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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Maamulka degmada Boosaaso oo xariga ka jaray Mashruuc ay Hay’adda CEFA ka fulisey deegaanka Riyi-heshay [sawiro] Updated:- 30 mins ago| 0 Commnets Waxaa maanta xariga laga jaray Mashruuc ay in mudo ah soo wadey Hay’adda horumarinta beeraha ee CEFA kaas oo Kanaalo biyuhu maraan loogu sameynayey qaar kamid ah deegaamada Beeraha leh ee gobolka Bari. Mashruucaas oo ahaa mid ay fulinaysay Hay’adda CEFA oo taageero dhaqaale ka heleysa midowga Yurub ayaa waxaa laga hirgeliyey deegaanka (Riyi-heshay) oo qiyaastii 10-km dhinaca koonfureed magaalada Boosaaso kaga beegan. Munaasabadii maanta Mashruucaas xariga looga jarayey oo ka dhacday isla deegaanka (Riyi-heshay) oo ku yaala togga Baalade ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka gobolka iyo madax kale oo ka socotey Wasaarada beeraha iyo waraabka Puntland iyo Hay’dda CEFA. Mas’uuliyiintii maanta halkaas joogeyna waxaa kamid ahaa ku-xigeenka duqa degmada Boosaaso Siciid Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed, Agaasimaha guud ee wasaarada beeraha iyo waraabka Puntland Cabdirashiid Maxamed Siciid iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan maamulka degmada. Sidoo kale waxaa iyana goobta Mashruucaas lagu soo xirayey goob joog ahaa Mas’uuliyiin ka socdey Hay’adda CEFA oo ay kamid ahaayeen Madaxa xafiiska xiriirka iyo maaliyada Bashiir Siciid Ismaaciil, Madaxa tababarada Cabdiqaadir Barre Daalib iyo Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cali oo ah khabiir ku takhasusay beerashada timirta kana tirsan Hay’adda CEFA. Ugu horeyn waxaa halkaas ka hadlay ku-xigeenka duqa degmada Boosaaso Siciid Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed wuxuuna u mahad celiyey Hay’adda CEFA isagoo sheegay in Mashruucani uu yahay mid aad u qiima badan bulshada deegaanka (Riyi-heshayna) wax ku ool u ah. Siciid Maxamed wuxuu intaas raaciyey in loo baahan yahay in Beeraleydu ay isku duubni muujiyaan si ay wax qabad muuqda ula yimaadaan dowladuna ay diyaar u tahay in wixii awoodeeda ah ay ku taageerto si loo kordhiyo wax soo saarka dalka. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaarada beeraha iyo waraabka Puntland Cabdirashiid Maxamed Siciid oo isna halkaas ka hadlay ayaa ugu baaqay Beeraleyda deegaanka (Riyi-heshay) inay ka faa’iideystaan biyaha uu eebe deegaankooda ku mineystay. Agaasimuhu wuxuu isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata xusay in loo baahan yahay in Beeralaydu ay kordhiyaan tacabkooda wasaaraduna ay ku dadaaleyso sidii ay uga taageeri lahayd dhinacyada ay u baahan yihiin in wax lagala qabto. Intaas kadib waxaa Hay’ada CEFA mas’uuliyada kanaalkaas cusub ku wareejisey Guddiga Beeraleyda ee (Riyi-heshay) oo uu metelayey Xareed Maxamuud Aadan wuxuuna sheegay in ay xil iska saarayaan sidii ay u dhowri lahaayeen una dayac tiran lahaayeen hadiiba ay waxyeelo ku timaado. Xareed Maxamuud ayaa docda kale codsaday in qayb kamid ah Kanaalka isha biyaha ee (Riyi-heshay) kasoo baxa oo aan dhisneyn loo dhiso iyo weliba in loo sameeyo Berked weyn oo ay biyaha qul qulaya ku kaydsadaan. Hirgelintan kanaalkan oo dhererkiisu yahay 1.2km haseyeeshee 600m oo ka mid ah ay Hay’ada CEFA dhistay ayaa qayb ka ah Mashruuc lagu horumariyo Beeraha gobolka Bari korna loogu qaadayo tabcashada beeraha iyo tayada wax soo saarka dalka kaas oo ay in mudo ah soo wadey Hay’adda CEFA soona bilowday July/2010 kuna eg June/2013. Maalin nimadii jimcaha ee lasoo dhaafay ayeyna hayd markii sidan oo kale ay Hay’adda CEFA labo kanaal oo dhererkoodu kala ahaa 230m iyo 520m ay ugu wareejisey Beeraleyda degmada isku shuban Mashruucaas oo ay isgana maalgelisey Hay’ada cunada aduunka ee FAO. Maxamed Salaad Xaajir Dirir Horseed Media Boosaaso radiohorseed@horseedmedia.net
  2. Sharif and Farole press conference http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/Shariif_iyo_wafdi_la_socda_oo_Garowe_soo_gaarey.shtml It's official guys the conference will begin tommorow!!!
