru da documentary. its all fabrication na mean all bullshit couple of money hungary wankers came together and decided dey wud get money thru showin a woman given birth live on T.V(atleast dey cud have cut dat part off) and da location dey went to. yu can tell its a setup and YEA how can yu turn a gurl who's broken both of her legs away and say dey cant actually treat her and dey send her back home wer she die's couple of days later. COME OOOON yu seee da doctors did yu see how da ppl looked liked i swear dey even looked betta den da ones in da UK and da WEST. pure shittyness somalia have a currupted system so no matter wat somalia will be in da dark for da next decade to come and dats da reality and facts...... SHAQSII ders no truth in dat documentary only couple of tings but da rest was pure fabrication all made up. I SWEAR poorer african countries dont go dat deep wen ASKIN for help from da RED NOSE RELIEVE.......... shujui-1 "If this is what somaliland is, whilst it is in peace and stability...........i dread to think what the rest of somalia is like for the ppl still living back there " shujui-1 i think da rest of somalia is better if dats da tru somaliland dey keep braggin about.....
  20. THE T.V program was bullshit i watched it and it seeemed like somaliland wanted some SUPPORT so they went low and produced this T.V program for comic relieve i couldnt believe my eyes never has somalia been humilited on TELEVISION. they was beggin it i swear it was ****in disgusting. there's comic releive every year somalia neva came up on da subject so some idiots tried to BEG da british public in given money going round showin WOMEN GIVEN BIRTH dats ****in low and HARAAAM i couldnt beleive it. all am sayin is somalia aint like dat there mite be minor problems but to go dis deep was disgraceful. next TIME somaliland government shud have da brain capacity to think before doing documentary about any somali ppl......... DISGRACEEEEEEEE SICK NOT TRUE ****IN BEGGERS IT WAS ALL A SET UP
  21. Originally posted by DA_BEAST: SCARFACE?SCARFACE?SCARFACE? LISTEN UP LIL MAN don't just gate crash into something that isn't your average na'mean? if you never heard or don't have a clue of waz ROMANCE i suggest you LISTEN and LEARN from da MASTER coz what you learn from me might save your dusty ass someday aight? so SON, IF YOU HAVE TO HATE, HATE DA GAME NOT THE DA PLAYA aight? HAHAHHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'm just crackin up my goodness listen to dis childish bruda. listen up bruv no offence but dont be makin some silly comments. SCARFACE DONT Need to learn from someone who doesnt even know da shyte he's talkin about. blud yu talkin about "she even snores romantically,sneezes romantically and even yawns romantically " have yu heard yurself and yu tellin manz dat shyte is gonna saVe mah dusty ass. sacsacyahow just iska aaamuuuuuuuus :mad: and all man dem is sayin is ROMANCE DOESNT RUN THRU OUR system..... da most romantic ting is getting JIGGY with YUR BOO........ NOOOOOOOOOO HATE and one more TING YU TING YUR A PLAYA HAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA