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Everything posted by qatari_1979

  1. wow realy is nice 1 pretty women keep it up salam
  2. thanks nuna and lovely me thank you so much
  3. Because the woman i love lives inside of you. I lean as close to your body with my words as i can.And i think of you all the time dear pilgrim. Because the one i love goes with you wherever you go I will always be near. If you sat before me wayferer,with your aura bright from your many charms. My lips could resist rushing to you and needing to befriend with your blushed cheeks. But my eyes can no longer hide the woundrous fact of who you realy are. The beautiful one whom i adore has pitched his royal tent inside of you. So i will always lean my heart as close to your soul as i can.
  4. Once a young man came to see a wise old man, and ask him about women and relationship,the young man asked O wise man advise me on woman. The wise old man look at the young man and said; there is 3 type of woman in this world the first one is 100% yours the second one 50% yours and the third doesn't belong to you.The young man continued give me more advice oh wise old man.The wise old man replied the first woman is the vergen of your first love she belongs to you and she will make you feel complete.The second woman is widow without any children 50% of her love went to that man the othe half remaining is yours.The last one is woman who was previously married and have some children from that previous marriage 50% of her love went to that man and the remaining of her love went for the kids and she dont have eyes for you.The young man thanked the wise old man for the very importante counsel.
  5. I can see love can be very strong and delicious and no mentioning juicy.But this is our advice to any guy out there you can be in love with your girl you can have the best reliationship in the universe but DONT TRY TO THINK FOR ONE MOMENT THAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND YOUR GIRL.There is no man in this world that can understand a women 100% and there is no woman in this world that can understand man 100% we are different but we are made for each other...
  6. Tixda gabay Maxamedow beryahan waanigaan tirine In dhoweydba waataan ka tegey Ta iyo Wowgeede Ma tilmaamin maansooyinkaan teeb garayn jirayeXaluun baan tawalay goor dhaxay tahay allaylkiiye Kolkii uumiyuhu wada tarquday Tammani lay keenye Tuu alifka oo dhacay hurdada taw ka soo iriye Waxaan tebayo mooyee qalbigu taami noqon waaye Tusaalaha adduun iyo walaac la igu soo tuurye Tog yar iyo bannaan iyo anoo tuban ka baaqaaya Taalloolayaal iyo anoo taaggi siraw jooga Toomaha walwaaleed anoo torog ku maalaaya Anigoo tusmada reerkayaga talada goynaaya Taajkiyo garoomaha anoo laygu wada tiirshay Ayuun baa la ii tumay durbaan taarna ii yimiye Dabadeed tallaabo iyo orod taw ku soo idhiyeTammuunkii ku imi meel jinnoo aan tamadinayne Tawaahida waxaan lahaa fuluus tuulan baad heliye Tabtaan ku arkay iyo caynkan ay tahay ma moodeyneWaxa tuban kun tamar laawe aan tacabna eegayne Talaatiin gu qaar joogay baan toob u xaadirine Tanna xoogsi kama soo taraan taasna laga waaye Taf la jiido iyo bay hayaan tookha debedeede Teys ma laha taaloogga iyo timo la xiiraaye Aniguna tabtoodii haddaan yara tacliimeeyey Mar haddaanan teeb iyo waraaq teybal dhiganaynin Turjubaan afkiisii haddaanan ugu tiraabaynin Mar haddaanan faaltow tegiyo turugsi raacayninKol haddanan telifoonka iyo taarka qabanaynin Marse hadduu tabtaa yahay kuwii teedhi seben joogey Way tala xumaan Maxamadoow tanoo andhawrtaayeTacliin aabahay wuxu i baray tooyyo soo godole Tiska oodda iyo baan iqiin tirada xoolaaye Intii aan tuldaha baas wad wadey rag iga tooreeyeWaxba gabaygu yuu ila taffine waxaan ku taalleeyey Mugga waan tegaayaa haddaan taabo nooliga e Tabantaabo gacal baan rabaaye tolow ha lay dhoofsho. Maxamed Kaahin Feedhoole
  7. vince carter is cry baby even now he can't play and he is not that super star poul of bosten is good but he is to much even like iverson no to much pass to teammate so i think is the best player in NBA is tracy magredy of orlando magic peace