  3. War deg deg Ah : Madaxweyne Shariif iyo wafdi uu horkacayo oo ka degay Garoowe December 19, 2011 - Written by Webmaster - Edited byWebmaster Daqiiqado ka hor waxaa magaalada Garoowe xarunta dowlada Puntland ka soo degay Wafdi balaaran oo uu horkacayo madaxweynaha Dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sh Axmed . Wafdiga madaxweynaha ee Soogaaray Garoowe ayaa siweyn loogu soo dhaweeyay, waxaana ka qeyb qaatay soo dhaweyntiisa Madaxda sar sare ee Puntland oo uu horkacayo Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxamana faroole iyo xubno ka tirsan labada Gole ee Dowlada Puntland. Ka dib soo dhaweyn waxaa loo soo gelbiyay wafdiga madaxweynaha dhanka Madaxtooyada Puntland ee Garoowe halkaas o o lagu wado in saacadaha soo socda ay saxaafada kula hadlaan labada dhinac kana warbixiyaan ujeedka safarkooda iyo weliba kulamada ay wada yeeshaan. Yuusuf Maxamed Maxamuud SBC International Garoowe Daalacatey :103
  4. Garowe 2005 Garowe 2011 Same Spot 2011 Forget about all the other under-construction projects Under Construction and this is just small example of whats available on the internet Driving Through The City
  5. Puntland's Wild Wild West Galkayo The Wild Wild West
  6. This has been huge question looming in my head for a long time. Why do somalis copy each other? I can give many examples like the conference in mogadishu which is now duplicated to a conference in garowe. Even at a local level this copying is seen such as Bosaso having 4 tuna factories. This level of copying is even seen across administrations for example puntland digging oil, building coastguard, business fair somaliland attempts to do the same. Now I bet you with abdullahi yusuf book opening in about a year or two all somali leaders will do the same. When does this nonsense stop? We need to stop copying each other its no benefit having having 4 tuna factories in one city when we could have 2 tuna factories and 2 cement factories or salt factory. We need to really stop this because it will hurt us in the long-run nin walbo wa inuu samaya something gooni or we will never progress I can gurantee you that. Seriously do we need so many hotels when those funds could go into building vital infrastructure such as hospitals, roads, schools in rural areas. Do we need so many? What is it serving a few business men who travel around regions, a few truckers and diaspora returnees. The amount of hotels just for the above factors is totally ridiculous. We need to stop it and we need to stop it now. I encourage development and progress its needed but we need to learn something called diversification where its better having diverse range of industries then just a certain few like telecommunication, banking and small manufacturing. If you guys get angry at this level of copying let me know because it really makes me angry and I stated my reasons above!!! I remember watching this a long time ago which explains the negative impact in regard to the lack of diversification Remember diversiication benefits are huge, when you provide something in a city that noone else provides you eliminate competition so all revenues will be for you and the locals benefit because every service they need they will be able to get it local.
  7. I wouldnt post this untill its official or threads will get convuluted. I am going to Post when pics comes through. But just for your appetizer sake High-Level Conference on the Constitution will take place from 21 to 23 December 2011 Nairobi, 19 December 2011 – Following consultations with the Somali Transitional Federal Institutions and other stakeholders, the United Nations Political Office for Somalia announces that a high-level Conference on the Constitution will take place in Garowe, Puntland State, from 21 to 23 December 2011. This conference follows the Consultative Meeting on Ending the Transition, which took place in Mogadishu from 4 to 6 September 2011.
  8. Just in livestock we are reported to have 12-17 million in 1991...waqoyi galbeed 6 million..whats somalis biggest industry? ill let u go research that and come back
  9. By the way somaliland really needs to stop copying puntland it's getting annoying now. Business Fair? Oil? now coast-guard? come on guys its getting a joke.The only thing we can learn from somaliland is how their locals work with their government which is good system other then that their is absolutely nothing else we can learn from there. Business wise we are the kings you step down bosaso u see how much business activity is going on, you go into hargeisa its dead noone can buy anything except khat!!! you cant just ignore this and say its normal because its not its only your city thats like that because of bad economic policy. And anyone can claim a budget nothing is tested untill u step down off bosaso cisha ku gabo ka bacdi go hargeisa cisha ku gabo and then decide!!! no amount of words or documents or pages will change reality on the ground
  10. Carafat what I do know is somaliland government have never built anything not that I an recall anyways, it's always NGO or private investment and that is very far and between. Takin into consideration the failure rates of project, corruption and the amount of time lapses between private investment from their diaspora their lucky if they get through 5-10 projects a year. Besides all somalis know Bosaso is the financial capital, It has better living standard then anywhere in Somalia.
  11. Reer barigu ayaa yirahdo salada tuko intanan lagu tukan
  12. Muqdisho(Allpuntland)Afhayeenka Al Shabaab Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage Cali Dheera ayaa ka hadlay maamul goboleedyada dalka ku soo badanaya ee sheeganaya degaan aysan ganacta ku heeyn iyagoo dalka dibadiisa jooga. Cali Dheere ayaa wax lala yaabo ku tilmaamay in hal hal gobolk amam hal magaalo ay sheegnayaan Seddex Madaxweyne iyagoona aan gacanta ku heeyn degaanada ay sheeganayaa xitaa aysna imaan karin. Waxa uu sheegay in maamul goboleedyadaasi ay wadaan dano shisheeye isagoona tilmaamay in lagu doonayo in umada Soomaaliyeed lagu kala qeyb qeeybiyo isagoona tilmaamay in uusan u hergelin doonin qorshaha ay leeyihiin. "Waxaa layaab ah in Hal gobol Sedex maamul Goboleed sheeganeeyso, Hal magaalo xitaa Seddex nin ayaa sheeganeeysa, waxaasi waa qarow iyo dhalanteed ayaan leenahay , waxaana lagu doonayaa in Soomaaliya lagu kala qeyb qeybiyo , mana hergeli doono qorshaha ay leeyihiin" ayuu yiri Afhayeenka Al Shabaab. Dhanka kale Afhayeenka AL Shabaab ayaa ka hadlay shirkii maamul goboleedyo ay ku yeesheen magaalada Cadaado isagoona uga digay dadka degaanka in ay garab siiyaan dadka sheeganaya in ay maamul yihiin isagoona maamul goboleedydaii ku shiray Cadaado ku tilmaamay dhagar wadayaal. "shirka dhagarta ah ee lagu qabtay Cadaado waa mid aan waxba noqon doonin mida kale dadka meeshaas Cadaado ah degan kuma ogeeyn dadka cadowga ah in ay u kaalmeyeen oo auy garab siiyaan , waxaan leenahay hadii markii hore la idinku qalday, hada ayaan idin cadeeyneenaa waa dhagar diinta lagu dhibaateeynayo shirkaasi, dadka idinka dhashay ee dhibka idin soo wada hadaad gacmaha ka qaban weysaan qatar ayey galayaan"ayuu yiri Cali Dheere. Hadalkaan ka soo baxay Al Shabaab ayaa ku soo aadaya shir maamul goboleedyada qaar ay ku yeesheen magaalada Cadaado. Xafiiska Wararka Allpuntland Muqdisho.
  13. I dont understand what farole problem is. He has handled the media issue very badly by denying free press is admitting guilt automatically. He should just let them carry on with their nonsense and not address those medias as a response!!! Farole shouldn't be concerned about keydmedia its online website as if any puntland person would go online and read websites based overseas lol. The main media that most somalis are exposed to are bbc and voa which the vast majority of the population has access to followed by local radios of each of those regions. T.v even doesnt have major audience base in Somalia.