  8. Stay close, my heart, to the one who knows your ways; Come into the shade of the tree that allays has fresh flowers. Don't stroll idly through the bazaar of the perfume-markers: Stay in the shop of the sugar-seller. If you don't find true balance, anyone can deceive you; Anyone can trick out of a thing of straw, And make you take it for gold Don't squat with a bowl before every boiling pot; In each pot on the fire you find very different things. Not all sugarcanes have sugar, not all abysses a peak; Not all eyes possess vision, not every sea is full of pearls. O nightingale, with your voice of dark honey! Go on lamenting! Only your drunken ecstasy can pierce the rock's hard heart! Surrender yourself, and if you cannot be welcomes by the Friend, Know that you are rebelling inwardly like a thread That doesn't want to go through the needle's eye! The awakened heart is a lamp; protect it by the him of your robe! Hurry and get out of this wind, for the weather is bad. And when you've left this storm, you will come to a fountain; You'll find a Friend there who will always nourish your soul. And with your soul always green, you'll grow into a tall tree Flowering always with sweet light-fruit, whose growth is interior
  9. Sidii geel horwayno wax badan hawdka miranaayey Oo haro la soo joojiyo kuraygu heegaayo Oo hoobay loo qaaday iyo hadal walwaaleedka Kolkaad Hodan tidhaahdaanba waan soo hinqanayaaye Haday hawlyaraan idin latahay aniga way hooge Ayadoon xabaal lagu hamsiin waanaan ka hadhayne Hammada beenah marbaan is idha waad la hurudaaye Jin uun bay haddoodilay miday habar wadaageene Hareertayda madhan baan is idhi haadso gacanteedaKolki aan hubsaday meel cidla ah inaan ku hawshooday haabhaabadkii dambaan soo hambaabiraye U haylhaylay gogoshii sidii halablihii aare Siday iga haleeyeen maryihii hiifay oo tumaye U hagoogtay sidii geesi ay niman ka hiisheene U hiloobay sidii wiil la dhacay kadin ay haysteene U hiqleeyey sidii naag layidhi huray dalaaqdaaye Wax aanad haynin oo haabsataa habartii weeyaane Hoheey iyo hoheey maxaa hadimo lay gaystay salan
  10. somali music is rich by soongs abd by singers about me i love so much MOHAMED AHMED KULUC is the greats and ahmed gacayte zahra ahmed khadra dahir and cumar dhuule
  11. salam first of all we can't see a;aah now intel the day of [ qeyama] or judgementday so is their somthing call al ihsan means worship allah like u see him if u not see him he seeeing u allaah knows best salam alikom dhamanten
  12. ya salam nuna is realy nice one
  13. ok i have a topic here and i wanna see the soccer fans what they think WHO THE BEST SOCCER PLAYER EVER PLAY THE GAME ? MY SIDE I GO WITH SOQRATES [bRAZIL] PLAYED FROM 1977-1988
  14. loooooooooooooooooooooooool comeone boys vs girls what is this royal ramble kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  15. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk well im with that team if is ganna happend and i well sopported intil the end buttttttttt is ganna be somali girls dream team looool ok we need this team with out eating halwaa to let the wight of the team sports bodies way so viva if happen kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  16. well is good topic and insha alaah everythinks well be great for our country somaliland and im with ucid party so we well win 100% to silaanyo or whatever udub ganna bring i think is ganna be reyale kahin bring it on and thats is the sweet of somaliland bring it or leave it looooooool ucid for ever salam to my all somalilanders
  17. hi.i wanna say that anybody welcome to somaliland as long he respect the country cuz tredings happen beetwen somaliland and somalia of barbara but is 2 country by 2 people so hey welcome whatever in somaliand hargiesa or burco or ceerigaaboor borama anywhere salam
  18. salam. so what if the names is like that can u check the others parties in somalia .i belive in 1 of those parties call ucid so anywas i wanna say to mogadisho or somalia weyen lean somthing call parties and freedom to the people bye
  19. salam .al jazeera is the best network in the world cuz they belive on samthing call freedom speach[horeyat al tacbeer] and this natwork is not belong to the goverment of qatar so hey nice topic and all the way to the front al jazeera