  14. If you mean mogadishu yes that was our capital city when it was a diverse peaceful city today how-ever morguedishu is not a capital city but a city of special interest groups
  15. I hope the somaliland folks learn that your battle is with mogadishu and dahir calasow
  16. Wariye ka tirsanaa TV-ga Horn Caple oo galabta lagu dilay Magaalada Muqdisho Updated:- 37 mins ago| 0 Commnets Nin ku labisnaa dareyska ciidamada dowlada FKMG Soomaaliya ayaa galabta si bareer u ugu toogtay degmada Xamar Jajab ee magaalada Muqdisho wariye C/salaan Sheekh Xasan (Xiis) oo ka tirsanaa TV-ga ku hadlo afka Soomaaliga ee Horn Caple. Marxuumka oo si weyn loogaga yaqaanay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa la sheegay in ninka dilay uu rasaas madaxa kaga dhiftay xilli uu gaari uu watay wariyaha ku baarkimayey dhismo u dhaw Hotel Madina ee degmada Xamar Jajab. Goobta lagu dilay waxa ay in yar u jirtaa xafiiska TV-ga Horn Caple ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana isaga oo dhaawac ah C/salaan Xiis laga qaaday goobta, hase yeeshee waxa uu dhintay daqiiqado kadib. Alla ha u naxariistee Xiis ayaa waxaa lagu wadaa in maalinta berito ah lagu aaso magaalada Muqdisho. Waa warihi ugu horeeyey ee sanadkaan sii dhamaanaya lagu dilo magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Soomaaliya. Horseed Media
  17. I know about somaliland and most of the stuff they try to pull on other doesnt simply work with me. I mean look at this garbage Less well known is the part played by the Somaliland coast guard, working on its annual government-paid budget of $200,000. The 600-strong coast guard in Somaliland, a breakaway republic in northern Somalia Each man is supposed to be paid $120 a month since the government doubled their wages in December, although the men in Bula Har say they only receive $50 Last year, the British government donated 14 pickup trucks, some spare parts and some radios, but little other assistance has been forthcoming. The radios sit in their boxes in Berbera, Somaliland's largest coast town. No one knows how to use them. But radios aren't the most urgent need . "We go on patrol every day if the wind is not too strong. We only have one engine and it is not very reliable," said Capt. Mubarak Mohamed Somaliland Navy. Operational Were supposed to buy that nonsense? 200k budget for 600 man force at $50 a month is 350k not 200k. How can you have 600 forces on one boat and 14 pick up trucks? Puntland with 5-6 large naval vessels and hundreds of speedboats and 120 technicals bulletproof with four f350s, 6 helicopters, a naval command centre and the latest technology and gadgets for troopers doesnt claim more then 1050. You see what I mean these guys are just live to lie because reality is to grim to accept Oh by the way we know how to use a radio Yet they say they can operate a tank goodness gracious
  18. Like I said this can be a devastating blow to somali unity. Puntland has every right to be mad about re-scheduling the conference because they upheld their side of the agreement, it is the government in mogadishu who has failed to uphold their side of the deal
  19. I persoanlly want to see a smaller budget in puntland because I know how corrupt officials are. Less taxes means more business and more business means more development because lets be honest when was the last time a wasarad built anything for anyone in Puntland? most of puntland projects are carried out by the community and business people and to smaller extent ngos. So it's pointless really having big budget when none of it seen at the ground level by the ministry conducting prrojects. So we should just pay taxes to keep the region secure for trade and investment because thats what built puntland lets not go of-course into a cycle of big budget nothing done at ground level ministries paying to keeps bums on seats when that money could be used digging wells!!!
  20. Carafaat, Somaliland and Puntland have very different fiscal policy. Somaliland is high-tax orientated especially in the import/export on livestock and traders of normal goods while Puntland is not. I think I was reading per goat somaliland marks up $7-9 dollar where-as Puntland marks up $3-4 dollars. Another huge difference to take into account is somaliland shilling reserve is the american dollar but it's market is mainly somalia. The mark up prices on goods are 5 times higher then other areas of Somalia. Thats why you see so many people saying they cannot afford anything because it doesnt reflect the local market conditions!!! Thats why burco is doing better in that sense!!! Somaliland 2010 budget was $40 million dollars as published by international donors and signed off by the somaliland govt Somaliland’s annual government budget is currently between 40 and 48 Million. Approximately 5 % goes to education, 3 % to health and 30 % to defence. Most of the revenue is created by the port of Berbera. I dont know where you pull out that it was $40 million 2006. Were talking last year!!!
  21. Somalia;765803 wrote: Yep thats his morning luga baxsi
  22. somalia sure there is corruption the finance minister just bought half million dollar hotel in bosaso
  23. I don't understand what somalilandpress beef is with puntland, can anyone care to explain? Whenever you read the garbage on there his always dissing puntland in some way or form yet you dont see him answer to waagacusub who is firmly beating the hell out of somaliland on an on-going basis!!!! War musiibo baan aragnay wat is wrong with these people!!! Puntland aint your enemy buddy why dont you go focus on waagacusub who on a constant basis beats the hell out of somaliland. Sure garoweonline/wardeer might say a few things here and there but thats maybe every 3 months if that even, yet waagacusub is constantly on a weekly basis pulverising somaliland yet not one somaliland website speaks about galmudug or dahir calasow!!! Am I missing something here can anyone care to fill me in?
  24. I hope puntland sticks to the low-tariff high investment free market policy. Hadee meeshu inay dhisanto weeye, we need to bring as many investors as possible and low taxes is the only the way if you change this sure the budget will increase ten-fold but shacabku horumar ma heelayan ogow!!! I believe illa ay puntland ka dhismayso in lagu waddo jidkan ka bacdi loo badelo high tariff low investment market so we can provide better public services to our people such as hospitals, schools, infrastructure and so forth!!! Wasaraado aan waxba gaban except four that i can think of we shouldnt bankroll them and their staff while our market dies and our population goes hungry!!!